At this moment, in the sea area of Wano Country, the Admiral of the Navy, Hakuba, and Admiral Candidate Kinja, all looked at the lightning shadow in the sky with horror on their faces!

Is that guy Lorne planning to make a long-distance attack on the Navy Headquarters, Marinford?

"Marshal, what should we do next?"

At this moment, Admiral Hakuba and Admiral candidate Golden Snake looked at the Admiral.

Lorne's sudden decision completely put the Navy into a passive position.

The reason is very simple. At this time, the protection force of Marinford is very empty. Once a big pirate like Lorne invades Marinford, it is impossible to stop it with the remaining force of Marinford!

If he is not stopped, Marinford will be destroyed!

That is the center of the world, the headquarters of the Navy!

If it is destroyed by a pirate, the Navy will become a laughing stock of the world in the future. What face will it have in the future?

But now the Rocks Pirates are an enemy that must be eliminated!

Especially This time, the Navy has dispatched so many troops, even the Navy Admiral has personally come out.

The whole world is watching the direction of this war!

It can be said that this war determines the fate of the world in the future!

If the Navy retreats like this, the Five Elders and the World Government will not be able to explain it at all, and the reputation of the Rocks Pirates will also soar!

It can be said that it is difficult to advance or retreat now!

In this dilemma, Hakuba, the admiral of the Navy, and Golden Snake, the admiral candidate, are completely unqualified to decide the direction of the Navy in the future.

Only the Navy's highest commander, the Navy Admiral, is qualified to make such a decision!

""Damn pirates! Damn you!"

The Navy Admiral stared at Loen. At this time, Admiral Black Hawk was already trying hard to catch up with Loen, but it was impossible to catch up with him.

Loen was a user of the Thunder Fruit, and his speed was comparable to lightning!

The only ones who could catch up with Loen were probably other natural fruit users or mythical beast users.

The Navy Admiral also knew very well that whether it was retreating or continuing the attack, the Navy would pay a huge price!

"Guys, charge!"

"Don't leave any chance for these navy!"

Just when the Navy Marshal hesitated, Rocks and Newgate, who had freed their hands, attacked again and launched a fierce attack on the navy!

During this period of hesitation, many navy members died at the hands of the Rocks Pirates.


The Admiral knew that he could not hesitate any longer....But during war!

One more second of hesitation would bring extremely serious consequences!

"Let's retreat! If there is any punishment from above, I will be fully responsible!"

Soon, the Admiral of the Navy made a prompt decision, that is, to retreat and protect the Navy Headquarters, Marinford!

The Admiral of the Navy still understood the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils.

If we continue the war here now, we may not be able to take down the Rocks Pirates in a short time.

If Loen really succeeds in a sneak attack by then, it may not be possible to destroy the Rocks Pirates, and we will have to destroy the Navy Headquarters.

In that case, the Navy will be despised by the world government and people all over the world.

In this case, of course, the most conservative option is to protect the Navy Headquarters.

As long as all members retreat quickly, they will definitely be able to defend the Navy Headquarters.

On the one hand, staying to continue the war may not necessarily completely wipe out the Rocks Pirates.

On the other hand, as long as we retreat now, we will definitely be able to protect Marinford.

Even a fool knows how to choose


The Admiral gave an order, and the voice resounded throughout the battlefield!

"this...Are we going to retreat now?"

"We have just gained the upper hand. If we continue to fight, victory will definitely belong to us!"

Karp punched a fishman warrior, causing him to spit blood. His eyes turned white. He looked around the battlefield and was very puzzled when he heard the order to retreat.

"That guy Loen used the power of the Thunder Fruit to launch a sneak attack on the Navy Headquarters!"

"If you don't go back, the Navy Headquarters will be gone!"

Sengoku, who had transformed into a golden Buddha, grabbed Garp by the collar, then quickly returned to a warship, canceled the fruit ability, and then pointed at the lightning in the sky and said to Garp

"I didn't expect that with so many troops deployed, they still couldn't successfully wipe out the Rocks Pirates. What a pity!"

"Zephyr is right. The World Government will definitely be dissatisfied with the Navy for not being able to wipe out the Rocks Pirates this time."

On the other side, Zephyr and Crane also returned to the warship at the same time and couldn't help but sigh.

This operation failed to wipe out the Rocks Pirates, but chose to retreat directly, which almost declared the failure of the Navy's operation!

Both the World Government and the people of the world will have doubts about the Navy. It can be foreseen that this will have a great impact on the Navy!

However, if the Navy Headquarters is gone, the impact will be even greater!

It can only be said that the Navy Admiral made the least bad choice at this time.

This time, the Navy can be said to have been completely defeated by Loen!

Who would have thought that this guy actually planned to directly attack the Navy Headquarters over a long distance, forcing the Navy to retreat!

It can be foreseen that the Rocks Pirates failed to completely eliminate the Rocks Pirates this time. The reputation of the Rocks Pirates in the world will rise again, and it may expand into a super-large terrorist organization that will cause headaches for the World Government in the future!

"Captain Rocks, the navy is retreating, should we chase them?"

Watching the navy retreating continuously, Neptune came to ask Rocks.

Hearing this, Rocks glanced at the fishmen below. Without the resistance of the middle-level cadres, the fishmen used their numerical advantage to resist the attack of the 16 elite lieutenant generals and many major generals of the Navy Headquarters.

But now they have suffered heavy losses.

"Retreat...."Rocks thought for a while and decided not to chase.

The fishmen were full of wounded soldiers, and now they had to recuperate and not increase the casualties.

However, Newgate activated the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and a tsunami roared away, causing a lot of trouble for the navy.

""Gulala! Go back home, you bastards of the navy!"

Newgate looked at his masterpiece with pride and laughed.

At the same time, Rocks also dialed the Den Den Mushi, which was a white anti-eavesdropping Den Den Mushi that was exclusively used to contact Lorne.

"Brother...The navy has retreated...You should come back soon, too. The Admiral, Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake have all gone back."

As soon as the Den Den Mushi was connected, Rocks' worried voice came out.

In fact, Loen made this decision completely on impulse, and even Rocks didn't know.

"Have you retreated? It seems that the goal has been achieved."

At this moment, Lorne was still flying in the air at a very fast speed, holding the Den Den Mushi in one hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that his action worked.

"But brother, since the navy dared to launch such a large-scale attack on us this time, next time...They will surely come back"

"What do you mean?" Locke heard that there was something behind Loen's words.

"Of course, we have to let them know that there is a price to pay for going all out!"

Lorne's tone was very firm!

If we don't let the navy pay a heavy price, then wouldn't our raid be in vain?

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