"Bang!" The sudden sound startled everyone, and Momodi fell to the deck like a kite with a broken string.

"Bang!" There was another loud noise, and Momodi, who had just fallen to the ground, was hit by something again and rolled on the ground.

"Do you think I haven't considered this situation?" Archaon turned slowly, aimed his trunk at Momodi, and took a deep breath. Then, Archaon's nose swelled instantly, and then, with a familiar bang, an invisible airflow hit Momodi. At this time, Momodi, who had been attacked twice in a row, could no longer dodge. With a scream, he was hit by Archaon's air bomb, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted. The Spinosaurus form was also lifted and turned back into human form.

"In ancient times, mammoths hunted like this." Archaon imitated Momodi's words. Don't mention it, this statement is quite interesting. I will say this in the future, Archaon thought silently.

This move was named Air Cannon by Archaon. It sucks air into the mouth and then expel it through the nose. Because of Armament Haki, Archaon has perfect control over his muscles. By temporarily closing the trunk, a great pressure is formed. The air expelled at the end will be like a cannonball. Combined with Armament Haki, it perfectly makes up for Archaon's lack of long-range attack. The idea comes from Kaido's way of squeezing the flame cloud to create a strong wind.

Momodi fell down, and Archaon turned back into human form. He walked to Momodi and grabbed him, then held his two hands and shook them hard twice. These two times directly dislocated many bones in Momodi's body. Archaon did not bring seastone handcuffs out. This kind of thing is too rare in circulation on the sea. Now the stock of the beasts is almost all brought back by Kaido from bungee jumping. The seastone on the black market is generally too poor and cannot be used at all. So in order to prevent his fleet from waking up while transporting goods and returning, Archaon can only resort to this last resort.

The battle ended quickly. For those who dared to attack actively, in the eyes of those grassroots members, these were all points. As long as they accumulated enough, they could exchange for more teaching opportunities, and then learn to be domineering, become higher-ranking members, and get more benefits. Therefore, no pirate from the Black Paint Pirates escaped. They were all chopped by the crew of the Beasts with red eyes. Even a few who wanted to jump into the sea to escape were shot at by a bunch of people on the boat. Some people even jumped down to confirm whether they were dead or not. Some of them who were still breathing were also stabbed. Some people even felt very distressed for some who were smashed into meat paste in the initial collision. These were all points.

"Pack up, and continue, the mission. If, this time, succeeds, you, can all, get, subsidies." Archaon carried Momodi and called out to the crew. When everyone returned to the huge Mammoth, with two cannon shots, they blew up the black number hanging on the ram, and continued to sail in the direction of the eternal pointer. They still had a mission. As for Momodi, throw him to the ship's doctor, as long as he doesn't die.

. . . . . . . The dividing line where Archaon and Caroline continued to sail. . . . . . .

After talking about the first two groups, let's talk about the last group. Yes, our fun group - Azu and Luke. Azu's noisy personality made him decorate his ship in various ways. Various shining colored lights have turned Azu's Stegosaurus Superstar into a mobile stage.

Luke is just the opposite. Because of the influence of the sloth fruit, Luke has become more and more lazy. Of course, this laziness is mental, not physical. He is still training, but he has achieved two-tasting. Although his brain has fallen asleep, his body is still training. Because of this, Kaido also gave Luke the sleeping Luohan fist he learned, which is simply perfect.

And Luke's ship is just like him, too simple, without any extra decorations, and the name is simply the sloth.

At this time, the two were on their respective ships. Azu was holding a concert, which was very lively and happy, while Luke was hanging on the mast with both hands, doing pull-ups from time to time, and judging from his expression, he was probably asleep as well.

"Is the boss asleep?" A younger brother held a telescope to observe Luke.

"But the boss is still training?" Another person responded.

"So what are you buying? Hurry up, we only need two of you." A pirate with a single eyepatch patted the first two people, holding a handful of Baileys in his hand.

That's right, these crew members are betting on whether Luke is asleep or not. Since Luke became the Twelve Hours and started leading the team, this has become the norm. After all, there are too few entertainment activities on the sea, so they always have to find some fun. Anyway, it's only 10 Baileys, and these people can afford to lose. They can have some fun when they have nothing to do. Anyway, as long as it's not a bet on points, these people don't care about a few small amounts of money.

"Okay, I guess he fell asleep. Boss Luke must have fallen asleep during training."

"Me too. Ten Bailey, he must have fallen asleep, but how are you going to verify it?"

"Don't worry, I definitely have a way." The pirate with the black eye mask took out a handful of playing cards and threw them at Luke in the surprised eyes of everyone. Luke, who was just doing pull-ups, suddenly stretched out a hand, pinched the playing cards in his hand, and threw them back. Several people quickly dodged.

"Okay, it's confirmed, Boss Luke fell asleep." The black eye mask pirate said.

"Why?" The people around were very curious.

"Haha, because if Boss Luke is not asleep, he will not throw the poker back, because this is not a threat to him. If Boss Luke is asleep, he will counterattack reflexively." The black eye mask pirate summarized his observations over the past few days, and at the same time gave them the money for betting on the sleeping pirates, while those who bet on the sleeping pirates cried out in pain. Although the money was only a little and could not even buy a newspaper, it was always uncomfortable to lose.

After a while, the three fleets returned to the Iron Islands one after another. Kaido did not go out during this period and stayed in the Iron Islands to prevent any accidents and provide timely rescue. Although Kaido did not say it, he still cared for this group of subordinates.

Every member of the Hundred Beasts was regarded as his own by Kaido. There might be a difference in closeness, but to be able to achieve this point, he has defeated more than 98% of the captains of the pirate groups on this sea. Of course, the small groups of a few people are not counted.

When the last returning giant mammoth docked, Kaido quietly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this time was still going smoothly, but then Kaido found something wrong. There was an extremely weak breath on the giant mammoth.

Kaido walked onto the deck without showing any expression and asked the extremely conspicuous Archaon:

"Wow, Archaon, how is it, this voyage is not bad, right?"

"Very good, successfully completed the mission, we also brought gifts." Archaon nodded to Kaido and called his men to bring up the gifts.

"What is this?" Kaido looked at Momodi, who was wrapped like a mummy in front of him, and was a little curious. The weak breath he felt before was this person.

"Uncle Kaido, this is Momodi, the captain of the Black Paint Pirates, with a bounty of 85 million Baileys." Caroline jumped out from behind Archaon and explained.

"Why bring this thing back? The group doesn't need this little money." Kaido smiled and touched Caroline's head. Since Xia Ji started to become weird, Caroline has become more and more likable.

"Devil, fruit, ability user." Archaon said briefly, and Kaido instantly understood what Archaon meant.

"What fruit?" "Animal system - Dragon Dragon Fruit - Ancient species - Spinosaurus form." Caroline explained for Archaon.

"Wu la la la la, very good, this time, you will be credited with a great merit, and the whole ship will be credited. When the time comes, go to the points officer and ask them to add you, wu la la la la." Kaido looked at Momodi with a fiery look, which made Momodi, who was still unconscious, shudder unconsciously.

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