One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 557 - The red dog turns into a black dog Sapped general Sakarski 24

Chapter 557 – ? The red dog turns into a black dog! Sapped general Sakarski! 【2/4】

This content was first published on Navy Headquarters, Malin Foduo.

Headquarters building, Marshal’s office.

The Hwaseong Massacre, Tu Moling participated in the report meeting of the generals, and ended early because of the news that Luo Lin had arrived on the Judicial Island.

Huoshaoshan, Dauberman and other elite lieutenants successively withdrew from the office.

In the end, there were only three people left in the house 3.

Marshal Sengoku and two generals, the blue pheasant Kuzan and the red dog Sakaski.

The atmosphere in the office is calm and quiet.

Neither the marshal nor the two generals spoke.

Just quietly waiting for the follow-up news report.

‘Swish’ a certain moment.

A bright golden light suddenly flashed across the sky of the navy headquarters.

He rushed straight into the headquarters building.

Countless dazzling golden light particles gathered from all directions.

Condensed a long and wretched figure.

“Mr. Warring States, I have completed the task you gave me. Now I am back and I am back. Then I will let Sarkarski go. I have to take a good rest.”

The general of the Navy Headquarters Huang Yuan Polusalino pushed the door straight in, opening his mouth with a grin.

‘Sw’ swam,’ all the three lines of sight in the room fell on the general Huang Yuan.


The wretched smile on Huang Yuan’s face was momentarily stagnant.

“It’s really strange today, Kuzan, and Sakaski are all here too.”

After a moment of astonishment, Huang Yuan returned to his usual wretched posture.

With his mouth pursed, with a subtle smile on his face, the old man looked at the general Akainu.

“Sakaski, I have already given you advice, telling you not to provoke my teacher, but you don’t listen. Now it’s okay, your name as a slapped general is well-known in the world.”

General Huang Yuan was gloating.(Read more @

“what did you say”

Listening to the ridicule between Huang Yuan’s words.

The general Akainu instantly raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes.

My heart is even more angry.

But even if he is not reconciled in his heart, things are already powerless.

Hwaseong event.

Because there are pirates hiding on the island to watch the battle.

The general Akainu, who upholds absolute justice, relentlessly chooses to shell and obliterate the two islands for reporters to watch and report.

Also because of


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For his behavior, he was met with collective hostility from representatives of journalists from various newspapers around the world.

Although the reporters talk about their strengths, they are all fighting the five scum, but their greatest strength is the pen in their hands.

With the pen and paper in their hands, they can manipulate one of the most terrifying forces in the world-that is the power of fishing boats!!! If it is on weekdays, even if they lend reporters a hundred courage, they dare not be right. A navy admiral commented, ridiculed, ridiculed, and even slandered.

However, after the indiscriminate shelling incident, even the weak reporters were agitated and excited.

Almost all newspapers and newsmen in the world are gathered together.

Even if the opponent is the highest combat power of the navy headquarters-General Akadog, they are completely worthy.

After nearly a week of fermentation, the general red dog has been transformed into a black dog by the power of a fishing boat.

The hacked one is called a complete body, completely lost face, and it is hard to look straight.

This is the fate of offending the fishermen’s media.

Even an iron-blooded person like the general Aka Inu is now so angry that he almost vomits blood.

But it was helpless.

Sometimes I faintly regret the… unhumanly obliterating decision I made at that time.

It’s just that it’s too late to say anything.

Looking at the general Aka Inu’s face and the sullen expression, the general Huang Ape in the house and the general green pheasant in the fake sleep could not help but laugh.

“Kuzan, Polusalino, you guys…”

The general Akinu looked bad.

“All right”

Before General Sakaski went crazy, the Marshal Sengoku finally spoke.

“The top priority right now is not… this matter, if you want to make a noise, go out and make a noise, don’t bother me here.”

The Marshal Warring States was not angry.

“Hey, Mr. Sengoku, what are you worrying about. The Hwaseong event has been successfully concluded. The two emperors of the sea were pulled down by my teacher. Now they should be happy.”

General Huang Yuan asked puzzledly.

“Um… Polusalino, Mr. Sengoku is not worried about… this matter, actually…”

The general green pheasant took off his blindfold and grinned embarrassedly.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period”

Not waiting: After the general Green Pheasant finished speaking, the green-haired brigadier Branneu’s anxious cry came from outside the door again.

“Marshals, generals, just now, the hero Luo Lin has arrived and has descended to advance the city!!!”

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