"What do you think, Neptune?"

After Lorne said this, he could clearly see that Neptune's huge fishman body trembled.

Not only Neptune, but also the left and right ministers beside him were stunned like plaster sculptures.

Lorne's suggestion was so explosive that it was like dropping a nuclear bomb directly into the brains of each of them.

This made everyone on Fishman Island unable to react for a while.

"this...this this this..."

After a long time, Neptune stammered and couldn't utter a single word.

If the entire Fishman Island really joins the Rocks Pirates, won't all the fishmen become pirates in the future?

Becoming a pirate will be hunted down by the navy and the world government, and everyone will have to live a life with their heads hanging on their belts.

What's more, Fishman Island is a member of the World Government.

The entire World Government member country has joined a pirate group. This has never happened in this sea.

If the World Government knows about this, I'm afraid the five old men in the Holy Land will pay a huge price to hunt down all the fishmen.

Can the fishmen withstand the full-scale pursuit of the World Government?

"Neptune, are you afraid of offending the World Government?"

As an old friend, Newgate immediately saw the worries in his friend Neptune's heart. As a member of the World Government, Fishman Island would definitely cause an uproar if it joined the pirate group. With the personality of the World Government, at least a large-scale combat force of the level of the Demon Slayer Order or even more terrifying than the Demon Slayer Order would be launched.

"without...without....That's right"

"I...We are a member of the World Government.....To join a sea.....Pirates, I'm afraid...I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

Neptune continued Newgate's words carefully. He was very careful with his words, fearing that he would upset Rocks and Lorne.

Although the fishman couldn't afford to offend the World Government, he couldn't afford to offend the Rocks Pirates either.

"Haha, your Fishman Island is a member of the World Government?"

"What a joke, Neptune."

"You pay a lot of money every year, but the navy and the world government never care about your life or death."

"I have never seen a world where the government's allied countries are often attacked by pirates and human traffickers."

"Come to think of it, there seem to be more and more fish-man slaves in Marijoa and more and more fish-man goods at the auction in recent years."

After hearing what Neptune said, Lorne couldn't help but sneer.

Fish-man Island is indeed a member of the World Government, but it is definitely the worst member of the World Government.

Although its citizens are often arrested by black market traffickers, the World Government and the Navy have never thought of sending troops to protect Fish-man Island.

Even the simple request of the residents of Fish-man Island to live on land was completely rejected.

They paid so much heavenly gold but got nothing. In the original book, they even fell to the point of relying on the flag of pirates for protection.

Fish-man Island is definitely the most wronged country in the entire pirate world.

Lorne's words were like a sharp knife stabbing into the hearts of Neptune and the ministers present.

Every word was a bloody reality.

Especially the last sentence, which pierced through the hearts of Neptune and the ministers.


But after all that Lorne had said, Neptune still didn't dare to agree.

"Neptune, are you worried that the people will have to live a life of refugee after joining the Rocks Pirates?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

"You may not know this yet, but our Rocks Pirates have already taken over Wano Country!"

"We can definitely allocate some land for the residents of Fishman Island to live in."

Newgate knew Neptune very well and saw through what Neptune was worried about.

As the ruler of a country, Neptune must be responsible for his people.

If all his people become pirates and live a life of hanging their heads on their belts, Neptune's reign as king will be over.

""Wano Country?!!"

After hearing about Wano Country, Neptune and the ministers were all excited.

Although Wano Country has been closed to the outside world for a long time, it is precisely because of this policy that Wano Country is very famous.

The special terrain of Wano Country has contributed to its survival without joining the World Government.

It is an island that cannot be conquered by the World Government and the Navy, and is known as a"natural fortress".

Neptune and the ministers have heard of this and are even quite envious.

"Really? Newgate?"

Neptune was obviously moved when he heard Newgate say this.

"Gulala, you still don't trust me, Neptune"

"I guarantee based on our friendship over the years that this is absolutely true"

"Given the terrain of Wano Country, even if the world government and navy put all their efforts, they will never be able to conquer Wano Country!"

"The residents of Fishman Island will never live a life like pirates where they can die at any time."

"On the contrary, they are much safer in Wano Country than staying on Fishman Island."

"At least in Wano Country, those pirates and human traffickers can't get in at all"

"Haven't your people always wanted to live on land and in the sun? Believe me, Neptune, this is definitely a good opportunity."Newgate laughed and assured him, patting his chest.

After hearing what Newgate said, Neptune was actually tempted.

After all, so much money is paid to the world government every year, and as a result, there are more and more fish-man slaves in the auction market and Marijoa.

Who wouldn't complain?

It's just that Fish-Man Island is too weak and dare not complain.

If the Rocks Pirates really took over Wano Country and were willing to let the fish-men live there, it would definitely be ten times better than the current situation where the fish-men live ten thousand meters under the sea where they can't see the sun at all.

"If this is true, then it is indeed very attractive to us fish people."

"But, Lord Lorne, please forgive me for being blunt, but there is no such thing as a free lunch."

"You have given us fishmen so many favorable conditions, you must want to get something from us."

As a king, Neptune knew it very well.

He was not a relative of Rocks and Loen, nor was he their old friend.

How could such a good thing come to him for no reason?

The fishmen must pay some price to get these.

"It’s comfortable to work with smart people"

"I need you fishmen to work hard and complete any tasks assigned by the Rocks Pirates."

"And during the war, the fishmen must fight alongside the Rocks Pirates."

"The Sky Gold that was paid to the World Government will be paid to the Rocks Pirates in the future."

"In exchange, we can allocate part of the land of Wano Country for the fish people to live in."

"You don't have to worry about the safety of the fish-people in Wano Country."

Lorne said confidently.

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