One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 475 - Bucky Im not me without you guys, dont talk nonsense (44)

Chapter 475 – ? Bucky: I’m not me without you guys, don’t talk nonsense [4/4]

This content was first published on, “Hahaha, Bucky, you guys are really hidden! It’s amazing to grab the final treasure without making a sound! Not bad, not to lose the face of our Roger Pirates!”

Mu Lian patted Bucky on the shoulder and laughed loudly.


Listening to the generous praise from Mu Lian, Bucky was not happy at all.

At this moment, looking at the…crystal treasure box in Mu Lian’s hand–that…the crystal box that he took out of the bag through his hands–Bucky was stupid.

When on earth did this ghost ran into his treasure pile so immortal, that he was exposed in full view! This is simply a disaster!!! Bucky wailed in his heart…

“Captain Captain, look there… That thing didn’t sink into the sea with the island!”

Bai Xiong Beibo emotionally pointed and pointed.

“Ah, you don’t have to shout so loudly, I have seen it too.”

Trafalgaro’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A blue ‘circle appears in the palm of the right hand.

As long as the operation space is expanded, he can grab the treasure chest into his own hands with a single thought.

It’s just…Trafalgarro exhaled, but in the end he didn’t put it into practice.

After all, the martial arts conference has really come to an end…

“Um… red nose, when did you get it?”

Drake whispered.

“It’s unbelievable! The final winner turned out to be that… funny red nose!”

The people of the Eight Treasure Marines shook their heads in disbelief.

“Wow, I’m really unwilling!”

Cavendish, the pirate noble son, is unwilling to yell…

“This is really a piece of it, Bucky the Clown, it’s really been a long time since I saw it!!!”

The captain of the White Beard Pirate Group 1 shook his head with emotion.

“Marco, that… Bucky, Bucky of the East China Sea, really is a member of the Roger Pirates group”

Ace’s eyes widened, and his face was…controversial.

“Ah, at that time, I was the intern of the old man, that…red nose and…red hair, it was the intern on Roger’s side. We were confronted with each other.”

Marco recalled.(Read more @

“Fuck… Groove, that… Bucky still has… Wait… Marco, the red hair you mentioned earlier, is it… Red-haired Shanks!!!”

Ace exclaimed.

“Except… that… red hair, who else on this sea is qualified to have this name.”

Marco said.

“Hahahaha, it turned out to be Bucky! It’s really impressive


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Miss it!”

In another part of the tattered battleship, Jesus couldn’t help laughing.

“Jesus cloth, Bucky with the red nose, is it the boss…”

Lazilu was surprised.

“That’s right…The young playmate Shanks used to practice with. Twenty years ago, before Shanks and I left the East China Sea, I met him once. Twenty years have passed, and he is still alive.”

Jesus preached.

“I go–”

Listening to his father’s account, Usopp was suddenly shocked that his eyes popped out of his eyes.

As a native of the East China Sea, to the “big pirates” in this area of ​​the East China Sea, Usopp is a precious treasure.

Bucky’s 17 million bounty can only be said to be average.

However, behind this general bounty, there is still such a major identity hidden.

It is really shocking.

“Could it be that from the beginning, that… Red-nosed Bucky has always been: showing the enemy’s weakness, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?”

The black-haired teenager Lucio guessed.

“It’s possible, after all, he is also the legend of the two old men on the same boat with Mu Lian and Sambell.”

Murloc youth Nobel echoed.

“I really underestimated him.”

Krokdal looked bad.

“Sure enough, none of the legendary pirates in the past were mediocre.”

Haixia sighed with emotion.

“Is it really”

Sabo is skeptical…

“Berry is offering a bounty of 17 million, Bucky the Clown. I thought it was just a little-known character. It seems that we underestimated him.”

“Yes, just being a member of the Roger Pirates group is enough to make his bounty more than tenfold!”

“Plus this strength! In the melee of many strong men, quietly and quietly seized the last treasure! He really has been in disguise.”

“Of course, after all, he is also one of the legendary teams.”

“He is the ultimate dark horse of this conference! Ah!!!”

On the arch bridge, a group of reporters who did not know the truth also started a series of brain supplements without authorization.

The flash does not flicker.

He seemed to want to report on Bucky’s hidden conference ‘Ultimate Dark Horse!’!!! Listening to the exclamations and compliments from everyone around him, Bucky was not happy at all.

“I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense! Don’t make up your mind! Bastards! I really don’t know when this thing came into my pocket!”

Bucky roared like a collapse in his heart…

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