One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 528 - Overlord color burst in the infinite hell (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 528 – ? Overlord color burst in the infinite hell [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on The deep sea prison is advancing to the city, and there are six underground levels of infinite hell.

This is the lowest level of the world’s largest prison.

At the same time, it is also a top secret place hidden.

Ordinary people on the sea only know that there are five hells in the city, and the level of horror is one level.

But I didn’t know that Pushing City had a top-secret underground six floors.

In this hell on the bottom floor, all those incredible figures on the sea are imprisoned, and the bounty strength is more than 100 million at the latest.

This is a real monster concentration camp.

The infinite hell that has gathered the most murderous and evil men in the world, the atmosphere will naturally not be so harmonious.

Even because of the chains and cages, they can’t fight.

Noisy is never less.

Today’s infinite hell is still the same as before.

at this time.

At the exit of the infinite hell elevator shaft, the atmosphere suddenly distorted without warning.

“Kid, look over there.”

In a cage not far from the elevator shaft, there was a cruel man with exuberant blonde hair like a lion’s mane.Kira, a slaughter warrior with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan, noticed the unusual fluctuations in the air not far away, and subconsciously spoke in shock.

“That is.……”

A few months ago, the supernova arrested in the Battle of Thousand Sails Island, the new monster rookie with a bounty of more than 300 million yuan, the captain Eustskid’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he seemed to have seen the most shocking and incredible things in the world.

“That…man is…”

Kira and Kidd were shocked and watched with horror.

The folded space cracked open.

A man and a woman walked peacefully out of the space and appeared in this infinite hell.

Looking at the man who appeared suddenly, how could Kidd and Kira stay calm again?

Because that is the most terrifying nightmare in their hearts.

A few months ago, it was the man who crushed their pirate ship with his own power and absolute power, crushed their confidence, and also crushed their pride and all their efforts.

In front of that man’s absolute power, their so-called determination and will are nothing but a joke.

After that incident.

The two Kidd who were beaten into Pushing City thought that they would never see each other again in their lives.

He didn’t want to see that…powerful, ferocious man so much in his life.

However, things are always impermanent, and fate has always been wonderful.

Kidd and Kira never thought about it.(Read more @

We have all been rushed into the infinite hell of Advance City, reduced to a state of never sky, and we can see that… terrifying man again.

To make matters worse, the other party seems to have seen them too.

“Oh, kids of the new age, have you ever been introspecting here?”

Luo Lin smiled when he was prisoner of Kidd.




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Kidd Qiang suppressed the throbbing of his heart and the trembling of his body, snorted coldly, turned and shut himself.

“Who are you and why are you here?”

Compared to Kidd’s arrogant turning around, Kira finally lost to her own curiosity.

He wants to know the identity of Luo Lin.

I want to know why Luo Lin is here.

“Hehe, don’t be afraid, I won’t bother you, today I just came to pick up a brother out.”

Luo Lin grinned.


Listening to Luo Lin’s understatement, Kira was completely stunned.

Kidd’s body in autism is also stiff.

Isn’t it a robbery to come to the infinite hell to pick up people? How bold it is to invade the deep sea prison to advance the city to save people.

“Little ghosts, you can continue to reflect here, see you next time.”

Luo Lin said at last, and then Robin with a shocked expression turned and walked towards the depths of infinite hell.

Kidd, Kira and Rollin’s brief conversation, naturally, it is impossible for no one to notice.

When you see someone who can move freely in the infinite hell-especially after that is an intruder from outside.

The criminals in the cage around him were all agitated.

“Hey hey hey, brother and girl over there, how did you get out if you don’t mind, please let me out too.”

A bearded pirate greeted kindly, but his squinted eyes were full of bloodthirsty, “Hey, brother over there, as long as you open my prison door, I will hide outside. All the mountain-like gold on this island is for you.”

Otherwise… the pirate promised.

“Brother, no, Master, let me go out. I will follow you throughout my life and listen to your orders.”

The bald-headed knife-scar pirate knelt down religiously, “Mother snorting, let the old lady out, and the old lady will be wronged and become your woman.”

Catalina, the crescent moon hunter with a long nose, said ‘tempted’.

“Smelly boy, let me out! Otherwise, I will tear you to pieces!”

There were also pirates yelling fiercely.

“Quickly let me out!”

As time passed, more and more prisoners became aware of the existence of two free men, Rollin and Robin.

So the hustle and bustle of the infinite hell suddenly became more and more ‘lively’.

Listening to the screams of…the vicious pirates around you, you can feel the ferocious aura rushing toward your face.

Robin, who experienced this terrible scene for the first time, couldn’t help but turn white.


Robin looked at Rollin.

“Don’t be afraid, it will be quiet soon.”

Luo Lin grinned.

‘Boom’ for the next second.

The endless and turbulent overlord color bursts from the infinite hell…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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