One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 487 - Satisfied crane Farewell to the eve (44 seeking subscription)

Chapter 487 – ? Satisfied crane! Farewell to the eve! [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on from early morning to dusk.

Hwaseong Square, people cheered endlessly.

Warm atmosphere……

In the evening.

The setting sun goes down.

Luo Lin returned to Hwaseong Square after finishing his medical examination.

The originally bustling, lively banquet has disappeared, leaving a mess and a group of drunks.

The cleaning staff in Hwaseong City are cleaning the site.

“Boss, you’re back, hiccup.”

Colin, a drunk veteran who was drunk, burped alcohol, sat up swayingly, and said hello to Luo Lin.

“Is the banquet over?”

Luo Lin scratched the back of his head.

“The new recruits will have to train tomorrow. It’s almost done here. Mr. Zefa will now take everyone to allocate housing.”

Alfred laughed.

“Hey hey”

The old man Mu Lian suddenly smiled wretchedly.

Luo Lin looked sideways.

But I saw Mu Lian mysteriously taking out a pot from behind…big waist.

“The boss has been working hard this day, but I specially saved this for the boss, and I will quickly take supplements.”

Mu Lian chuckled.

“Cunning Mu Lian, fortunately I was also prepared.”

Another veteran said that he took out a pot of leeks from behind.

“I have it, and I have it too!”

“Boss, it’s still something like me, it’s the biggest supplement!”

“Go and go, there is no such thing as the donkey thing I picked, boss, eat this bowl, and keep you alive and well.”

“It’s still mine!”

“My good!”

The veterans seemed to have negotiated.

They scrambled to give Luo Lin the hidden ‘good things’.

There are inexplicable smiles on those old faces.

Seeing the attentive look of the old guys, Luo Lin couldn’t help being covered with black lines.

I can’t hear the jokes in these old guys’ words.

“You guys are so courageous.”

Luo Lin fisted and creaked.

Listening to the sour noise between Luo Lin’s palms and fingers.

The smiles on the faces of the veterans narrowed.


The old man Mu Lian screamed, and the first Sa Yazi ran wildly.

The other veterans in the field were also well prepared and dispersed in a rush.

Fleeing in dozens of different directions.

“Boss, don’t look at us, we are not involved.”

Alfred, who was still there, waited for a clarification.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin smiled.(Read more @

The figure of ‘唰’ suddenly disappeared.

After a while.


Mu Lian screamed when he ran far away.


“Boss, I’m sorry…!”


“Mu Lian, what are your bad ideas! I really believe in your evil!”


“Boss, I’m sorry.. I will come next time. No, I made a mistake. I mean I will definitely not come next time.”

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In the square, cheerful shouts came and went one after another.

five minutes later.

Rollin clapped his hands.

Finish work.

None of the old and unscrupulous people headed by Mu Lian were’excluded’, and they all rushed to the street.

“Boss, Mr. Karp, they have already moved to the Dome restaurant for the second half, are you going to see it?”

Veteran Alfred’s face couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

“Well, Yar, then these old guys will be handed over to you.”

Luo Lin nodded, and disappeared from the square after stepping out.

“Yar, has the boss gone?”

An veteran leaping on the street opened one eye and closed another, and asked in a low voice.

“Go away, get up, don’t pretend.”

Veteran Alfred shook his head helplessly.


The veterans who were on the ground all smiled and got up one after another.

Of course there are a few who have not been able to get up.

But it wasn’t because of being beaten to faint.

It was because he pretended to be in a coma for too long on the ground and fell asleep, and even the snoring was loud.


Everyone laughed…

the other side.

Hwaseong Dome Restaurant is still very lively.

Ended the gathering of tens of thousands of people in the square.

The energetic and cheering people gathered here to continue the second half.

When Luo Lin appeared in the restaurant.

The warm atmosphere in the room immediately took a step forward.

“Puff ha ha ha ha, Luo Lin, come, come, come and eat something.”

Karp laughed and crossed a waist.

Luo Lin: “…”

If it weren’t for reading Karp using mind-reading techniques, Luo Lin would have to hammer him with him.

“Mr. Luo Lin”

“Mr. Hero”

“We toast you.”

The shouts of the representatives of the major islands in the East China Sea awakened Luo Lin from his speechless state.

Toast and drink with everyone.

“Um…oh oh oh”

Everyone cheered.

“Hey, hey, Mr. Luo Lin is as handsome as before.”

Kokoro, the old fish, winked at Rollin.

“Hero hero, I also want to have a drink with you.”

“Meow meow meow”

The little girl with soaring braids, Zimonni, and the rabbit Kunbei jumped up.


Rollin smiled and nodded, and clinked glasses with the juices of Zimoni and Bunny Kunbei.

“Uncle Luo Lin, we have to leave tomorrow.”

Esbaqu came forward with a wine glass.

“I really want to go back, after all, it’s long, Espagu.”

Rollin patted Esbagu on the shoulder.

“Where and where.”

Esbagu waved his hand, and immediately became serious.

“Uncle Luo Lin, that…”

“Don’t worry, Kalifa and the four of them will stay with me.”

Luo Lin grinned…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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