One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 515 - Rain and dew are in the fist Karps new big move 44

Chapter 515 – ? Rain and dew are in the fist! Karp’s new big move? 【4/4】

This content was first published on The thunder-like crash of ‘Boom Rumble’ resounded in the corner of Huacheng Square, rolling up dust in the sky.

Straw hat Luffy’s three-gear elephant gun: a brief confrontation with the flame-headed young man Gurant’s unicorn arm’ ends.


“Luffy, are you okay!”

Sabo, Usopp and others gathered next to Straw Hat Luffy for the first time and asked with concern.

the other side.

Klockdal and others took the opportunity to block all the intruders’ escape routes.



Two more figures swiftly rushed from the coast not far away, at extremely fast speeds.

However, without waiting for them to get closer, Sauron and Sanji made an unanimous shot and stood in front of them.

“Iron Block”

Burnham’s complexion changed, and he quickly guarded himself with iron blocks.

However, it was still almost broken by Sanji’s kick, retreating in horror.

On the other side, under Sauron’s three-sword flow, the double-sword swordsman Zepa was also defeated, flying far away, almost unable to hold the double-swords in his hand.

“Burnum, Zepa, don’t come over, I’m fine.”

The flame head naval supernova Gurant waved a gust of wind to drive away the dust in the sky.

“Who the hell are you guys, why are you here to bother me to break five, Sabo’s record.”

Straw Hat Luffy accused in an angry tone.

“My name is Gurant, the man who will become the admiral in the future! How about you”

Gurant asked rhetorically.

“My name is Monkey Luffy, and I will be the man who will become One Piece in the future!!!”

The vitality straw hat boy with his hands on his hips subconsciously responded loudly.

Gurant: “”

Everyone: “!!!”

This straw hat boy, as the rumors said, there is a problem with his brain! The flame head young man Gurant can’t help thinking.

There was no nonsense in the report that this kid, as the grandson of the hero Kapu, wanted to be a pirate, and his thoughts about being a pirate king were not ordinary distortions.

Since Lieutenant General Karp and the hero Luo Lin can’t correct your distorted thoughts, let me teach you what justice is.

Gurant thought so, his fists intersected, and a scorching steam rose from his arms.

However quickly.

Gurant found out what was wrong.

When Straw Hat Luffy uttered the iconic rhetoric, the faces of the others changed.(Read more @

All of them have horror on their faces.

What’s wrong again, it can’t be because of him.

A big question mark couldn’t help but a big question mark appeared in Gurant’s heart.

In the next second, Gurant finally knew the reason.


A loud roar of anger suddenly came from the horizon.

What followed was an astonishing explosion of air.


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It was like a meteor passing by in the sky.

Come to the square with an unparalleled horror aura.

“Master, calm down.”

Sabo yelled.

“Master… Grandpa, didn’t you go looking for something to eat”

At this moment, the lawless straw hat Luffy also couldn’t help but have a green face.

“Luffy, you’re talking nonsense again, look at the old man’s iron fist of love.”

The straw hat Luffy One Piece at a cheerful wave Karp calls from the iron fist of love, have to beat hat teenager Baotoushucuan, wah-wah barking.

Even the surrounding Sabo, Usopp, Krokdal and others are all suffering.

This is the iron fist of love specially developed by Karp in order to make every young man feel his love.

Also known as the rain and dew dipping fist technique! As long as you are in it, no one can be spared.

Even Gurant, who is a messenger, is no exception.

“I go!!!”

Gurant, who was hit by Cap’s Iron Fist, suddenly widened his eyes, and under the stimulation of the pain that went deep into his bone marrow, cold sweat flowed down.

“This is the power of Hero Karp! So strong!”

Gurant gritted his teeth.

He saw the huge gap between him and the hero.

It can’t be justified.

“Carp, hurry up and stop.”

The hero Kapuai’s Iron Fist, who had been raging for a while, finally came to an end with the intervention of the chief instructor Zefa.

The young people in the field, including Gulant, were all vocal.

Each clutched the big bag on his head, grinning grinningly.

“Puff ha ha ha ha”

Karp scratched his head and laughed heartlessly.

In response, Zefa, Mu Lian and others shook their heads helplessly.

Immediately, his gaze fell on the three of Gurant 3 who was wearing the naval justice cloak.

“Grant, Burnham, Zepa”

As the former chief instructor of the Naval Academy, Zefa certainly would not fail to recognize the good seedlings of these three 3s who performed well in the same period.

“Teacher Zefa”

Gurant, Burnham, and Zepa three at the same time stepped on the six-style shave and came to Zefa, bowing respectfully.

“I heard from Ai Yin that you were ordered by Kuzan this time to send a letter to Luo Lin.”

Zefa spoke.

“Yes, Teacher Zefa.”

Gulan nodded.

“I don’t know where the hero Luo Lin is now”

“My boss, he…”

Mu Lian just wanted to answer.

Suddenly, there was a sudden noise in the sky.

“Heh, this is a coincidence, kids, you are lucky, my boss is back!!!”

Mu Lian changed his words…

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