One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 10 Conversation and Apprenticeship

"Ding Ling Dang Cang"

The sound of the long knife hitting the ground did not bring Lily back to her senses. She was still staring at her right hand. The numbness made her right hand tremble slightly. She didn't understand why Zhizhi had so much power and that purple-black thing. What is it? Why is it so hard? Is that also the ability of the Devil Fruit?

"That's not a devil fruit." Perhaps he guessed what Lily was thinking, the hermit said. "Zhizhi is indeed a user with fruit abilities, but she didn't use her fruit abilities when she defeated you just now."

Lily looked at Zhizhi dumbfounded. The hermit's words made Lily suffer a greater blow. Without the ability to use Devil Fruit, she would not be an opponent. If she used the ability, she might not be able to take a single move.

"So, am I so weak?" Lily said unconfidently.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Lily is so disappointed. The main reason is that the targets of the battle are different. For example, the rear admiral who defeated him. Although he was defeated, Lily had no doubt about herself. But now facing Zhizhi, even though she knew that Zhizhi was special, she still It was a big blow to Lily.

"Hahahaha, come on, come on, come and sit down, Zhizhi, take the knife back." The hermit sitting cross-legged patted the ground in front of him. After hearing this, Lily walked towards the hermit with a depressed look on her face, while Zhizhi said He quickly picked up the long knife that flew out and handed it to the hermit.

Seeing Lily sitting cross-legged in front of him, the hermit took the long knife and handed Zhizhi to Lily.

"Come, touch and see."

Lily, who was still immersed in the loss, mechanically stroked Zhizhi's hair. Zhizhi's hair was very soft and smooth, just like touching silk. As she stroked it, Lily fell in love with this feeling little by little, and Zhizhi He also made a "purring" sound with the comfort of Lily's touch.

Seeing Lily's expression softening little by little, the hermit breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that he had hit Lily too hard. This was an opportunity that finally appeared. If he didn't seize it, he didn't know if there would be another time. , and he didn't know how many years his body could last, so he couldn't let Zhizhi go looking for those things.

"How is it? Zhizhi feels good." The hermit asked.

"Yeah." Lily nodded. Not only was it very good, she simply couldn't put it down.

"But such soft hair can withstand your blade. Aren't you curious?" the hermit said seductively.

"Can you tell me?" Lily asked cautiously. She really wanted to know why, but casually discussing other people's moves was a very impolite behavior.

"Hahaha, this is no secret. If you stay on the sea for a few more years, you will know what kind of power Zhizhi uses. Zhizhi's strength is actually not as strong as yours, and his body is not as hard as your knife. His speed is faster than You go faster but there are limits, and the reason why she can defeat you is because of this thing - domineering." The hermit said while clenching his fist, and his fist turned black, like a piece of dark steel. .

"Domineering?" Lily looked at the hermit's fist. Although it was different from the purple-black color on Zhizhi's body, it did give Lily the same feeling.

"Yes, domineering, this is an ability that all strong people must master. Those who are domineering are not necessarily strong, but strong people must be domineering. Everyone, or in other words, all living things in this world have domineering, but It's not that simple to learn to use it." Lily listened to the hermit's explanation attentively.

"First of all, the armed color Haki, that is, the way you see my hands and the way they looked when Zhizhi fought with you before. Of course, the basic armed color Haki has no color. What you see now is the armed color Haki condensed It looks like it is real, and the ability of Armed Color Haki is also very simple and hard, making objects with Armed Color Haki harder than steel. At the same time, attacks wrapped with Armed Color can hit Devil Fruit users, such as natural abilities. With elementalization, normal attacks are useless at all, but as long as you have armed color Haki, it will be no problem. Of course, if the opponent has been elementalized in advance, it is another matter, and as long as your Haki is strong enough, you can weaken or even save. In addition to the ability of the Devil Fruit, Armed Haki can also enhance the user's attack power. Originally, if you exert one point of power, with the Haki, it can become ten points of power. There are also some other effects, which I won't go into here. , we’ll talk about it later after you master the basics.”

After saying that, the color on the hermit's hand also disappeared.

"What about the second one?" Lily asked quickly. Since it is the first, there must be another second.

"Then there is the second type, the Haki of knowledge and information. Compared with the simple and crude armed Haki, the Haki of knowledge and information is an invisible and intangible power, but don't underestimate it. In the simplest terms, you have it. Eyes that observe 360 ​​degrees, and can see even the slightest pulse of muscles. No need to use glasses to see. You can know everything within the range through feeling, and even predict the opponent's next move. The powerful domineering power of seeing and hearing. The user can even hear the sounds of all things, and even predict the future." As the hermit explained, Lily remembered the scene where she caught Zhizhi last night, and every move she made was felt by Zhizhi. He dodged calmly.

"Armament color and knowledge color? He is so domineering." Lily stared at her right hand that was not touching Zhizhi and shook it hard.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."


"Of course, the last, most special and strongest domineering, the domineering color domineering, can only appear in one in a million people. Every owner of the domineering color domineering has the potential to become a king. It is also an extremely special domineering that cannot be cultivated. The growth of the domineering color domineering can only be achieved through the owner's spirit and state of mind. The more spirit and the higher the state of mind, the stronger the domineering color domineering can be." As the hermit explained, Lily felt that the hermit's body was getting taller and taller. Then, a very strong impact emanated from the hermit, impacting Lily's consciousness, but it came and went quickly. The next second, the impact just now disappeared without a trace, as if everything was an illusion.

"Hu——, hu——," Lily took two deep breaths, "was that the domineering color domineering just now?"

"Yes, that is my domineering color domineering. Of course, I am old and my spirit is scattered. The domineering color has regressed to this level. Ahahahaha!" The hermit touched the back of his head and laughed.

"How is it? Do you want to learn?" The hermit asked with a hint of cunning after laughing.

"I want to learn." Lily nodded honestly. It is impossible not to want to learn. In this sea, you can have nothing, but you can't be without power. Without power, you can't move an inch. What's more, Lily's dream is to overthrow those nobles, which requires absolute power.

"Okay, I'll teach you." The hermit nodded, and he knew that Lily would not refuse.

"Then, hermit, what is the price?" Lily asked. There is no pie in the sky in this world. If there is, it must be poisonous. The hermit is not your parents or friends. There is no reason to be good to you for no reason. Teaching yourself domineering must cost a price.

"Price? Let me think about it." The hermit stroked his beard and pretended to think, "Or, you can worship me as your master. From today on, you will be my apprentice and I will be your master. That way, there will be no problem."

"Why? This is not a deserted island. What's more, there should be many people like you who want to be your master. There is no need to choose me." Lily asked curiously. The hermit's meaning was too obvious. His thinking just now was too fake. He was too lazy to act.

"This one————, okay, I admit it. Do you still remember the third kind of domineering I mentioned?" The hermit raised his hands helplessly.

"That domineering domineering?"

"That domineering domineering is a special domineering that is rare in a million people, and you, Miss Rose Lily, you are the one in a million, the owner of domineering domineering." The hermit pointed at Lily and said seriously.

"Me?" Lily pointed at herself, "But I've never had this feeling."

"That's because you just awakened. It should be the night before yesterday. I felt the fluctuation of your Conqueror's Haki, and it was this fluctuation that allowed me to rescue you." The hermit finally told the truth. It was nonsense to say that he caught it while fishing. When Lily threw Kaido away, the power that rushed straight to her head along her spine was the awakening of Conqueror's Haki, and this power directly disturbed the hermit on Sky Island. Following this remaining power, the hermit found Lily in the storm and brought her back to Sky Island.

"I'm old, and I don't want to waste my skills, but I don't look down on ordinary people. I just happened to meet you. How about it? Come and be my apprentice, hahahahaha." The hermit smiled and stretched out his hand to Lily, his eyes became extremely sincere, without any falsehood.

At this point, Lily naturally would not refuse. She gently put Zhizhi aside and knelt on one knee.

"Whether you saved my life or cultivated me, Rose Lily will never forget it. Master, I bow to you."

"Ahahahahaha, good, good, from today on, you are my apprentice! Ahahaha, ahahahaha!"

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