One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 500 - Shocking beasts and aunts for a hundred years (14 seeking subscription

Chapter 500 – ? Shocking beasts and aunts for a hundred years [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the sun was so strong and dazzling that people couldn’t open their eyes.

However, at this moment, the two great emperors of Bai Beast and Aunt are raising their heads together.

Even if his eyes were stinged by the sun, he still persisted, and did not look away.

All because of the legendary flying big pirate, Golden Lion Shiji’s ‘Big Brother.

In the last era, the legendary existence of the same name as the Pirate King Roger and the White Beard, there is even a big brother that is almost unheard of! This is a shocking event! If it is spread out, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the world.

Who is the person who is qualified to be called the big brother by Golden Lion Shiji, who is the sacred beast and the aunt? The pirates of the two emperors are waiting nervously.

There are footsteps from the sky.

A figure appeared in the dazzling fiery red sun.

Because of the sunlight, it is not true.

But not everyone hasn’t seen it.

At least Hundred Beast Flame Cinder, Plague Quinn, Sixth Son Uluti and others, as well as the aunt’s Perrospero, Sing Smuji and others all saw it.

Saw and recognized the identity of the heavenly man.


These…the faces of the strong people who are almost based on the world’s second echelon, they all appear extremely shocked and unbelievable.

Their eyes suddenly widened, their pupils shrank suddenly, and their jaws almost drooped to the ground because of the excessive shock.

“How could it be him!!!”

Plague Quinn’s voice rose more than eight degrees, screaming in shock.

“How could he be Golden Lion Shiji’s eldest brother!”

The beauty of the giant, Black Maria, pales.

“Impossible! We must be dazzled!”

Perrospero shook his head repeatedly, his face was full of disbelief.

“Master Jin, Master Quinn”

“Brother Perros, Sister Smoky”

“Who is that person?”

The beasts and the aunts… the pirates who have not yet discerned the identity of the people in the sky, all asked anxiously.

“That person… That guy is the hero Luo Lin!!!”


The entire prison island fell into an uproar at this time.

at the same time.

The figure in the sky that was modeled by the sun gradually became clear.(Read more @

In the sight of the two great emperor pirates on the island, the originally vague figure is now extremely dazzling.

It is more eye-catching than the sun in the sky.

“Jiehahahahaha, it’s really worthless, beasts and aunt’s little ghosts, this will scare you all”

The golden lion laughed sarcastically.

If you change it to the past, even if the opponent is the legendary flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji.

Because of the epidemic, Kui is the first beast, ‘Zuan team will definitely not fake him, it has already broken a lot.


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However now.

At this moment.

They really have no leisure time to curse.

When I learned that the eldest brother mentioned by Golden Lion Shiji, it turned out to be Luo Lin.

That… the man who defeated the Four Emperors Alliance with his own power, the time of the legendary hero.

Their bodies are from the inside out, and their whole bodies and minds are occupied by shocking emotions.

The brain is even blank.

The depths of my mind are like waves of stormy waves.

Emotions of shock and fear rushed to their hearts, making many of them unable to think.

“Hey, Golden Lion Shiji, can you explain what is going on, why this hero is your big brother!!!”

Epidemic Quinn panted heavily, and shouted with all his strength.

“The naval hero who defeated the sea lord Lockes thirty-six years ago turned out to be the big brother of the flying big pirates, don’t be kidding me!”

Charlotte Mondore’s forehead blue veins jumped wildly.

“If it’s a nightmare, hurry up and wake me up! Gah…oh!”

The thief fighters, the fur clan Bakermuses raised his head and roared.

“The navy is the pirate’s eldest brother. It’s really a big surprise!”

Murloc Sasaki looked absurd.

“Golden Lion Shiji, is your head broken?”

Wu Luti, the irritable old sister, naturally has no scruples.

“Mr. Jhin, you can say something too.”

Peggy Wan looked at the fire embers with horror.

“From the beginning, we should have thought of it.”

Yan Calamity Jin finally spoke.

“What comes to mind”

Quinn subconsciously answered.

“The flying ring during the martial arts conference, the Jedi venue for the second round of the conference, and the empty island golden township over Alabastan.”

Yan Calamity Jin opened his eyes faintly.


Listening to the reminder of the flames.

The cadres of the beasts such as Plague Quinn, Fosforth, Black Maria unconsciously held their breath.

They understood the meaning of Yan Bai Jin’s words.

Those in Hwaseong Fortress… incredible floating sceneries.

It’s not the smiling hand of a person who weighs fruit and ability.

Those who really created the miracle of the floating island were the legendary flying big pirate, the golden lion Shiji!!! Just when the cadres of the beasts were shocked by this amazing speculation.

A hundred meters away, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the Mother Thief Ship Queen Mother Anthem.

“Hero Luo Lin, you are… on our boat, thinking… what you want to do”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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