One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 294 The Golden Lion pulled the rudder!

"Old ghost, I've been waiting for you!"

The moment the golden slash hit the shield, a faint light shone on the shield.

Instantly, the shield shattered like a mirror, and the golden slash was like a stream of light, counterattacking the golden lion at lightning speed.

This is Shirley's masterpiece - the rebound shield (a one-time consumable!), which returns the enemy's attack in full at the cost of being broken.

Even the slash of the great swordsman can hardly escape the fate of being rebounded.

Iron Hammer had previously left most of his weapons in the G88 branch, but he was not stupid. How could he leave his life-saving things in the branch?

There are many life-saving magic weapons hidden in his ring, and this shield is one of them.

As a representative of the loyal faction, Iron Hammer cherishes his life very much.


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"Chopping wave!"

Golden Lion panicked and hastily swung out another slash to try to offset the rebounded attack.

However, he seriously underestimated the power of the rebound. Although he swung out a slash, what bounced back was no longer a slash, but a violent shock wave.


The explosive power of the shock wave directly shattered the Golden Lion's slash, and further hit the Golden Lion.

In an instant, the Golden Lion was covered in smoke and dust.

"Hahaha! Old bastard! Don't underestimate any ability user!"


Iron Hammer, who saw the conspiracy succeed, laughed very happily.

He himself had experienced Shirley's rebound shield, which was a 100% rebound attack.

It hurts to be hit by the rebound!

When the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, the Golden Lion appeared in Iron Hammer's sight with a dusty face.

At this time, his golden robe had become tattered, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was very ferocious.

"Asshole, kid, you pissed me off..."



The iron hammer was very unethical, and took advantage of the time when the golden lion was about to express his displeasure, and a shave came to the golden lion in an instant.

"You bastard..."

"Old bastard! Take my hammer!"

The huge Haotian hammer appeared in an instant like a mountain pressing down on the top of the head, with the force of thunder and lightning, and smashed directly towards the rudder above the golden lion's head.

The golden lion was shocked. At this moment, the rudder and his head were like the two ends of a scale, in a delicate balance. If there was a slight mistake, his life would be at stake.

What's more, the iron hammer came with great momentum, as if it was going to smash the rudder into his head with one hammer, wouldn't it kill him?

At the critical moment of life and death, the golden lion burst out with amazing power.

A strong Armament Haki surged from his body, covering his two swords and hands like a burning flame, as if he was going to fight a life-and-death battle with the Clear Sky Hammer.

Just before the Clear Sky Hammer fell, the two swords were placed in front of the hammer like a door god.


The airflow generated by the collision between the hammer and the two swords spread in all directions.

Seeing the opportunity in front of him, Tiechui certainly would not give up.

"Old bastard! Die!"

The salted fish king's Haki burst out instantly, and at the same time, the Armament Haki was fully launched, trying to bury the old bastard in front of him with one blow.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion also used all his strength.

"Asshole, you, a navy, actually have Conqueror Haki!"

"Get up!"

The Golden Lion, who was suddenly disturbed by the Conqueror Haki, was slightly stunned, but quickly reacted.

After all, he was also the owner of Conqueror Haki, so he was not affected by Conqueror Haki.

At the moment of life and death, he did not hold back, and the Floating Fruit and Armament Haki burst out.

Tiechui instantly felt a lift coming from the hammer, which was the effect of the Floating Fruit.

"Lion's power! Goshoji Scroll!"

In a hurry, Golden Lion still used his ability to condense a huge lion head to attack Tiechui from behind.


"Old bastard is really tenacious!"

Tiechui didn't want to feel the pain, and dodged immediately when the lion head arrived.

But his right hand made a very subtle downward movement.

Golden Lion's face was full of madness and he didn't notice Tiechui's action at all.

"Hahaha! Little ghost!"

"Want to kill me! Or... poof!"

Tiechui retreated, Golden Lion mocked arrogantly, but before he finished speaking, a sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came from above his head.

I saw the rudder was hit by an invisible hammer, and it pierced into Golden Lion's brain a few points.

Golden Lion instantly felt a sharp pain coming from his head.



The screams sounded instantly, and the Floating Fruit lost its effect for a while.

The lion head that had just condensed collapsed in an instant.

"Hehe, old ghost, experience the feeling of death!"

Tiechui had a sinister and cunning smile on his face, staring at the golden lion.

His previous series of attacks were all for this decisive blow.

In Tiechui's calculations, as long as he attacked the rudder, the golden lion would definitely die.

After all, the rudder was directly connected to the golden lion's brain. The fact was indeed as Tiechui expected. The golden lion was seen holding his head and screaming in pain, and the screams resounded through the sky.

However, the screams soon stopped, and Tiechui was stunned, thinking to himself: Did the Golden Lion die just like that? No way? In the next second, he saw an unbelievable scene.

"Hahaha! Twice, I was forced into a desperate situation by a little kid like you twice."

"It's ridiculous! Just a rudder! Just a rudder!"

"I'm... Golden Lion!!!"

As he said that, he showed his ferocity and grabbed the rudder on his head. With a puff, the rudder was pulled out of his head with rich blood.

This pull, the sky and the earth changed color!

Rumble! ! !

The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, the sound of muffled thunder continued to sound, and an extremely oppressive atmosphere filled the sky and the earth.

Tiechui swallowed dryly, and finally sweated on his forehead when he saw the Golden Lion laughing heroically after pulling out the rudder.

"Hey, what a joke, no way..."

He pulled out the rudder!

He actually pulled out the rudder?

Is this guy going to die?

Perhaps he heard the subtext of Tiechui's words.

The Golden Lion stopped laughing, looked at Tiechui coldly, and said something that made Tiechui feel that he was a hero for the first time.

"I am the Golden Lion! Even if I die! I will not let you, a little devil, bully me!"

"Come on! I must let you see what a real pirate is!"

At this moment, Tiechui could clearly feel that the vitality of the Golden Lion was greatly reduced, but at the same time, the lion-like momentum was rising rapidly.

The Golden Lion, who put aside life and death, completely exploded.

The domineering aura belonging to the king of the sea flashed red lightning!



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