One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 247 Kidney deficiency and weakness!

Hammer:? ? ?

When did I ever sink a pirate ship owned by the Beasts Pirates?

This matter also starts when they go to G1.

At that time, Mihawk was still on the Warhammer. On the voyage to the G1 branch, Mihawk chopped up a pirate ship in order to test the sword, which happened to be the pirate group under the command of the beasts.

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"Iron Hammer did sink a pirate ship with the symbol of the beasts before. Mihawk chopped it into pieces."

Lance walked to Iron Hammer and told what happened before.

Iron Hammer is so angry, why doesn't Mihawk, that damn guy, not apply a few more cuts? Kaido actually came to the door, damn it!

"Forget it, it's useless to worry about this now. People are knocking on my door. How can I not accept the offer?"


Thinking of this, Iron Hammer strode forward, walked to the shore and looked at the sky.

"You are a pirate! We are a navy, so beating you is not justified!"

"Didn't you come to the door now?"

Kaido laughed, and the huge dragon body hovered in the air.

"Asshole Marine! In that case, let's do it!"

"I heard that you are the most powerful among the rising stars in the Navy. I don't know who is stronger, you or that bastard Sakaski!"

As soon as he heard that he was about to take action, Iron Hammer quickly shouted:

"Kaido, let me tell you, look who is behind me!"

"Be careful, I'll knock you back to the Valley of Gods with my fist!"

Humph, damn old bastard Garp, do you want to do something? joke!

Sure enough, Iron Hammer's words instantly stopped Kaido who was about to take action, narrowed his eyes and looked behind him.

It doesn't matter at this glance, I was stunned after seeing Kaido.

Why is Garp here? ! !

As someone who participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Kaido is very aware of Garp's terror.

Although he also fought against Garp later, he was always beaten by Garp.

That guy's iron fist hurt people.

"Hahahaha! Hammer brat, you actually used me as a shield! I got you!"

"But I didn't promise your help! Kaido is looking for you, not me, so I don't care!"

Garp laughed loudly and made it clear that he would not help the hammer.

This makes Iron Hammer angry.

"Old bastard, the other party is a pirate, and you and I are navy! Why don't you help me?"

Garp picked his nose and said very calmly:

"You go and fight first. If you can't beat me, I'll help you."

Iron Hammer was stunned, and Kaido's eyes lit up.

"Uh-huh, Hammer, it seems your backup doesn't care about you!"

"Come on, let me experience the strength of the new navy star!"

With that said, Kaido transformed into a human form, took a huge mace in his hand and rushed down from the sky.

This mace has a powerful idea. It's called Hachijie and it's Kaido's handy weapon.

"Thunder gossip!"

Kaido's move is his ultimate move.

Faced with the attack of Future Education Wang Lufei, Iron Hammer did not dare to neglect at all.

"Tch, I don't want to be a king, so you don't have to give me a warning as a king!"

"Absolute space!"

The battle is about to begin, and Iron Hammer will certainly not be timid.

The Hammer Fruit is activated, and the absolute space instantly creates a vacuum area around the hammer.


Ba Zhaijie hit the hammer head directly with unparalleled destructive power, but with the protection of absolute space, the blow did not touch the hammer body at all.

The powerful blow caused a huge cloud of smoke.

"Huh? What is your ability? Why do I feel like my attack is blocked."

At this time, Kaido was still very young and very curious.

But Hammer wouldn't pay attention to him.

"Kaido, this is not the right place for us to fight!"

“Let’s fight on the sea!”

As he spoke, he threw the Ice Green Sword, which had not been seen for a long time, toward the sea with a hammer, then charged up his right fist and set up his horse stance.

The terrifying hammer blow instantly compressed the right fist.

This scene made Kaido's eyes widen instantly.

"This is the ability of that old bastard Whitebeard, it's impossible!"

In response to Kaido's exclamation, Iron Hammer directly replied: "Humph, you are an ignorant pirate!"

"Vibrating hammer!"

The right fist was hammered out, and the terrifying shock force directly hit Kaido's chest.

Kaido, who was more than six meters tall, was directly blown away by this blow and flew towards the sea.

At this time, the sea surface had condensed into an ice field due to the falling of the Ice Green Sword.

Kaido's body hit the ice heavily.

"Huh? Where did the ice field come from?"

"Is there still time to look around? It's not over yet! Arrancar Hammer, ten shots in a row!"

While Kaido was stunned, the hammer was already in place again.

He hammered Kaido ten times in a condescending manner.

Ten Arrancar hammers covered with armed domineering energy hit Kaido's head.

"Humph! You underestimate me!"

After all, Kaido is also a hero with extraordinary combat power.

Facing the incoming attack, he immediately raised Bazaijie and resisted the hammer's attack with the same armored haki.

“Is your Hazhai made of metal??”

Suddenly a strange light flashed in Tie Zhui's eyes, and he asked something that had nothing to do with fighting.

Kaido was also stunned, but still replied: "Of course, and it is super hard metal."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Suddenly, the hammer stopped attacking and started laughing to himself.

His face was full of teasing.

Lance, Shirley, Tina and the soldiers of the Warhammer on the shore felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads after hearing the hammer's laughter.

Lance twitched his mouth and said to Shirley beside him:

"I feel Kaido is going to be unlucky, what do you think..."

Shirley didn't say anything, but nodded heavily.

The hammer suddenly moved, and this time, he didn't burst out any momentum.

It's just that the speed is faster and the body is more agile.

Seeing this, Kaido quickly unfolded his observation Haki to prevent the hammer from attacking.

Suddenly, the hammer flashed in front of Kaido and landed a heavy punch on the Eight-Faced Guardian.


Kaido immediately felt a huge shock coming from his hand.

Why didn't he hit me? Instead, he hit my weapon?

In doubt, the hammer punched several more times in a row, all of which fell on the Eight-Faced Guardian.

This really confused Kaido.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!"


Kaido swung the Eight-Saiki to knock the hammer away, and then followed with a long-range attack.

The Eight-Saiki burst out a terrifying airflow and blasted towards the hammer.


The hammer didn't dare to take it head-on, and a shave dodged it, and then the whole person rushed towards Kaido, oh no, the Eight-Saiki again.

"I don't believe it!"

"I hammer!"

In a few breaths, the hammer hit the Eight-Saiki dozens of times in a row.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and the familiar voice appeared.

[Ding! Self-imparting completed! ]

[The target is detected as the meteorite metal Eight-Saiki. ]

[Impart the strength to tie a chicken! ]

[Because of its special material, it is specially upgraded to: kidney deficiency and weakness! ]



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