One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 472 - The general Aka Inu was slapped 14 Seek Full Order

Chapter 472 – ?The general Aka Inu was slapped! 【1/4 Seek Full Order】

This content was first published on ‘Papa Papa…’ The crisp and loud applause was formed in succession.

Play a rhythmic movement.

However, no one in the field can appreciate the rhythm.

At this moment, everyone who witnessed this scene was all caught in an extremely shocking emotion.

Every face is full of incredible and unbelievable colors.

You know, the person who is unilaterally slapped is one of the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, General Akainu! Qualified to be ranked as a general of the Navy Headquarters, it is enough to show the strength of Akadog.

He is definitely one of the strong men standing at the top of the sea.

Even if it is better than the four emperors.

Do not.

In terms of attack power alone, relying on the increase of the natural magma fruit, he is the head of the three generals, even above the emperor of the sea.

But it is such existence.

At this moment, Luo Lin was pressed on the ground to ‘educate’.

There is no way to fight back.

This scene is simply scary and unbelievable.

After all, before that, whether it was the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling or the beast Kaido.

Both had fought Luo Lin in a fierce battle that would overthrow the world.

But now, what kind of grandpa teaches his grandson? Both are the world’s top powerhouses. Why is the gap so big? Is it because the general Akadog is scrupulous about the hero’s identity, so he didn’t fight back.


This kind of thing is impossible.

Even ordinary people can clearly feel how powerful the counterattack of the general Akainu who was hammered on the ground is.

That is definitely going all out.

It’s just that Akadog’s terrifying magma attack that can burn ordinary people to ashes a hundred times.

It didn’t hurt at all when it fell on Luo Lin.

The high-explosive, high-injury magma tactics that the general Akadog is proud of did not do any harm to…Luo Lin.

Being completely immune to Luo Lin’s body.

This is the root cause of this farce that is happening now.

“Mr. Zefa, this, this… is too much too much!”

“Although I also think that Sakarski is not pleasing to the eye, no matter what, that strength is really real!”

The veterans were also stunned and surprised.

“It’s not surprising. The magma power of that kid Sakaski is indeed very strong, but it’s a pity that he ran into a nemesis this time.”(Read more @

The old man Mu Lian smiled cheerfully.

“Do you think that the boss used to swim and bath in magma is bragging? That’s all true.”

Former lieutenant Alfred grinned and said, “That’s why the old man has already said that the power obtained by the fruit is only false power. When encountering a restrained person, the power of the fruit is completely nullified. The scene, do you understand Sakaski now.”

Zefa shouted.



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Regarding… Zefa’s ‘bitter-mouthed’ education, General Akinu was already unable to respond.

At this moment.

He has fallen under Luo Lin’s stormy slap combos.

His entire face was swollen and deformed by Luo Lin’s big hands.

Even the teeth fell off, mixed with blood flying out.

Then he was burned to ashes by his own high-temperature magma.

What happened to him now was like a dream for…Aka Inu.

It’s a nightmare I have never had before.

In this world, there are people who can be completely immune to magma.This kind of thing is simply unheard of.

And after losing the high burst of magma and high damage, his own armed fists are even more painless to…Luo Lin’s tough body.

How to play this is completely impossible to play! After not knowing the number of heavy blows, Luo Lin finally stopped.

At this moment, the general Aka Inu no longer had the initial arrogant performance.

His head was swollen like a pig’s head, his eyes were staring at Venus, and the world was spinning around.

The whole person fell into a state of complete bewilderment.

“Sakowski kid, don’t think that no one can cure you when you become a general. What I just said… have you heard?”

Luo Lin asked.


General Akino snorted meaninglessly.

“If you hear it, then go back and reflect on it.”

Luo Lin waved his hand.

The dangling body of the general Akainu flew upside down instantly, and finally fell heavily on the deck of the warship.

After a while.

The people in the room have recovered from this extreme shock.


“Mr. Sakaski”

Lieutenant General Doberman and the ghost spider all changed their colors, and immediately returned to the warship on the moon step to check the situation.

“And you…”

Luo Lin’s sight fell on the admirals on the island, and then spread to all the seamen on the warship.

Perceived the line of sight from Luo Lin.

From the top to the lieutenant general, to the general soldiers, they couldn’t help standing up straight.

“If you don’t mind, you can stay for a drink and leave later. Of course, if it is really inconvenient, you don’t have to force it.”

Luo Lin grinned.

Listening to the invitation from Luo Lin, all the navies present were stunned.

Immediately there was a loud cheering.


“Please let me join!!!”

The marines, especially the marines of the two warships rescued by Luo Lin, were excited and shouted excitedly…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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