One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 502 - Heros appreciation Sentimental and righteous little lion 34

Chapter 502 – ? Hero’s appreciation! Sentimental and righteous little lion! 【3/4】

This content was first published on to say the most ruthless words and do the most insulting things.

At this moment.

The cadres of the Four Emperors used their own actions to perfectly interpret the meaning of this sentence…

“Da” Luo Lin stood in front of the peasy lion fur, “Little lion, you are the only one left.”

Looking condescendingly at Bakermuses with a bewildered look, the corners of Luo Lin’s mouth raised an arc unconsciously.

Baker Mouss: “”

Look left, no one.

Look right, no one is there.

After that, I also finished running! What the hell is Bakermuth, the whole lion is stupid.

The sunglasses used to block funny peas are slanted.

A string of snot drooped unconsciously under the nose.

It’s not that we promised to swear to the death together and protect my mother. How can there be such a thing! “Hey, Bakermuth, give up, the other party is a hero who has surpassed the four emperors, how could we be able to stop it, it is just to die for nothing. ”

Looking at Bakermusi, who was stunned and motionless.

Dan Dan Baron, who has been partner with for many years, couldn’t help but reminded in a low voice.

Bakermuth turned his head to look at Baron Dandan who was hiding far away.

The one who said, ‘I want to do something to my mother, step over our corpse first’ came and felt the questioning gaze from Beckmus.

Baron Dandan shrank his head and dared not look at him.

Bakermuth looked at Smoky, Perrospero and other ministers again.

Strictly speaking, he was just a courtier of Charlotte Lingling.

These talents are children with positive blood relations.

However…Smoky and the others seemed to think of this too, and they avoided Bakermuth’s gaze, not daring to look directly at his innocent peasy eyes.

“Papa…” Bakermuth’s tail was dancing, flapping the deck.

It represents the grief and anger in his heart at this moment and the chill of being “betrayed”.

Although he is not human.

But it is a lion with a righteous affection.

In the past, he was rescued by drifting in a shipwreck.

He also joined the thief.

The only thing he can do for the simple and straightforward is Quan Luo Te Lingling in return.

Even Charlotte Lingling’s biological children escaped.

He can’t retire either.

At most, it would be a life that had been alive for so many years.

Thought of this.(Read more @

A firm look appeared on Bakermuth’s face.

The tortoise fruit ability of the animal system is activated.

A solid green defensive shell tore his clothes and slowly emerged.


“Stop it, Baker Moose!”

“Don’t irritate that person!”

“You will kill the entire pirate group like this!”

The aunt cadres who ran to the side without authorization were surprisingly tough at this time.

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“To shut up”

Bakermuth gave a sigh of relief.

“This is my choice, come on, hero.”

Bakermuth had great courage in his heart and looked directly at the stalwart figure in front of him.

Even if he was facing the strongest of the sea who could easily kill even the four emperors, he did not retreat halfway.

This courage to face death has surpassed everyone present.

“Jiehahahahaha, brother, this little lion is not bad, he has the demeanor of the old man.”

In the sky, the golden lion Shiji burst into the air with a loud laugh.

“Really rare.”

Luo Lin nodded appreciatively.

It’s just…Since the other party has realized this, how can Luo Lin ignore it.

‘Boom’ stepped forward in one step.

The turbulent domineering look rushed out of Luo Lin.

It condensed into an invisible sledgehammer and slammed it on Beckmus’s forehead.

Under the impact of Luo Lin’s terrifying overlord color.

Bakermuth’s head jerked back.

Unconsciously, his steps backed back again and again.

Eventually he fell down in front of the cabin door, rolled his eyes and passed out completely.

“What a powerful overlord look this is!”

All the aunts and pirates were shocked.

“Look, it’s really futile.”

“That guy Bakermuth is such an idiot.”

“It’s really stupid, why do we thieves still have such a fool.”

The cowards hiding in the corner talked ridiculously at this moment but spared no effort.

It seems that this is the only way to reduce the shock, shock and shame that Beckmus’s courage brought to them.

It can show how correct their decision to retreat is.

“Boom” Luo Lin took this step completely.

Obviously it was the deck that was stepping on, but for… the aunts on the ship.

Luo Lin’s foot seemed to be stepping straight on their hearts.

Especially those cowards who… said or thought about ridiculing Beckmus’s courageous action.


The screams came and went one after another.

Under that unspeakable pressure.

The aunts and pirates on the boat went into a coma one after another and fell to the ground.

“Heroic Luo Lin, we obviously have already given way, how much do you want to force us to”

Perrospero screamed in horror, not even the blood dripping from his tongue bite.

“Jiehahahaha, stupid idiots, you are the real idiots.”

Golden Lion Shiji laughed.

“Let’s go, go and see Lingling now.”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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