"Elber! Tell me! How did my father die!" Taylor grabbed Elber's neck and lifted him up, the anger in his eyes seemed to be real.

Weasley and others did not take the opportunity to attack, but watched the revenge drama with great interest.

"Ahem, yes, I killed old Taylor. Yes, you guys all deserve to die." Elber, who was choked by the neck, knew that he was going to die, so he simply became more stubborn.

"Why? Why! My father regards you as his best friend! Why!" Taylor's hand tightened slightly. He couldn't figure out why Elber would kill his father. If he was a traitor, he could think of it as fear of the king's powerful army. , can be regarded as to leave a way out for his family. Before, he even felt compassion and wanted to secretly save Elber's life, but now, he just wants to kill him quickly.

"Why? Why do you say? Just because he is Tyler Obote! Why, why is he always better than me! What kind of good brother? Good friend? Fart! I don't need his pity, isn't he very powerful? Take in the refugees and build a resistance army, but so what? Haha, hahahahaha!" Elber looked like he was crazy, with saliva flying freely from his mouth, looking like a demon crawling out of hell. Ghostly.

"Just because of this? Just because of this nonsense jealousy!" Taylor doesn't understand Elber's thoughts at all now. Is it just because of such a trivial thing?

"Little thing? Ha, maybe, but what about the other thing?"

"What's up?"

"What's the matter? Haha, everyone knows about your mother. I was the one who liked your mother back then, but in the end, your father actually stole her love with a sword! He deserves to die!"

"You fart!" Just as Elber was gushing, an older Orion in the resistance shouted, "It's obviously you who is shamelessly pestering Anna (Taylor's mother's name), Anna has liked Obote since she was a child. You are clearly the one who got involved and shamelessly called others here. Tis, kill him. This kind of guy doesn’t deserve to live in this world! "

"Hahahaha, whatever you say, you are going to hell like me anyway. Old Taylor is dead, and now little Taylor is going to die, and Anna has already died. I might as well tell you that I brought the black crow, It's a pity that I didn't kill you and Anna on the spot." Elber, who knew he was going to die, didn't care at all. He yelled like crazy and told all the things he had done over the years. Even Weasley felt this. Erber was nothing, but Taylor calmed down at this time.

"You want to anger me? Don't worry, you did it, but I won't kill you now. This is too cheap for you. Believe me, you will regret doing these things." After Taylor finished speaking, he interrupted Elber directly. limbs and throw them to the ground.

"Hahaha, Taylor, Taylor Tice! Do you still think you can get out alive today? Dream on, every one of you will be buried with me, hahaha, hahahahahaha."

Taylor ignored the crazy Elber and turned to look at Weasley, who was watching the show with his civilized staff.

"Oh, have you settled the matter? This is really an interesting scene. I admit that even I don't know many of the things behind it. Although I don't want to admit it, this guy still has one thing right, that is, you are indeed You can't leave anymore, why not kill this traitor now, as the beginning of the last scene, and also represent the end of your life?" Weasley still had an elegant expression, and it seemed to him that everything was under his control. middle.

"Maybe, but in my opinion, rather than using it as the gong to start the battle, it is more appropriate to use it as the bell for the end of the king's era." Taylor waved his hand indifferently and followed Weasley's words. .

"Oh? I didn't expect what Mr. Taylor said. Is it possible that you still think there is a possibility for you to escape?" Weasley made an exaggerated and confused gesture.

"You've told me so much, let me tell you one thing." Taylor imitated Weasley's movements, but unfortunately he didn't look the same.

"All ears, Your Excellency." Weasley turned sideways and made a gesture of listening carefully.

"Speaking of which, I already know that Elber is a traitor. I was the one who pushed him to come here this time." Taylor shrugged, feeling very relaxed.

"Impossible! I have always been careful! How could you know?" Compared to Weasley, Elber was the first to speak up. He twisted his broken limbs and looked at Taylor in shock.

"Indeed, you were very careful. I didn't notice you at first, but you shouldn't have. One of the people who were watching there today happened to know that there was a traitor among us. Of course, we didn't know that at that time. We knew exactly who it was, so Mr. Jhin and I put on a play for this purpose. Unfortunately, we heard your phone call. "

"Trash." Weasley looked at the helpless and furious Elber lying on the ground and cursed in a low voice, then turned to Taylor and said, "In this case, I am very curious? You clearly know that this is a trap, why? Who gave you the courage to come here? The so-called Beasts Pirates?"

"Yes, it is indeed the beasts that gave me the courage to carry out this plan. I am sure that you will not let go of this opportunity to catch us all in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, I think so too."

"Hahahahahahaha, very good, very good. I like you very much. I didn't expect you to be so bold. However, you are too stupid. Do you think that with a guy named Jin, you can fight against us? Stop joking ! Who do you think we are? We are the Four Ghosts of the Deep Sea! I don’t even care about the Beast Pirates!" Perhaps because he felt that he was being underestimated, Weasley no longer maintained his integrity. That gentlemanly look.

"Oh? Really?" At this moment, a voice came from above the crowd.

"Who! Who's talking?" Weasley was frightened by the sudden voice, but immediately felt as if he couldn't hold his face and shouted angrily:

"Come out! Don't act like you're there! Come out if you can!"

"What? Wasn't it very arrogant just now? Now it's just a sound and you're scared like this?" Taylor looked at Weasley and said amusedly.

"Is it you? You must be pretending to be a ghost, right?" Weasley pointed at Taylor to encourage himself. The reason why he was so scared was simple. He had just swept the surroundings with his hegemonic aura, except for Except for these people on the surface, he didn't find anything. If there was really someone, then this person's strength was definitely far higher than his own. He could completely block out the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge, and he would not find any doubts. He hoped that It's just a trick on Taylor's part.

"What? Are you all watching? I'm standing here motionless. You can't wrongly accuse a good person." Perhaps knowing that these years of humiliation and suffering will end tonight, Taylor let himself go for a while. He was in a state of excitement and actually started to show off his acting skills in front of Weasley.

"Tyler Tis!!!" Weasley was completely angered by Taylor and shouted instantly, "Originally! I was going to spare your life and let you work for the King of Shipping, but now, since you are so ignorant Current affairs! Then don’t blame us for being cruel!”

"Yes!" Wang Jun and the other three Sea Transport King's men replied at the same time.

"Kill them all! Leave no one behind!" Weasley waved his hand and issued the order, but before they could make any move, a voice sounded from above.

"Let's see who dares!"

Along with the sound, two figures, one red and one green, hit the ground heavily, and dust flew for a while. From the dust, the voices of a man and a woman alternately sounded:

"Just now" (male)

"Who said that" (female)

"They're going to kill my (mother's) crew!"

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