One month later.

Old John ran over in a hurry, with an unconcealable smile on his face, and people could tell at a glance that something good had happened.

At this time, Lake was sitting cross-legged, as if he was praying, but in fact his consciousness had long been immersed in the Fantasy World, and he was practicing hard.

Since his swordsmanship broke through and understood the breathing of all things. His body can instinctively sense the movements around him and can trigger his consciousness.

Therefore, although he was in the Fantasy World at the moment, he also noticed something strange, and his consciousness returned immediately.

Lake opened his eyes and looked at Old John with a happy face, and wanted to know what good thing had happened.

"Lake, we are really successful this time!"

Old John said excitedly, and then spread a document in his hand on the table,

"I didn't expect our Balabala BBQ Bar to be so popular, plus the coupons and discounts you proposed, this month is really a big profit!"

Old John didn't know how long it had been since he laughed so happily as today. Lake remembered that it was the first time he saw him like this since he woke up after traveling through time.

He also smiled sincerely. After all, the old man in front of him could be said to be a real relative. He accepted the memory of this body and this emotion.

"Old John, I know, this little profit makes you so happy? Then I'm afraid your heart will really not be able to bear it in the future."

"Lake, don't underestimate me, I'm also a person who has experienced ups and downs, but this is your business, I'm really happy for you."

"Yes, yes, you are a person who has experienced ups and downs." Lake smiled and perfunctorily said as he said.

Then, Old John took out a notebook and began to simply introduce Lake to the detailed income and expenditure at the moment.

Lake was also shocked after hearing this. He didn't expect the catering industry to be so profitable. Each store had a net profit of nearly 1 million Baileys a month.

He thought to himself, if this continues, wouldn't it only take 3 months for a store to recover its costs?

Such a business is too profitable!

He curiously asked the reason again, and then he realized that the temptation of delicious barbecue with fine wine is too great, especially for those who travel to port cities and make a living by sailing and doing business.

In a relaxed and leisurely environment, they can relax and talk freely. While waiting for the barbecue, the anticipation of the food also makes them feel happier, and it is the best time to brag and fart.

Of course, barbecue is not Lake's invention, and other restaurants have always existed. It's just that they didn't invest a lot of manpower like Lake to carefully study, mix and select ingredients.

Therefore, the taste is much worse, and Balaba Barbecue Bar is simply a dimensionality reduction attack on them.

Looking at such good performance, Lake also began to consider expanding his business.

Next, he thought about opening Balabala Barbecue Bar in various towns in the Frost Kingdom, so that this brand can really penetrate people's hearts and become a major feature of the kingdom.

In this way, the faith in God based on this brand can be spread more easily.

Now, with his strength, he doesn't need to be too cautious at least in the East China Sea. And this is a normal business, which will naturally be protected by the kingdom.

Therefore, he plans to speed up the layout of Balabala Barbecue Bar.

At present, they have only opened two stores in the three port towns of Harun City, Beifeng Port, Yantie Town, and Yinyue Town, and they are not very big.

Next, he will consider increasing the store area appropriately according to the consumption level of each place.

However, opening a barbecue restaurant and making money is not his purpose. All this is for faith.

So, Lake retracted his smile and asked seriously: "Old John, how much food will we distribute to local orphans or elderly people every day?"

Although Old John felt a little strange, he still said truthfully: "According to your instructions, fried rice and bread will be configured at double the usual sales, basically as much as sold will be given away."

"Very good," Lake nodded, "Be sure to tell them that this is the gift of the Creator God."

"Well, there will be a segment of gratitude to Ula every time." Old John nodded in response.


Lake nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Old John gave a general report on the important things of this month, and then left in a hurry. It seemed that he was really busy.

Lake looked at the old man who was almost 70 years old, wondering when to arrange a few assistants for him, so that he would not be so tired at such an old age.

Another three months passed in a short time.

As the Balabala Barbecue Bar became popular in the port town of Harlan City, Lake also set up three central streets in Harlan City at the same time.

It's not that he doesn't want to open more, but he really doesn't have enough manpower.

He doesn't trust others to handle catering matters. If there is a problem, wouldn't it ruin the whole brand?

Therefore, he only uses believers of God, that is, his own people to run the business.

He is not a black-hearted capitalist. Each store has different proportions of profits distributed to his subordinates. After all, they have to live and have families in the future.

Lake's approach has indeed made those teenagers full of hope for life.

With the popularity of Balabala Barbecue Bar in Harun City, Lake has gradually come to the surface.


"Father, I didn't expect the Winks family to come back to life. It seems that Lake has deceived us all." The handsome young man said to the middle-aged man on the sofa.

"Yes, it seems that we all underestimated him." The middle-aged man said with a gloomy face.

"Then should we..."

The young man gestured to his neck with his hand, and the implication was very obvious.

"Victor, you have to remember that we are now regular businessmen, not a low-level gang." The middle-aged man sighed and said helplessly,

"If Wen Ke hadn't insisted on intervening in the mining business, I wouldn't have resorted to such a desperate measure, and joined forces with the pirates to kill him. Afterwards, I spent a lot of money to bribe Colonel Bell and wiped out all those pirates."

"Are we really just going to leave it alone? What if he finds out in the future? After all, many people have some vague speculations about that matter." The young man frowned.

"A bunch of fence-sitters, as soon as Wen Ke died, they couldn't wait to add insult to injury and eat up the family. How clean are they themselves," the middle-aged man's face suddenly twisted, and he said angrily,

"Why are you forcing me? Wen Ke, you are dead, and your son is starting to make trouble again. Isn't it better to be an ordinary person?"

He started out as a gangster. Although he has almost been cleaned up now and is protected by the kingdom's army, he doesn't have to worry about when he will be cleared out.

He even thought about finding an opportunity to become a noble of the kingdom, to be a real upper class, and to bring honor to the family.

However, when he thought about letting that matter be exposed and exposed, all his efforts would be wasted.

After all, the upper class of the kingdom all regarded themselves as civilized people, so how could they accept such a barbaric family?

Moreover, it was very risky to take action against Lake now. He had also heard about the Creation God Church, and Lake was not alone now.

When he thought of the Balabala BBQ Bar, which was booming as soon as it opened, he felt uneasy.

The middle-aged man then looked at his eldest son carefully, and his heart was slightly settled. This was his masterpiece, and he was very satisfied with his strict training since childhood.

"Victor, this matter is left to you to deal with. Remember not to end it yourself."

After speaking, the middle-aged man waved his hand, signaling the young man to withdraw.

The young man nodded and went out directly.

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