Soon, some of the people who jumped into the sea began to lose strength and their breathing became rapid.

Many people even fell headfirst and showed no signs of floating up.

Seeing this, many people on the shore took a deep breath.

Fortunately, they did not jump in a panic, otherwise they would have died.

At this time, Rocks and Lorne also took action.

"Almost thought I was dead."

"I've lost consciousness!"

"yes...Yes! It's too... too dangerous."

Soon Rocks and Lorne pulled up all the exhausted people and threw them on the raft.

"Well done, guys."

"At least you have shown the courage and ambition to risk your life."

Lorne praised the young people.

"Yes, you are true warriors!"

"I declare that you have successfully passed the test and officially become members of the Rocks Pirates!"

Rocks also praised these courageous young men.

When a pirate, in addition to talent, it is also important to have the awareness and ambition to risk one's life.

To a certain extent, ambition is even more important than talent.

Trafalgar Law, who can say"I have a plan to bring down the Four Emperors", although he does not have the natural qualifications of"King" like Doflamingo.

But Law will not sweat profusely when he hears the name of the Four Emperors Kaido.

Law will not be satisfied with stopping at the"Seven Warlords of the Sea", but will forge ahead, continue to grow and improve.

On the contrary, Doflamingo thinks he is the smartest"Seven Warlords of the Sea".

With the identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the navy will not take action against him, and the World Government will not take action against him as it regards him as a black glove. Become a middleman in the underground world, get on the line of the Four Emperors, and become one of the Four Emperors Important trading partners, the Four Emperors will not take action against him.

Yes, it is so comfortable and easy.

Indulging in the [comfortable nest] in front of you and not making progress.

Maintaining good relations with several major forces, you can still make a lot of money, what a wonderful life!! ?

After all, I am a descendant of the noble Celestial Dragons, do I need to fight like those untouchables?

This also determines that Law's upper limit is much higher than that of Doflamingo, the [clown]!

These warriors who are ready to lose their lives at any time may not be strong now.

But with this precious ambition, they will grow rapidly in the future and become a reliable force!

The most important thing is that these people's almost worshipful mentality towards Rocksloan makes it almost impossible for them to backstab!

These people have laid the foundation for the prototype of the Rocks team!

"WOW! What an honor!"

"You can follow Lord Rocks and Lorne!"

""That's great!"

Those who were rescued cheered and were very excited.

They were very happy to be able to follow their idol.

"hateful....Is that so?"

"Is this the test?"

"Then I will follow Rocks, Lord Loen!"

Seeing those people being rescued by Rocks and Loen, the others on the shore could not hold back and jumped into the sea.

After all, if they could not hold on any longer, Rocks and Loen would take action.

But how could Rocks and Loen care about these cowardly people?

Some opportunities only come once in a lifetime. Once lost, there will be no more opportunities.

Ignore those cowards and set sail on the raft.

"Brother, have you thought about it? What is our next goal?"

After setting off, Lorne looked at Rocks and asked.

The pirate world is really too vast, and the sea here is more than ten times wider than the world before Lorne crossed over!

It is not easy for pirates to meet each other.

Especially the number of pirates now is much worse than the great pirate era decades later.

In the original work, Whitebeard, Roger and others often met only once in more than ten years, which is enough to show the vastness of this sea.

Now the Rocks Pirates have more than a dozen people.

In terms of supplies and money, they are poor.

And there are ships. Ships are the soul of a pirate group, and this raft is too small.

With so many people, the raft will not be able to bear it and will soon collapse.

It is necessary to establish a goal as soon as possible to seize the necessary living supplies and ships.

"Hahaha, of course I have a goal, bro."

"The closest island to here is Larketa, the territory of the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates."

"Let's take that place first."

Rocks' eyes flashed with a sharp light.

He had been planning this for a long time, and even got the permanent pointer to the island.

"Did they actually target the [Garou] pirate group from the very beginning?"

"I heard that the bounty for their captain exceeds 100 million Baileys, making him one of the overlords of this sea area!"

"I even heard that their captain is a giant over 4 meters tall, with great strength. Anyone targeted by the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates will have a tragic end."

Hearing the name of the [Hungry Wolf] Pirates, the newcomers began to breathe rapidly.

You know, it is not common to have a bounty of over 100 million in this era.

After all, Crocodile was invited to become a Shichibukai by the future world government with a bounty of 80 million.

The Pirate Queen Boya Hancock was also invited to become a Shichibukai by the world government when her bounty was 81 million.

This era is more than 20 years earlier than the era when they were invited to become Shichibukai.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current pirates with a bounty of over 100 million are absolutely as powerful as the Shichibukai in the future!

Even stronger than the Shichibukai.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a big pirate is a local lord!

"Oh? The [Garou] Pirates?"

"You've immediately targeted a head with a bounty of over 100 million. You're worthy of being my brother."

Lorne seemed excited when he heard Rocks's target.

He didn't expect his brother to be so brave to target a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million right after he went out to sea.

But when he thought about it carefully, who was his brother?

He was the future [Overlord of the Sea], a man who made countless pirate legends succumb to him! He was also the man who almost overturned the 800-year rule of the Celestial Dragons -


A pirate with a bounty of over 100 million is nothing.

"Luo...Lord Luo En is also excited!"

"What...what's going on between these two brothers?"

"Hey, hey.. did you see that? The smiles of Lord Rocks and Lord Lorne"

"Home....How could you be so confident?"

"too...So cool!"

"As expected of Lord Rocks and Lord Loen!"

The newcomers who were originally intimidated by the title of [Hungry Wolf] seemed to take courage when they saw how confident Rocks and Loen were!

After all, these were warriors who were ready to [die at any time]!

Being frightened was only temporary.

"In this case, little ones....Let’s go to Larkta! Let’s start our own legend!"

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