One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 412: The Troublemaker Smoker

G88 branch.

Tiechui returned to his daily life again. The famous sword that had fought hundreds of battles had now become Tangka's sword.

Tangka, who took the sword, went out to sea directly.

Tiechui asked him where he was going, and he said:

"This sword makes me feel the infinite sword spirit. As a member of the fur tribe, I have always been stuck in the current realm and stagnated."

"But now I have touched a brand new world. I want to challenge all kinds of swordsmen and break through myself!"

"Especially the one named Mihawk. I heard that he has become the world's number one swordsman. I have to challenge him!"

Looking at Tangka boarding the ship and leaving, Tiechui shook his head helplessly.

Because the war had just ended, the G88 branch would not have any tasks in the short term.

Tiechui was also free for a rare time and concentrated on forging iron.

"Tiechui, the promotion of the Warring States general has been finalized."

"It will be scheduled for the beginning of next year."

Lance looked at the fax he had just received and immediately ran to report to Tiechui.

Iron Hammer, who was concentrating on forging iron, nodded after hearing this.

"Are you finally going to be promoted?"

"Hehe, very good, I've been waiting for so long."

"Old Sengoku, when you get promoted, I'll let you know that the marshal also has to look at the face of the logistics department!"

"Lance, pass the order down, except for regular patrols, no one should cause trouble."

"At this critical juncture, the G88 branch must not go wrong."

Lance smiled slightly. Of course, he understood the reason. He had already arranged it earlier.

"By the way, Iron Hammer, Shuzo just came and asked me to inform you that Teacher Zefa asked you to go over."

"Also, Judge said that he would send his son over tomorrow. What do you think?"

Iron Hammer was instantly overwhelmed. He just wanted to be at ease forging iron, why is there so much trouble.

"I'll go to the training camp in a while."

"What the hell is Judge? Why send his son over?"

Lance then threw out a photo, which was a yellow-haired kid.

Looking at the familiar curly eyebrows, Tiechui was slightly stunned.

Oh, isn't this the future Iron Leg King? The one who can break anyone's legs.

"This is Judge's fourth son. He said he really couldn't find a way to stimulate his growth. Instead of being annoying, he might as well send him to you as a trainee."

Tiechui nodded with Sanji's photo, a slightly evil smile on his lips.

"Okay, let him come. I'm quite curious about the bloodline factor created by Judge."

Then, Tiechui threw the photo into the stove and turned to walk out.



Training camp.

"Hmph! Smoker, take back your words, or I'm afraid I can't help but beat you to death!"

The white-haired Smoker looked disdainful, and in front of him was the furious Tina.

"You wish! No matter how powerful Vice Admiral Hammer is, he is no match for the three admiral backups!"

"I said, what's wrong!"

"Want to kill me? Come on! It's just domineering, I've thought of a way to deal with it!"

Zeff looked at the students who were already in a mess below, and he just watched without any intention of intervening, just asked Shuzo to call Hammer.

At present, these young navy men's pursuit of strength is completely divided into two factions.

Most people think that the three natural admiral candidates are the strongest, even Vice Admiral Hammer has to stand aside.

The representative of this group of people is Smoker.

The other group, although small in number, has an extremely firm attitude. With Tina as the head, they are all loyal supporters of Hammer.

The two groups of people have had a lot of friction in private, and finally today.

Because of Smoker's words: Vice Admiral Kuzan can beat Vice Admiral Hammer.

This mine was completely detonated.

If it is not handled well, this class of students will be difficult to lead.

"Dad, why did you call me here?"

"Huh? What are these bastards doing instead of training?"

"Huh? Why is Tina going berserk?"

After receiving the news from Xiu Zuo, Tiechui activated his ability to speed up and flew over. What did he see when he arrived at the training camp?

A large-scale fight between students? Wow, they are all so powerful.

Back then, they were so crazy but didn't dare to fight under Zefa's nose.

"Are you here?"

"Here's what happened..."

"Anyway, you are involved in it, so I called you here, and you go and solve it."

After listening to Zefa's narration, Tiechui was speechless.

Do these young people think that training is too boring and they are idle all day long?

Compare him with the three admirals? Is it necessary?

"Stop it!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier Tiechui roared directly.

The salted fish king's domineering aura instantly broke out, covering all the students in front of him.

The students who were arguing heatedly felt like they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their passion was instantly frozen.

Some were so exhausted that they collapsed on the ground with cold sweat on their faces.

"Tina, step back!"

Although Tiechui activated the Conqueror's Haki, he did not use much force, just to shock them.

But some students with stronger strength were not affected at all.

The most representative one was Tina.

Tina had followed Tiechui for so many years and was familiar with his Conqueror's Haki. In addition to years of training and rapidly improving strength, she could completely resist the general Conqueror's Haki.

Tiechui looked at Tina's hands that had begun to be wrapped in black, and immediately spoke out to stop her.

Tina instantly dispersed the domineering power of her hands after hearing the sound of the hammer, but she did not forget to glare at Smoker fiercely.

"I heard that you have nothing to do and started to discuss the three generals and me?"

"Does it make sense?"


The voice of the hammer was very low, and he exuded a breathtaking aura with a mask on.

"And who said Kuzan can beat me?"

"Oh, Smoker, it's you."

The hammer's eyes swept towards the white-haired boy beside him.

The invisible pressure directly enveloped Smoker.

At this moment, Smoker felt that he had completely lost control of his body, and he wanted to move but couldn't.

"I can't say whether Kuzan can beat me."

"But you, kid, I don't even need to do anything, I'll stand here and let you hit me, and you can't hit me."

"What qualifications do you have to comment on me or Kuzan?"

The hammer slowly walked in front of Smoker, and as he walked forward, the students around him consciously made way.

The three-meter-tall hammer stood in front of Smoker, who was only 1.7 meters tall. The terrifying pressure made Smoker's body tremble slightly.

"Boy, aren't you very arrogant?"

"Come on, I'll give you a chance, use all your abilities, as long as you can hit me once."

"I admit that Kuzan is stronger than me, and I won't mind you guys looking for trouble."

"How about it, kid?"



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