"Creak~Creak~" Following the sound of waves lapping against the cabin, Lily slowly opened her eyes.

"Wake up." Kaido said.

"Where are we?" Lily asked

"On the navy ship, I didn't wake up much earlier than you." Kaido raised his hand, accompanied by a clatter of iron chains.

The location of the two men was the holding room at the bottom of the cabin. In order to prevent the two men from escaping, the navy tied heavy iron locks to their arms and connected them to the wall through iron chains.

"Clang" The iron door was opened.

"Wake up, here is your dinner." A navy soldier came in with two dinner plates, placed them in front of the two of them, turned around and walked out.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Lily asked slightly hoarsely.

"Ah, what else is there?" the soldier said, picking his ears impatiently.

"Where am I going?"

"Navy Headquarters, where else can we go?" The soldier waved his hand and left without saying more.

"Creak~" Following the sound of the ship, Kaido and Lily looked at each other.

"We have to leave." Lily was the first to speak.

"Yes, I don't want to be a lackey of those world governments." Kaido grabbed the bread on the plate in front of him and took a hard bite.

"Those disgusting nobles." Lily cursed. Although she had long known how disgusting the nobles were from her adoptive father, she had never experienced it personally. Although Lily had no good impression of the nobles in the past, it could not be called a dislike, but this time This incident awakened Lily's hatred for these nobles, and she did not hesitate to betray her soldiers for her own benefit. This kind of guy should not exist!

"Kaido, what is your dream?" Lily also took a bite of bread.

"I? I haven't thought about it much, but if I have to say it, I want to smash all those disgusting nobles now!" Kaido poured the contents of the dinner plate into his mouth and chewed twice.

"What a coincidence. I think so too, Mom. Now, Kaido, if the two of us can escape, how about defeating these nobles together?" Lily also swallowed the food in small bites and reached out to touch Kaido. .

"Uh-huh-huh, OK, let's drag down those guys who think they are superior." Kaido responded with his signature laugh.

"Smash those nobles into pieces and build a world where everyone can freely choose the future, a world without nobles." Lily looked at the iron railings in front of her, but she was thinking about the future in her mind.

"But the first step is to escape," Kaido said.

"Of course. Are the things still there?" Lily smiled.

"Uh-huh-huh, of course." Kaido carefully took off his shoes and slowly pulled out a thin iron hook from the heel of his left shoe. This was Kaido's habit when he was still a gangster on the street. A practiced craft.

"I'll help you keep an eye on it, hurry up." Lily whispered.

"No problem, this kind of lock is actually not that difficult to open. Okay, one is open." As he said that, Kaido had already opened one lock and hurriedly opened the other.

At the same time, outside the door of the detention room, two navy soldiers were chatting out of boredom.

"Did you hear anything?" Soldier A asked, looking around.

"The sound of the waves, depending on the situation, there may be a big storm recently." Soldier B yawned, "Major General Bofu, really, why don't you change ships? He has been promoted to major general in the headquarters. Logically speaking, it would be good to change to another ship. It’s such a good ship, why are you still using this branch’s old ship?”

"Maybe it's because Major General Boff is nostalgic. Don't forget, we are on duty at the headquarters thanks to Major General Boff's nostalgia. Otherwise, we would still be squatting in the branch." Soldier A said.

"Maybe, but there are too many rules in the headquarters, so the branch should be free." Soldier B stretched lazily.

"That's true, but the allowance from the headquarters is higher - no, there is indeed a sound, listen." Soldier A suddenly stopped and put his ear against the outer door of the holding room.

"Someone, please bring some water. Kaido is choking! Is there anyone?" Ruoyouruowu's voice came from inside the door.

"No! Hurry!" Soldier A hurriedly opened the hatch and looked through the fence door. Sure enough, Kaido was holding his throat, his face was ashen, and Lily slapped Kaido hard on the back.

"I have water here, open the door quickly!" Soldier A took out the water bottle on his body. The major general specifically told the two of them that nothing should happen to them. If one of them accidentally choked to death, he couldn't afford it.

But they didn't notice one thing. The handcuffs on their hands seemed to be a little loose, the moment the two soldiers opened the door.

"Brush!" Kaido and Lily rushed to the soldier in an instant. They punched the soldier in the abdomen at the same time. The pain in their diaphragms made them unable to speak. Then they punched the soldier in the back of the head. At least Within 24 hours, these two people will not know what is happening in the outside world.

Kaido and Lily carefully walked out of the cell door and walked out bit by bit. It should be night now. The corridor was very quiet. Only the old kerosene lamp provided light in the cabin.

"We can't capture the entire ship. The first goal now is to find enough supplies. Then such a big ship must have a lifeboat. As long as we put it down, we can leave." Lily rubbed her horns and analyzed.

"No problem, let's find the warehouse first." Kaido nodded and agreed with Lily's point of view. With the help of the night, the two of them explored the cabin. The cell where they were originally located was at the lowest end of the cabin. As the two men groped upwards, the ship became more and more rocking.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily." Kaido sniffed. They all knew the weather at sea because they had been fighting at sea for many years.

"This is a trouble, but also an opportunity. Although we may encounter danger at sea, the chances of escaping successfully are greater." Lily said as she was about to move forward, but was pulled by Kaido.

"Here." Kaido pointed to the cabin on the side, on which was clearly written [Warehouse].

"Good job." Lily gave a thumbs up, and the two carefully pushed open the door. It was pitch black inside without any light. Seeing that there was no one around, the two went in.

"Here is rum." Kaido touched a large barrel, opened the lid and smelled it, saying that fresh water at sea is not easy to preserve, and rum is almost a necessity.

"Here are dried meat and biscuits, as well as a few bags of dry bread, oh, and spices, which are not needed." Lily also gained something, "Don't forget to find a few clothes." Clothes can keep warm, and they can also pack these things.

"I know, but these clothes are too small. What is this?" Kaido found a large bundle while searching. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It was quite heavy. Kaido curiously opened it.

"Eight Fasting Rules!" Kaido whispered.

"What did you find?" Lily heard Kaido's voice and came forward. She found that Lily's sword and Kaido's Eight Fasting Rules were lying quietly in an unfolded bundle in front of Kaido. There were also clothes for the two of them, and even some special bread and alcoholic beverages from the Kingdom of Woka.

"Here is a letter." Kaido silently took out a letter from his clothes and handed it to Lily.

The title of the letter is [Kaido and Lily, Anderst Doro]

Group number: 764532869, the Marriage and Family Adjustment Department of the Beasts welcomes you to join

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