One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 575 - Warm cheers Celebrate the joy of reunion (Please order)

Chapter 575 – ?Warm cheers! Celebrate the joy of reunion! [Please order]

This content was first published on “Hahaha”

“What a surprise! Sauro, are you going to cry?”

“This is not your style, Sauro! Don’t you always smile”

“Sauro, it’s a good day to laugh!”

The elderly team in the sky laughed and opened their mouths, stepping on the moon step and landing on Sauro’s hair, shoulders and palms.

Like one after another human-shaped pendant, interacting closely with Sauro.

“Falling thunder hee hee hee”

Surrounded by familiar and kind friends.

Sauro finally let out the characteristic laughter as always.

“Hahaha, that’s the way it is!”

“Then go back quickly, Chief Alfred and they are still waiting.”

“Next is… a lively banquet.”

The veterans were excited and yelled with joy.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Boss Luo Lin is still there: on the boat.”

An veteran patted his head and wailed.

Under his reminder, the other old people also reacted.

They hurriedly got down from Sauluo and surrounded Luo Lin on the deck.

“We already know about the advancement of the city! We really deserve to be our boss Luo Lin!”

“The boss is mighty! The boss is domineering!”

“Suppressing the riots of Infinite Hell with one’s own power, this kind of feat can only be done by our boss!”

The veterans don’t hesitate to say good things, and spare no effort to pat all kinds of rainbow farts.

“It’s OK, it’s all calm, don’t do six basic exercises.”

Luo Lin grinned and said, mingling with the veterans.

Seeing this cheerful and sincere picture, the Red Earl Ryder on the side was silent.

There was an inexplicable envy in a pair of deep old eyes.

However, the lonely Ryder has always been alone and will not integrate into any group.

At least not yet.

The atmosphere on the warship was warm.(Read more @

Amid the joy and excitement of the veterans, the ship slowly sailed into the Crescent Bay of Hwaseong City.

Bay Plaza.

The chief instructor Zefa, Karp, and Alfred and other steady veterans all waited for a long time.

Somewhere further behind.

There are also tens of thousands of young warriors in Hwaseong, eagerly waiting for the return of their hero “Grand Marshal”.

When a large warship docked in the harbor.

When the figures of Luo Lin, Sauluo and others appeared in people’s sight, the mountains and the sea suddenly sounded in the square.


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The roar of cheers resounded across the sky.

This shocking picture shocked Sauro, who saw this kind of scene for the first time.

I can’t get back to God for a long time.


“Welcome back! Boss, Sauro!”

Until Alfred waited for the familiar shouts of the veterans to sound.

Sauro finally recovered from the shock of this enthusiastic cheer.

The sight fell on those… familiar old brothers, and the mood that had only calmed down again soon became agitated.

“Puff ha ha ha ha, this time there was another big riot, Luo Lin, if you continue like this, the Warring States Period will really be pissed off by you.”

Karp laughed.

“How can it be so exaggerated, at most it’s… so angry.”

Luo Lin had a bright, harmless smile on his face.

“Occasionally, think about us… the one who wipes your ass, Luo Lin.”

Zefa opened his mouth speechlessly, and glanced at the independent Red Earl Ryder on the second deck intentionally or unintentionally.

“Mr. Zefa, Mr. Karp, sorry, it’s all because of me.”

Sauro scratched his head apologetically.

“In any case, it should be the old man who has to say sorry. If the old man knew that you were imprisoned in the Warring States period in Advance City, there would not be as many things as today, and you would not have to suffer so many years.”

Karp waved his hand.

“That kid Kuzan is really outrageous, even the old man kept it secret. When I go back next time, I will definitely find him to’talk’.”

“No, no, no”

Hearing this, Sauluo immediately waved his hand again and again.

“I told Kuzan not to tell other people. I don’t want Mr. Karp and everyone to be implicated because of my waywardness.”

Sauro explained in a hurry that he wanted to help his best friend.

“You really are the most considerate of others as always, Uncle Sauro.”

A beautiful female voice came from heaven.

“You are… Gion”

Seeing the beautiful shadows falling from the sky, Sauluo suddenly yelled in surprise.

“Uncle Sauro, long time no see!”

Gion smiled.

“Okay, okay, what are everyone doing in a daze!”

“Boss, they have returned, and the banquet can begin!”

“Today, we all work together for Sauro’s return, not drunk or returning!”


As the cheers of the veterans fell, Hwaseong Bay Plaza, a warm celebration banquet was held again…

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