One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 15 New Sword and Commission

"Fly faster!"

"Left, the frequency on the left is wrong!"

“Don’t just think about flapping your wings, instinct, let it be your instinct.”

A succession of curses sounded near the training ground. Wanshou grabbed a handful of various fruit cores and threw them at Lily one by one. He was training Lily to fly. Having the ability to fly is a good thing in this sea. But if you can't use it skillfully, it will become your own weakness. What's more, Lily's situation is a bit special. It's not that easy to get familiar with the suddenly extra limbs.

Therefore, Wanshou started a new round of training for Lily. She had to fly at high speed and perfectly avoid the fruit cores thrown by Wanshou. It seemed very simple, but in fact it was extremely difficult. Lily needed to stabilize her wings and observe Wanshou's attacks at the same time. , engaged in a sensual confrontation with Wan Shou, and had to be alert to the air currents in the sky at all times. Lily, who usually only gets tired after practicing with Wan Shou for two or three days, was already sweating profusely in half a day.

"Take a rest." Wanshou threw a bottle of wine to Lily.

"Huh, uh, uh, thank you." Lily bit off the bottle cap and drank a bottle of rum in several gulps.

"Not bad. According to this progress, you will be able to completely turn flying in the orc form into instinct within a month."

"A month? That's too slow. Come again, I want to master it completely within a week." Lily was immediately dissatisfied when she heard Wan Shou's words. She wiped the sweat off her face, her body was filled with flames, and she transformed into an orc form again.

"Stop, stop, stop, you girl, aren't you tired? Don't you think about me, old man?" Wanshou waved his hands quickly. In order to catch up with Lily flying in the sky, he also used the power of the Devil Fruit. Although the Phantom Beast's The bonus is extremely powerful, but he is too old. Others at this age may have their bones rotten.

"Huh?" Lily changed back helplessly, pouted and said, "Okay, then I'll go cook."

"Don't worry, don't worry. I asked Qiqi and Anna to help with the cooking today. Let's go get something first." Wanshou reached out to stop Lily, then turned around and led her to the town.

"Master, what did you do again?" Lily asked curiously. Wanshou usually does this too, buying some strange things from time to time. And Angsa, because there are frequent sea storms in the area, will blow up the ship from time to time. , some Taobao people will take out the things in the boat and sell them. It is said that this is how the secret fruits of Zhizhi come from.

"Don't worry, we'll be here soon." Wan Shou said while greeting the people around him. The two of them were so tall that they stood out from the crowd here.

After walking for a few more minutes, the two stopped in front of a white house. Wanshou reached out and knocked on the door.

"Here we come." A rough and deep male voice sounded, and at the same time a hand full of burns pushed open the door, and a wave of heat rushed down the door.

"Oh, it's Wanshou, you're here, hahahaha." A short, fat, bearded man who was probably only one meter tall came out.

"I'm here, Old Oak. Have you prepared what I want?" Wanshou asked with a smile.

"Of course, I said a month is a month, and there won't be one day more or one day less. But this is my first time fighting such a big guy. I spent one-third of this month getting a new stove. And the quenching tank." The man known as Old Oak called back.

"Bring that big guy out!"

Following Old Oak's shout, several young men walked out of the house carrying a sheathed long knife.

"That's the apprentice you were talking about, right?" Old Oak looked at Lily and then said to Wanshou.

"Yes, she will be the inheritor of all my skills."

Wanshou smiled and gave a thumbs up, and at the same time stepped aside, Old Oak walked in front of Lily.

"Hello little girl, oh, big girl, you are so tall, hahahahahaha." Old Oak looked up and down and said with a smile, "My name is Oak Thorin. People who know me well call me Old Oak. ”

"Hello, Mr. Oak." Lily greeted politely.

"Huhahahahaha, you are much more polite than your teacher. The first time he saw me, he called me "Zi Zi". This old bastard, your teacher asked me to help you build a weapon. Go and see for yourself." For the polite Lily , Oak Thorin smiled happily, but he did not forget the business. He pointed behind him and asked Lily to go up and try.

Lily politely thanked her and walked up to the long knife. The long knife that required several people to lift was easily picked up by Lily with one hand. Several young people carrying the knife breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then quietly stepped back to observe. The legendary No. 1 beauties in Angsa all had their faces flushed. I don’t know whether they were tired or hot, or...

Lily grabbed the scabbard with her left hand, grabbed the handle with her right hand, and pulled out the knife. The bright long knife shone with a cold light. The blade was extremely clean with no unnecessary patterns. It wasn't that it couldn't be done, but that it was unnecessary. It is very long, almost as tall as Lily from the tip to the end of the handle. The length of the handle occupies a quarter of the entire knife. The blade is very wide, which is convenient for chopping. The one-tenth of the front of the blade is designed to be reflective. The blade increased the diversity of attacks. It was more like a broad knife than a long knife. Lily shook the knife twice in her hand. The weight was very suitable and the center of gravity did not shift.

"It's a good knife." Lily raised the corners of her lips, put the broadsword into the scabbard, turned around and bowed to Oak Thorin, "Thank you, Mr. Oak."

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's nothing. I can only make a knife like this under the current conditions. I hope you don't mind it." Oak Thorin waved his hand indifferently. This kind of weapon is not difficult for him except for the size.

"How could it be? This knife is much better than the long knife I used before." Lily pulled out the original long knife from her waist, now a large dagger.

Oak Thorin glanced at the knife and snorted disdainfully, "That knife can be forged by a beginner apprentice, how can it be compared with my work."

"Ahahaha, don't look at Old Oak like this, but he is very proud, and all of their dwarves are good at forging, not to mention that there are only 13 masters like Old Oak in the dwarves." Wanshou stroked his beard and gave Lily a popular science lecture.

"What a crap, the dwarves have long become history, I may be the last dwarf, what's the use of being a master, can't I just hide on this small island, there is not even a mine, can only forge with the garbage on the broken ship." Oak Thorin's face changed instantly after hearing Wanshou's words, his face turned darker than the bottom of a pot, and he cursed.

Lily looked at Thorin, and she could probably think of something bad happening in his hometown. She didn't ask any more questions, and lowered her head to observe the knife in her hand. The scene was silent for a while.

"By the way, your name is Lily, right? I heard from Wanshou that you will go out to sea to find someone after your studies. Then you can find something." Perhaps feeling the coldness, Thorin quickly changed the subject and said to Lily.

"What is it? Mr. Oak, I will help you find it then." Lily asked curiously.

"Hahaha, it's a good thing, you will definitely like it. If you really find it, you don't have to give it back to me, just keep it for yourself. When you have time, just come back and let me take a look. Wait, I'll go find something." Thorin said as he walked into the house. In a minute, he came out again and handed a photo to Lily.

Lily took the photo. The photo faded a little because of the long time, but she could still recognize that the person in it was the young Oak Thorin. He held the trophy in one hand and a long red sword in the other. It seemed that he won the competition.

"This is the photo I took when I was successfully rated as a forging master. The sword in my hand is what I asked you to find. My most perfect work-"

"Demon Sword-Red Shadow!!!"

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