One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 604: Scared to death

"Boss, uh, captain, the process of getting the identity certificate outside has started today. I went outside to take a peek, and something seems a little wrong."

The eel fishman brother said to Vander Daken IX.

"Really, how long has it been for such a broken certificate? What happened?"

Vander Deken IX frowned. He had just finished talking to the other party and agreed on a trading time. Before he could happily have a drink, his younger brother came over to add to his troubles.

"Captain, I just got the news that the identity certificate is not paper. Although you do need to fill out a form, that is just a prerequisite. I have already seen that it is a small card. It seems that there is a machine to scan it. Now that I know all your information, including your photos, it seems like our initial plan won’t work at all.”

At this moment, the eels didn't care whether Vander Deken IX was angry or not. After all, if this matter couldn't be handled well, they would just disappear from this world. At this time, they didn't care whether they were angry or not at all. There is no point anymore, just think about how to survive.

"Damn Fish-Man Island, damn Dragon King's Palace, they're all being wiped out every day! Please repeat everything you saw to me carefully. Can't you miss anything?"

Vander Deken IX cursed fiercely at first, and then began to ask about the specific situation. The eel fish man did not waste any time, and truthfully told everything he saw when he went out to mingle with the crowd this time. It was a group fight. , the more he listened, the more Vander Deken IX frowned, until he heard the patrol starting to call people from door to door, and he couldn't help it.

"Idiot! Why didn't you tell me this earlier! We were exposed! We were exposed! Damn bastard!"

Vander Deken IX slapped the eel fish man in the face. This slap directly stunned the eel fish man. He didn't even realize where he was wrong. How could he be exposed all of a sudden? How did my captain figure it out?

"Damn it, they are calling people from door to door. They will definitely find that those families have disappeared. We must be exposed. Hurry! Notify everyone! We must move immediately! Go to the bottom of the sea to hide for a few days! Hurry!"

At this moment, Vander Deken IX regained the caution and command ability that a captain should have, and immediately shouted loudly. Although the eel fish man's mind had not yet turned around, his long-term habit had caused his body to get ahead of him. His brain started to move, he turned around and ran towards the door.

"Everyone, get ready! We're going to move! Everyone, get ready! We're going to move!"

The eel fish man shouted while running, but as he shouted, he realized something was wrong. Why was it so quiet in the base? , he felt a little quiet when he came back just now. He thought it was because everyone was still sleeping after drinking too late last night, but now it seems that it is different from what he thought, even if these guys slept like crazy , it’s not like there’s no movement at all, especially those who love to snore, they should be snoring like thunder, right? Anyway, it should definitely not be the peaceful and quiet situation it is now. Including themselves, they don't know what quietness is.

"Hey-! Is anyone there?"

The eel fish man shouted at the top of his lungs. The location they were in was an abandoned underground warehouse. I don't know who dug such a thing under the fish man street. The space was not particularly large, but it was okay for more than a dozen of them to live here. Question, at this moment, the eel fish man felt that the place seemed to be very empty, and the oppressive darkness around him made him feel like he could hear his own heartbeat. What on earth is going on?

"Hey! Is there anyone there? Don't scare me! You bastards! I won't bring you wine next time I go out! If you don't come out, be careful, boss, uh, the captain will blame you!"

At some point, the lights in the room disappeared, and he seemed to be completely plunged into darkness, unable to see his fingers, which made him even more nervous.

"Danglanglang" "Ah!"

The sudden noise made the eel fish man jump up from the ground. He immediately took out two daggers from his waist and pointed them forward. Fortunately, it was only a false alarm.

"Which bastard left the can here? Do you have any sense of justice?"

As the eel fish man spoke, he picked up the cans on the ground. The silver-white fruit cans are a very popular brand in Fish-Man Island. They come from the Big Mom Pirates, one of the four emperors, from all over the world, but the eel fish man feels a little It's too sweet, so I've always avoided eating it, but now in this depressing atmosphere, it seems good to have something sweet.

The eel fish man thought about it, and was about to open the can and taste it, but just when he lifted the can, an undetectable red light flashed on the surface of the silver-white can, and just this moment, the eel fish The person's heart, which had been relaxed a little, suddenly became tense again.

"Who is it! Come out!"

The eel fish man's voice changed, and the current man fell into great fear, but still no one responded to him. Everything around him was still silent, so silent that it seemed that it was no longer the underground warehouse. He seemed to have entered a strange place. The space is like a space, everything around him turns black, all the light will be absorbed by the darkness around him, even his life is the same, yes, that's right, it is these darkness that have swallowed up his companions, and now he He is ready to devour himself. After he has passed, he will devour the captain, and then devour everyone who enters this room. Yes, hahaha, that's it, hahaha, that's it!

At this moment, the eel fishman began to have mental problems. In the most serious situation, some things began to appear in the darkness around him, like ghosts, approaching him. There were flames around the ghosts, which must be ghost fire!

"No! Don't you dare to devour me! Don't you dare! Don't you dare!!!"

The famous crosstalk actor Mr. Guo Degang once said (laughing) that fear to the extreme is anger. At this moment, the eel fishman fell into extreme impotence and rage. He began to curse madly, and began to wave his weapons madly. He even ran straight towards the ghosts, but those ghosts seemed to be non-existent. No matter how he ran, he couldn't get close, and even seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

However, this did not mean that he was safe. On the contrary, a chill ran along his back to his brain. He wanted to look back, but found that he couldn't move for some reason. He could only stand there blankly, like a fool, waving the dagger in his hand, but couldn't touch anything.

"No, no, no, no! Help! Help!"

The madness just now receded from the eel fishman, replaced by uncontrollable fear. This fear made his hands and feet become more and more stiff, and at the same time a warm current began to spread along his crotch, but he could no longer care about these things. He knew that if he did nothing, he would definitely be swallowed by this darkness. This would definitely be an extremely painful process. He didn't want this, so he chose to shout for help loudly, but unfortunately, this kind of call for help was meaningless. Nothing appeared around him. Instead, the gray-white ghost shadow seemed to be even thicker, and the shrill ghost fire began to get closer and closer to him, and it was about to stick to his body.

"No! Don't even think about it!"

At this moment, madness returned to the eel fishman again, but from the madness just now to the madness of himself, he suddenly turned the direction of the dagger and pointed it at his neck.

"Don't even think about devouring me. I will die! But I will only die by my own hands! I will also become a ghost! A ghost more powerful than you!!!"


The eel fishman's dagger fiercely stabbed into his choking throat. With the splash of blood, everything in front of the eel fishman began to blur. Gradually, the ghost in front of him disappeared, but he had no time to celebrate his victory. On the contrary, in the last moment of losing consciousness, he found that the people standing in front of him had turned into a team of sea kings, and they were looking at him. "Scared to death, tut tut tut, what a good trick, Madam Lily."

"It's a small matter, but we have already known what we want to know. It doesn't matter whether he lives or dies."

Who are they? What do they know? With such doubts, the eel fishman closed his eyes forever.

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