One Piece Invincible

Chapter 85: Furious Grandma

Chapter 85: Furious Grandma

This day is destined to be an extraordinary day. See ‘Mao. Line, Chinese. Text, Net

Ye Jia fulfilled his dream at the beginning, and even the first beauty in the pirate world, Boyahan Cook, had a close relationship with the skin, a fish-water encounter.

This feeling makes Ye Jia have endless aftertastes, and it will become his first wish to come to the One Piece world.


In the palace.

"Boyahan Cook!"

"You ungrateful guy, dare to lock up my old bones! What reason do you have!"

"Fortunately, my prestige is not lost to you ... but I can't tolerate the injustice of this injustice! Boya Cook, come out for me!"

Holding a coiled snake stick, she was short and had a small red flower on her gray hair.

Although she is very old, her bones are still tough. She, who was a former emperor before Amazon Lily, has the wisdom, strategy, and foresight of her predecessor.

"Mother-in-law, Lord Snake Girl is meeting with the guests. It has been told that outsiders should not be disturbed. Please wait for a while!"

The women guarding the palace wanted to stop them, but they were helpless and could only persuade them.

The grandmother-in-law can be regarded as the former and former emperor of Amazon Lily. Although she is not in the position now, she is also qualified to enter and leave the palace.

But Lord Snake Girl has already given an order and is meeting with very important guests. No outsiders are allowed to disturb ... especially her mother-in-law.

It can even be said that this order is specifically aimed at grandma-in-law.

However, the mother-in-law has a good physique. No matter in strength or speed, they are not lost to them. They cannot stop even if they want to stop.

"Mr. Grandma, Lord Snake Girl is talking about important things inside, you can't go inside."

Grandmother-in-law came to the door, and the other two of the three emperor sisters stopped in front of the door.

"Mother-in-law, this is something that Master Snake has deliberately explained, and please don't make it difficult for us."

Margaret and the female fighters also stood up to stop the mother-in-law from moving on.

"Important guests? Talk about important things? When did She Ji become so focused on governing?"

My mother-in-law lived for so many years. When she was a little girl, she saw that she had grown up.

"If it was normal, I wouldn't come to her. What she wanted to do was casual, even if I was detained in jail for no reason ... but this time I have to find her something very important, this It's about the lives of all the people of the entire Amazon lily! "

"Are things so serious, do you still want to stop me?"

Granny-in-law looked at everyone with a serious look.

Margaret and others showed hesitation. After all, grandmother-in-law's prestige was here, and there was a reason to ask Lord Serpent for a legitimate reason, and they were not easy to stop.

But Sandasonia and Marigel did not eat this set.

"Mother-in-law, if you really have something important, I can help you pass the message and let Master Snake listen to it before deciding whether to allow you to enter the palace."

"Are you stubborn, won't you let me see Snake Girl?"

Grandma's eyes fluttered. "Today I must see Snake Girl in my old age. I must see what she is doing!"

Immediately, her mother-in-law jumped up, quickly passed through the encirclement of Sandasonia and Marigeld, and opened the door with a winding snake stick in her hand!


The two were so horrified that even Margaret and others were trying to stop.

However, her grandmother's agile skills, they did not have the opportunity to respond at all, her grandmother has rushed into the dormitory.

"Undead, what are you doing again?"

The empress's cold voice sounded, and her impatient tone was undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as Grandma's nose moved and she sniffed lightly, her face immediately changed.

"Snake Girl ... You ... How dare you ..."

The extravagant smell permeated in the air, how could she not know what she has been living for so many years?

My grandmother rushed up, opened the curtain, and at a glance I saw the emperor who was covering her neck with a quilt, exposing snow-white incense ~ shoulders, and flushed.

Especially when she saw a little bit of blood on it that could not be dealt with in the future, her mother-in-law almost fainted.

"Snake girl! You are the emperor of Amazon Lily, but you dare to bring a man into the palace without permission, and you have that kind of relationship with the man!"

"This is shame ~ shame! It is the shame of Amazon Lily!"

Granny-in-law thundered wildly.

And her yelling was heard by the two sisters and Margaret who came after her.

The expressions of horror that they couldn't add any more were completely petrified.

Lord Snake, she ... actually had a relationship with a man? !!

"Mother-in-law, can't you be quieter? Do you want to be heard by all the Amazon lilies?"

Compared to the shock of these people, the emperor seemed unconcerned. Instead, in front of their faces, they wore underpants with silk edges and hoods with lace and silk edges, and red cheongsam.

Especially in the end, she deliberately rolled her waist-up hair ... This is the symbol of Ye Jia telling her that a woman has a man.

"What about that man? Let him come out! I have to put him in the pan and roll it so that he can understand that no one can touch his finger!"

Mother-in-law said angrily.

"I'm here."

On the other side of the bed, Ye Jia had already put on his clothes, and hit a black robe, such as a sturdy face with a knife, dark eyes like stars, and the absent-minded presence on his body. Out of the ordinary.

"You guy, dare to do this kind of 龌 ~ 龊 thing here, I want to kill you on behalf of the emperor of Amazon lily!"

My grandmother rushed up with a snake stick.

Ye Jia drew a flash, and her body turned into a flash to avoid it directly. Her grandmother accidentally planted her face down on the ground.

"Grandma, don't hate me so much, I'm not malicious."

Ye Jia bent over and stretched out to her grandmother-in-law, smiling.

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