"Everyone, listen up! Turn the ship around and attack the Deep Sea Prison!"

Rocks gave the order directly without any hesitation.


As expected, after hearing the news, everyone on the ship, except for Lorne, was dumbfounded. Their eyes almost popped out and their tongues stuck out!

Didn't they agree to return to Wano Country? Why did they suddenly make a 180-degree turn and attack the Deep Sea Prison again?

Even Newgate was confused and had no idea what was going on.

"What's going on? Why are we suddenly attacking the Deep Sea Prison?"

"What happened? Are you not going back to Wano Country?"

"As expected of the Rocks Pirates! What a bunch of lunatics!"

Except for the King of the Amazon Lily Kingdom who has already returned, the three newly joined captains Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John were also confused!

I didn't expect the Rocks Pirates to act so crazy!

They just hijacked Tenshokin, and now they are going to raid the Deep Sea Prison!

The pace is so fast that it's almost impossible to stop.

It seems that the pirate group before was really playing the game of pirate house, and compared with the madness of the Rocks Pirates, it is not worth mentioning at all.

But why am I looking forward to this very crazy style of behavior?

Could it be that I am a perverted masochist deep down in my heart?

Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe had deep doubts about themselves for a while.

""Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, what's going on? Why are you suddenly going to attack the Deep Sea Prison?"

Newgate also came over with a puzzled look on his face and asked

"Don't you think it's interesting? Newgate, the navy can't act now anyway, so why not take this opportunity to make the world government bleed more?"

Lorn had an evil smile on his face.

"Gulala, I get it, let's do it!"

Upon hearing this, Newgate also laughed!

We must take advantage of the time when the navy can't act to do more things. It just so happened that I had just obtained the supreme sword Kusugawa Kirei, and I haven't had time to test the sword yet.

I'll practice on the people in the Deep Sea Prison first.

Crash, crash!

The giant ship began to turn 180 degrees, changed direction, and began to move towards the Deep Sea Prison!.........

At the same time, in the Deep Sea Prison.

On the top floor of the Deep Sea Prison, in the director's office.

There are dozens of surveillance images hanging on the wall, covering all corners of the 1st to 6th floors of the Deep Sea Prison.

If there is any movement in any corner, the prison director can find it immediately.

In this era, the man who was the director of the Deep Sea Prison at that time was about 4 meters tall, wearing the uniform of the director of the Deep Sea Prison, and his momentum was amazing.

He is a standard emperor-level strongman!

After all, the Deep Sea Prison is known as the fortress of hell, which contains many top villains on the sea.

If there is no emperor-level strongman, how could it be called the fortress of hell?

You must know that in the history of the Deep Sea Prison for so many years, there has never been an incident of prison escape.

This is enough to prove that this place deserves the title of [Iron Wall].

The director of the Deep Sea Prison at this time is a man named Jade.

His huge palm dragged a small telephone bug, and his expression was very respectful.

Obviously, Jade was talking to someone in a high position.

"Should the death penalty be executed immediately for Shi Ji, who has just been arrested and imprisoned?"

"Is this trial not in accordance with procedures?"

After hearing the order from the Den Den Mushi, Jade's body trembled slightly, and there was obvious confusion in his tone.

Generally, prisoners who were escorted to the Deep Sea Prison had to go through a strict trial procedure before they were executed.

The entire trial process would take at least three months. It was the first time that a prisoner like Shiki was sent in the day before yesterday and was to be executed immediately today.

"Now is not the time to worry about procedures, Jed."

"Today, the world government has suffered heavy losses. The Rocks Pirates have robbed the Heavenly Gold of the [Land of Steel], which is worth tens of billions of Baileys!"

"The Roger Pirates and other pirate groups also robbed Tenjo Gold!"

"There are 170 member countries of the World Government, but this time the World Government only received the Heavenly Gold from less than 100 countries. The loss is too heavy."

The voice on the other end of the Den Den Mushi was clearly suppressing his anger.

"You know, Shiki's ability is the Floating Fruit, which makes him very maneuverable."

"This is very important for the navy, which currently lacks the ability to act."

"We must seize his ability as soon as possible so that we can further maintain the balance of the world and prevent the losses from continuing to expand. Do you understand?"

"I command you with the authority of the commander-in-chief of the entire army to fully cooperate with the CP who has come, kill Shiki immediately, and seize his ability."

The voice on the other end of the Den Den Mushi became obviously majestic, and it was said in a commanding tone.

Shiki's ability is now coveted by even the World Government.

Apart from anything else, the mobility of his Float-Float Fruit alone is very precious to the current navy.

And the Float-Float Fruit can also cooperate well with the CP to monitor the actions of the Rocks Pirates in the sky.

You know, the World Government has completely lost control of the actions of the Rocks Pirates.

Any surveillance warships will be sunk by the Rocks Pirates at the first opportunity.

Such a huge destabilizing factor is not under surveillance, which makes the World Government feel very uneasy.

Who knows if this group of villains will suddenly appear somewhere in the world and set off terrorist actions!

Therefore, it is necessary to seize the Float-Float Fruit as soon as possible!

"I...I understand."

Hearing this, Jade nodded, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

The Rocks Pirates have been so popular recently!

They killed Admiral Lei Long, defeated the Navy, and seized Tenjo Gold!

Now the whole ocean regards the Rocks Pirates as the new overlord of the sea!

If the world government and the navy can't figure out a way to deal with it, I'm afraid the whole world will be in chaos!

People all over the world will live in fear all day long!

Thinking of this, Director Jade hung up the phone, stood up, and left the room.

Soon....Director Jed led the deputy director and the chief warden to the LV6 where Shiqi was imprisoned!

"Hello, is there another person coming?"

"What’s going on? Director Jed, the deputy director, and the warden are all here?"

"Is someone going to be executed again?"

The three highest controllers of the Deep Sea Prison appeared at the same time, and even the Level 6 criminals were nervous.

After all, the simultaneous appearance of these three people meant that another prisoner would die!

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