One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 51 - Krokdal, who will be popular in the East China Sea (35)

Chapter 51 – Krokdal, who will be popular in the East China Sea [3/5]

This content was first launched on Cook Island’s annual Big Appetizer Challenge, which has lasted more than four hours from noon to dusk.

On the length of time has surpassed the record of previous challenges.

In the past, even if you encounter a big stomach king who can eat again, it usually takes two to three hours.

At most five rounds of challenge can also determine the final winner.

However, this year’s challenges have reached the seventh round.

In this case, even the organizer of the competition did not expect it.

You can only continue to add more challenges in the rush.

However, even if more than four hours have passed, the venue for the Big Stomach Challenge is still crowded.

The flow of people who came to pay attention to the game has not decreased, but has increased.

The reason is apart from satisfying the curiosity in the heart.

It is even more because of the identity of the last two people who are still in a stalemate on the court at this moment.

One is the great sea pirate of the great sea route, Qiwuhai Krokdal.

The other is Donghai’s well-known navy colonel, White Hunter Smogg.

This is an alternative duel between the pirates and the navy.

People who follow the competition want to know who among them can have the last laugh.

“The seventh round of challenge begins!”

Accompanied by the host’s hoarse order.

The seventh round of the challenge between Krokdal and Smogg began.

The food this time is normal, but it’s not a curious, heavy-tasting dark dish like the second round of “Old Eight Secret Burgers”.

But when they saw the food in front of them, both Krokdahl and Smogg retched.

There is no reason, just because both of them have reached the limit.

Even if the elemental body of the natural devil fruit swells, it can’t hold more food.

“Hey~ha~ha~ha, the smoke imp has a hiccup~~~, you have reached your limit, if I say you can’t eat, don’t hold on any more, surrender, don’t hiccup~~~, don’t you lose to me? Shame.”

Krokdal, who was fat into a ball and did not have the image of a cruel crocodile at all, began to attack with words and fight psychological warfare.

“Asshole crocodile, you are the one who should surrender to hiccup~~~ Besides, I’m at the limit, and you are not the same. If you don’t want to explode and make a fool of yourself in front of others, leave early.

Smokey Smogg did not show any weakness, the tip of the needle was at Maimang.

“You two, if you can’t eat it anymore, maybe it’s a tie this time? Hello, me, hello, everyone?” The host of the contest rubbed his hands and reconciled with a smile on his face.

Then he was double-eyed from Krokdal and Smogg, and he backed away in fright.(Read more @

“Mr. Small, please don’t force yourself anymore.”

On the sidelines, Smogg’s ‘Guardian’ Dasqi worriedly dissuaded him.

“Smogg, don’t keep messing up.” Tina also frowned and stopped.

In contrast, Klockdal’s long-range ‘Guardians’, Miss Valentine’s Day and Miss Golden Week still cheered him in places where they could not hear.



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bsp; Of course, even if you hear this, Krokdal will not be too happy.


Smogg burped for a long time, ignoring Dasqi and Tina’s dissuasion, and tremblingly picked up the barbecue in front of him with his right hand.

Before Smogg started to eat, the scent drifting into his throat along the wind became the last straw that overwhelmed him.


Smogg, who was stiff, rolled his eyes and fainted with fullness.

This unexpected unfolding stunned everyone.

Especially Krokdal, he was already ready to leave, but the opponent fell first.

This feeling of a bright future and another village suddenly made Krokdal’s heart secretly refreshed.

I feel that it is worthwhile to spare no effort to pay.

“Mr. Small”


Da Siqi and Tina quickly came to the stage and used the stretcher prepared by the organizer to carry away Smogg, who weighed several hundred kilograms.

“I declare that the champion of the 12th Big Stomach Challenge is Qiwuhai from the Kingdom of Alabastan on the Great Route, Mr. Krokdal!!!”

The host hurriedly announced the result and delivered the trophy representing the champion to Krokdal.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

There were cheers from the audience.

At this moment, even if they knew that the champion was a pirate, the people in the venue still spared no effort to cheer for the winner.

Unknowingly, the image of Krokdal’s ruthless pirate gradually faded in people’s minds, and what emerged was a tenacious fighter who never gave up in order to win.

The Great Stomach Challenge on Cook Island ended with Krokdal’s victory.

But this is not the end.

About this special game and Krokdal’s performance in it will be spread throughout the East China Sea in the next few days and will be known to the people of the East China Sea.

“It’s finally over. The little crocodile performed well this time.”

Luo Lin nodded with satisfaction in the teahouse box near the venue.

“Little Klock is really good this time.”

“I looked at him with admiration.”

Miss Golden Week and Weiwei both show admiration.

“Then let’s go. After watching for so long, you should be hungry too. Next, I will take you to eat delicious food.” Luo Lin smiled and rubbed the little heads of Golden Week and Weiwei.

“Huh, I can finally go.”

The only outsider in the room, Nami, the little thief cat in the East China Sea, let out a long sigh of relief.

However, Nami was dumbfounded again when she saw Luo Lin naturally lifted her golden package and headed out the next moment.

“If you don’t play it like this, it’s the treasure I stole so hard!”

Little Nami wailed in her heart, and she wanted to cry again.


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