"how come?!"

"My ability...Why can’t I use it anymore?

Lei Long was very surprised, his pupils suddenly widened!

It seemed as if the power of his Thunder Fruit had been drained away, and he couldn’t use it at all!

"Is your ability to invalidate the fruit ability?"

Lei Long looked at the strange dark power on Rocks' right fist and guessed it.


Rocks did not answer, but backhanded a fist wrapped in domineering color domineering, and hit Lei Long's neck fiercely.


Lei Long was knocked out and stopped after crashing into several buildings.

"Damn ~ My neck seems to be broken."

Standing up again, Lei Long stroked his neck and couldn't help thinking that it was not good. As soon as he finished speaking, Rocks came to Lei Long's side as if he had teleported.

Papapapa, papapapa~

Continuous hitting, Lei Long is not a vegetarian.

As an admiral of the navy, the highest combat power of the navy headquarters.

In addition to the ability of the fruit, he must also have bottomless physical strength and powerful two-color domineering!

Even physical skills cannot lag behind, and must reach the first-class level.

For a while, Lei Long actually took all of Rocks's violent punches in succession.

Boom boom boom!

The two sides began a contest of domineering and physical skills!

Without the bonus of the fruit ability, Lei Long is no match for Rocks in pure physical skills?

What's more, Lei Long only has one hand left at this moment.

After only more than ten minutes, Lei Long was beaten with blood all over his face and many ribs were broken!

"It seems that your ability is just like seastone. Once touched, it can suppress the abilities of other devil fruit users!"

"But your ability is not perfect, and it also has great side effects!"

"Although you can invalidate my ability, you must touch me."

The two of them have already opened up a distance of dozens of meters.

Panting, blood all over his face, and many ribs were broken.

Lei Long, who was struggling to stand, actually roughly figured out Rocks' ability in the previous battle!

After all, he has been an admiral of the navy for so many years and has dealt with many big pirates.

He still has some combat intelligence and experience.

"Haha, so what?"

"Now you are already at the end of your strength."

"I've said before, you must die today, and I must get the Thunder Fruit!"

Rocks looked at the Thunder Dragon with a playful look. His Observation Haki had already sensed that the Thunder Dragon's physical strength was beginning to run out, and its vitality was also declining.....I will kill him and take his fruit.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Rocks, do you think you can do it?"

Lei Long laughed up to the sky and continued,"I have already figured out your ability!"

"There is still a huge flaw in your ability"

"Even if your darkness can absorb my lightning, my lightning has not actually disappeared and will still cause harm to you!"

"You can't avoid physical damage like other natural fruit ability users!"

After saying this, Lei Long seemed to have made up his mind, and his face suddenly became solemn.

"I thought carefully about your resume."

"From going out to sea to defeat the Hungry Wolf Pirates, to actively attacking the World Government's affiliated countries"

"Now they have won over Fishman Island and killed the Celestial Dragons, bringing shame to the world government!"

"I have to say, Rocks...Even though your pirate group is not large enough now, its potential is astonishingly terrifying!"

"After only a few months at sea, he has grown to this point."

"If I continue to leave you alone like before,"

"In time...You will surely bring unimaginable disasters to the world government, the Celestial Dragons, and the navy!"

"so...Even if I have to sacrifice my life today, I will take you with me to be buried with me!"

Zila la la~ Zila la la~

After Lei Long finished speaking, the lightning around him was like a prisoner dragon escaping from prison, flashing wildly and attacking from all sides.

The lightning was so bright that it was even blinding!

""Fruit awakening·Thunder welcome!"

After a roar.

Rumble, rumble~

The next moment, the ground, buildings, streets, palaces, forests, etc. of Fishman Island.

Almost all the landforms of Fishman Island turned into rolling thunder and lightning!

It was as if they were on a strange planet in outer space.

Everything, all matter within sight had turned into jumping thunder and lightning!

The entire Fishman Island seemed to have turned into a wanton ocean of thunder and lightning.

The sound of thunder almost broke people's eardrums.

The roaring thunder and lightning continued to bubble up from the"sea surface" one after another, surging like magma, which was terrifying!

"Changed the entire landscape of Fishman Island?"

"This is...Are you awake?"

"Is this the strength of the admiral of the navy?"

Seeing this scene, Neptune was petrified and froze on the spot!

Even though the Thunder Dragon in front of him was so weak...It can even burst out with enough power to destroy the entire Fishman Island!

"Oh my god, you guys, look, that's...What the hell is that?....??"

"What a spectacular scene...."

"incredible...It's unbelievable"

""Is Mr. Lei Long ready to completely destroy Fishman Island?"

At the same time, the navy outside Fishman Island also widened their eyes and murmured in disbelief.

Wherever they looked, the beautiful Fishman Island, everything turned into lightning!

There is no doubt that this is the awakening power of General Lei Long!

Not only that, above Fishman Island, a huge thunder ball condensed by terrifying lightning suddenly appeared!

The size of this thunder ball alone is as big as the entire Fishman Island! This thunder ball is slowly descending, and once it falls, it will destroy the entire Fishman Island!

"Does General Lei Long want to die? At the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters deep, if Fishman Island is destroyed, he will also be affected!"

"hateful...What on earth is going on?"

Some navy officers covered their heads in pain, not knowing what exactly happened inside Fishman Island.

"Mr. Lei Long...Is it really necessary to do this?"

Lieutenant General Clay, who had followed Lei Long for a long time, also had his pupils dilated and muttered to himself.

It was the first time he saw Lei Long being forced into this state.

It was foreseeable that once this thunder ball fell, the entire Fishman Island would be razed to the ground.

In this ten thousand meter deep sea, without the foothold of Fishman Island, even General Lei Long would die without a burial place!

"Rocks Pirates...Has it reached the point where General Lei Long must sacrifice his life to destroy it?"

Zhan Guo and He, two geniuses of strategy, also saw the clues and said in shock.

General Lei Long, what is he doing?...This means they are going to die together with the Rocks Pirates!

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