One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 544 - kill The horror and desperate joy of the prisoners

Chapter 544 – ?kill! The horror and desperate joy of the prisoners

This content was first published on “Hahahaha”

“A hero is just a kid, go to die…”

“Lao Tzu is offering a bounty of two hundred and forty million and 2 Baileys of the sea…”

“You are enough to die in the hands of this uncle…”

“Pretending little devil, you are going to die…”

The dozen or so pirate prisoners standing in the front were provoked by Luo Lin’s words and suddenly violent.

The bloodthirsty factors in the body boiled, and their strongest powers broke out ruthlessly, Qi Qi killed in Luo Lin’s direction.

In the meantime, it was accompanied by the arrogant shouts of the pirates.

at the same time.

Luo Lin’s lips lightly opened.

The light and fluttering word’smash’ fell.

Bright rays of light suddenly appeared in the void, staggering horizontally and vertically.

It looked extremely dazzling.

At the same time, it reveals the most extreme sharpness in the world.

Ling’s nature is violent and cruel, the extremely evil murderers unconsciously produce extreme coolness in their hearts.

The light of ‘唰’ intertwined like a chessboard swept past the more than a dozen murderous prisoners who charged.

Next second.

Without warning, the aura that could barely be regarded as a powerful pirate prisoners laughed, and their shouts stopped abruptly.

At the same time, they also solidified their aggressiveness, culling their forward bodies.

“Hey, what’s the matter”

“What’s the matter with you, the opportunity has been given to you first!”

“Hurry up and kill that bastard!”

A group of unclear prisoners urged dissatisfiedly.

However, he didn’t get the slightest response.

“Hey, what kind of plane are you doing?”

A depressed pirate prisoner frowned, slammed his foot on the ground, bounced a few broken stones, and was thrown out by him.

It slapped on the prisoners whose bodies suddenly solidified.(Read more @

next moment.

The horrible thing happened again.

Under the impact of external forces.

The bodies of the more than a dozen pirates finally gave birth to some reactions, but they were not living human reactions.

“Puff”, “Puff”, “Puff”, “Puff”, “Puff, Puff, Puff, Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.

The blood is splashing and spraying like a big river.

Under people’s shocking and terrifying gaze, the bodies of the more than ten pirate prisoners who were swept by the light of the chessboard collapsed and completely disintegrated.

One neat piece of meat fell off their bodies.

The blood is spattered like money is not needed, sprayed, dripped to the ground, and turned into a small river.

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The screams of horror erupted from the prisoners in the front.

Compared to the bizarre death of the previous pirate who suddenly vomited blood.

Right now, this body’s complete collapse, turning into a pile of fleshy way of death, has a much more violent impact on people’s minds.

Even the murderers who are accustomed to seeing the brutal and bloody scenes, looking at the terrifying scene in front of them, are unavoidable.

A cool air rushed from the soles of the feet to the heavenly spirit cover all the way.

The cold sweat instantly wetted them all.

It’s not just the prisoners.

After witnessing Luo Lin’s cruel and merciless method with his own eyes.

The prison officials such as Magellan, Hannibal, Domino, and Satie couldn’t help but their eyes widened, and their hearts were even more shocked.

Even the legendary Red Earl Lederfield from the last era is shocked and unbelievable at this moment.

But it wasn’t because of Luo Lin’s coldness.

It was because of this familiar method that made him inexplicably familiar.

In his memory.

This brutal ability to dismember the human body at this instant should be possessed by…Compared with the shock and horror of other people, Robin and Sauro were relatively calmer in the field.

Especially Robin.

Because I have seen this scene more than once before, it is naturally not too surprising at this moment.

“Hey hey hey, the previous one, what happened?”

“Why is it quiet all of a sudden!”

“Before, you guys… move quickly! Get out of this ghost place!”

“You are not in a hurry, I am very anxious.”

“My uncle has enough of this place!”

Perceiving the inexplicable uneasiness in the air, the prisoners who were blocked by the narrow passage could not help but become restless.

Although they couldn’t see this horrible scene with their own eyes, they intuitively told them that if they don’t leave quickly, something bad will inevitably happen.

Thinking about this.

Those behind…the prisoners who originally planned to follow the escape step by step immediately rioted together.

Regardless of it, he pushed forward.


The prisoners who saw the previous fearful picture in front of them with their own eyes backed away in shock.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

“It’s still noisy as always.”

Luo Lin spoke indifferently, and a joking and cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The extremely sharp smashing rays of light rose again, intertwined into a net, and rushed toward one of the corridors filled with escaped prisoners.

In an instant, the world is quiet!!!…Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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