One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 152 It’s over! Tie Renren can't refuse it at all!

"Scarlet, what nonsense are you talking about!"

King Liku, who had just arrived, heard his daughter talking nonsense before he entered the door, and his beard stood up in anger.

But Scarlet paid no attention to this. The girl's eyes were full of hammers.

If Scarlett had admiration for Hammer before, it would be curiosity.

Now it is full of ambition.

These are all given by Western swords. The little princess recognized the hammer in an instant.

The most frightening thing is that in the face of the little princess's words, Iron Hammer could not even think of rejecting her.

This is also the ability given by Western swords. The lethality does not simply refer to attack or damage.

Every word and action is lethal.

Iron Hammer now wanted to cry to death, so he struck a sword, how could he get himself in? ?

What kind of attributes are these? Why is it that a grown man like him has absolutely no resistance to a little girl? ?

"What I said is true! Master Hammer will definitely become my husband! The future prince of Dressrosa!"

The little cute face was full of determination.

King Riku, who wanted to criticize, stopped his voice.

He felt an invisible pressure emanating from Scarlett.

Waves of pressure began to spread, centered on Scarlett.

That is the breath of the king!

Iron Hammer couldn't help but widen his eyes and exclaimed:

"Overlord and domineering..."

King Riku's eyes widened in an instant, looking at his daughter in disbelief.

Overlord color and domineering? The courage to become a king?

how come!

Iron Hammer suddenly remembered an attribute of the Western sword, commanding power MAX...

Does commanding power refer to the courage of the king...

Damn, are you so awesome? This sword? But why are there two such unreliable attributes?

"No, His Majesty King Riku, I think I should go back to the Navy. The Navy Headquarters cannot do without me!"

Hammer resisted himself from looking at Scarlet.

King Riku has not yet recovered from his surprise.

"No! Hammer, you can't leave, you promised to stay in Dressrosa!"

Scarlet was so anxious now that she didn't even call Master, but called Hammer directly. She had already identified the hammer. Although it was probably due to the Western sword, it had become a fact.

"Farewell! King Riku!"

The hammer was about to break through the defense, and with both feet strong, the man jumped into the air like a rocket.

Stepping on the moon steps into the sky, relying on the cool air to wake yourself up.

"Polo Polo..."

"Hey! Lance! Yes, it's me, I'm not dead!"

"Stop talking, come pick me up at Greenbit! What? Ouch, don't worry about it, come pick me up!!!"

The hammer flying in the sky rushed towards Greenbit, and he did not dare to stay here for a moment.

He was terrified, especially when facing Scarlet. The thought of obeying from the bottom of his heart made Iron Hammer feel that he must be broken.

Well, it must be broken!

It was all Whitebeard's and Morgens' fault, if the former hadn't injured him, the latter had driven him crazy.

How could he possibly pull off that kind of long sword?

So this credit belongs to Whitebeard and Morgans!

They both must look good! ! !

White beard:? ? ? Just throw this big pot into my hands?

Morgans: Yes, if you have the guts, come to me. Find me first!



In the sea outside Greenbit, the Warhammer has just entered this sea area.

The hammer flying in the air flew towards the Warhammer.

After not being seen for more than ten days, the Warhammer was in a mess, with cracks, bullet holes, and signs of slashing everywhere.

"I'm Cio! Lance, what did you do to my ship? Why did the Warhammer become like this???"

The moment he saw the Warhammer, Iron Hammer felt like he couldn't breathe.

Too bad, his Warhammer was too miserable.

"'re alive...that's great!"

Instead of responding to Tie Hammer's words, he hugged Tie Hammer in a bear hug.

Tie Zhui swallowed back what he wanted to say in an instant.

He found that all the soldiers were looking at him with red eyes.

Shirley even cried loudly.

"Oh, what's wrong? I, your commander, am very lucky."

"You won't die so easily. Hahaha."

Not to mention, the soldiers could no longer hold their nerves at the mention of the hammer.

They swarmed up and surrounded the hammer.

"The Lieutenant General is still alive! Hahahaha!"

"I said Lieutenant General Hammer will not die so easily! Who, who told me that Lieutenant General is dead? Come out and I promise not to beat you to death!"

"Hahaha! Celebrate, you must celebrate!"

Feeling everyone's excitement, Tie Hui also choked up a little.

"Hahaha! Where is the chef? Get all the ingredients out! We are having a banquet!"

"Banquet! To the banquet!"


Amidst the laughter, Warhammer directly started a banquet to celebrate the fact that Hammer was not dead.

Iron Hammer drank heavily while listening to Lance and Shirley reporting to him their actions during this period.

"So, you have been looking for traces of me in the new world, and you have given thunder to pirates when you encounter them, right?"

Lance nodded.

There are a lot of pirates in the new world. At the beginning, the Warhammer was able to destroy them remotely with high-intensity fire suppression.

But the ammunition will eventually be exhausted. Without fire suppression, the soldiers on the Warhammer did not retreat at all.

With the leadership of Lance and Shirley, especially the ability of Shirley's shield fruit, they fought their way through the new world.

Even the big pirate with hundreds of millions has encountered it, but with Brother Monkey here, the other party can't take advantage at all.

But later, Monkey had to go back because of Punk Hassad's orders, and they sailed in the new world alone.

Most of the Warhammer's injuries began to appear at that time.

"Thank you for your hard work, and Brother Monkey. I will thank him alone when I get back."

"Hey, Mr. Tie is not having a good time either. Whitebeard's sea earthquake hit me directly as far as Dressrosa. Fortunately, King Riku came to the rescue, otherwise my brother would really have died."

Tie Shui took another sip of wine and couldn't help but think of the pink-haired lolita in his mind.

He shook his head quickly.

"When everyone wakes up, let's return home. The old man from the Warring States Period can do it this time. I'm impressed, hahaha."

"And Teacher Zefa, it seems that the gauntlet really suits him."

Iron Hammer was very moved by the actions of these elders.

As the only general in the headquarters, Sengoku would find it extremely difficult to leave Marinefando.

Not to mention leaving for revenge.

Not to mention Teacher Zefa, even though he has retired, he can still rush to the front line.

Tsk tsk tsk, his merits are immeasurable!



At the same time, Dressrosa, the royal palace.

"Scarlet, what are you doing? Put down the sword!"

King Liku looked helpless as he looked at his daughter who was practicing swordplay in the garden, and the princess behind him was also very speechless.

"No! I want to practice swordsmanship! When I am 15 years old, I will become the queen of Dressrosa and go directly to the Navy Headquarters to ask for someone!!"

"Iron Hammer will definitely become the prince of Dressrosa! My husband!"


The overlord's domineering energy burst out again, and his breath was full of determination!

And the power is much stronger.

The strength of Overlord Color is all based on courage, and Scarlett, who was only six years old at this time, showed great courage.

All because of the hammer!



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