One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 461 - Another Five-Lao Star, now 24 Seek full order

Chapter 461 – ?Another Five-Lao Star, now! ! ! 【2/4 Seek full order】

This content was first published on ‘Boom’, the rocks pierced through the sky, and the waves hit the shore.

Hei Longtic, who was beaten hundreds of meters by the joint attack of Marko and the six powerhouses, rose from a pile of rocks into the sky.

Even if he vomited blood before being hit by everyone’s attack, he almost rolled his eyes.

However, at this moment, it has already recovered.

No trace of wounds could be seen on the whole body.

The perverted defensive power and resilience of the Shenlong Fruit can be seen.

“Thief hahahaha”

Heilongtiqi’s dragon body, which is more than a hundred meters long, swims in the sky.

“Eudemons Dragon, this is really one of the best abilities!”

After confirming that he had indeed recovered, the triumphant expression on Blackbeard’s face suddenly worsened.

“Damn it, that…the scales are harder than steel.”

The knight Thomas growled unwillingly.

“What a monster-like body is that!”

Lei Qing’s face was shaken.

“The strongest creature after Kaido, given time, maybe it’s really impossible.”

Jinping’s face was also extremely solemn.

“Thief hahaha, Captain Ace, Captain Marko, Jinping, Thomas and Marku Guy are also there. It’s a coincidence.”

Blackbeard grinned open.

“Then let me ask again, after seeing my new form, Captain Marco, do you want to consider joining my team and becoming my partner?”

Heilongdi asked whimsically.

“Titch, I also want to ask you, how do you want to die today”

Ace took a violent step, and his body was full of flames.

“Saqi’s resentment before his death can only be washed away with your blood!”

Marco also stopped drinking coldly.

“Thieves hahahaha, it seems that there is no way, so let the captains look at interesting things.”

Black Dragon Titch gave a treacherous smile.

Next second.

The deep darkness is like a hanging galaxy, pouring down from his huge dragon body.

“Be careful!!!”

“Boom”… “Kakaka” “Boom” The sky was broken and recovered.

The endless sea cracked huge gullies under the cutting of sword energy.

This is the sky battlefield between Luo Lin and the swordsman samurai Lao Xing.

“I really saw an interesting thing happen today!”

The old star of the samurai wearing a mask appeared.

Even if the clothes are tattered, there are bloodstains on the body.

The expression on the face of Old Star, a samurai with a sword, was loose.

“Rolin bastard, a freak like you has appeared”

“Ha ha”(Read more @

Luo Lin chuckled.

“You don’t look too surprised”

The old star of the samurai with a sword.

“Since just now, I have been running around like a mouse. I haven’t seen you for so many years. You old guy’s courage is really small.”

Luo Lin laughed sarcastically.

“Of course, the old man is best at…speed. Thirty-six years ago, I was easily defeated by you because I didn’t take advantage of this advantage. How could the old man make the same mistake this time?”

The old star of the samurai with a sword took it for granted.

“Hehe, I said you don’t want to delay waiting for someone to help you, if you are really scared


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, Has been there: the holy land is hiding, just wait for me to take the initiative to kill it again.”

Luo Lin said kindly.

“What a arrogant kid.”

The sword-wielding samurai old star has a cold look in his eyes.

“But there is one thing about you… that’s right. My task today is indeed to hold you back. You are fighting against the Hwaseong organization established by our government. I don’t know how you would feel if it were destroyed.”

“Old guys, don’t you guys…”

Luo Lin gradually narrowed his eyes.

“That’s…what you think.”

Old Xing, a samurai with a sword, raised a successful smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Ding” a little light suddenly lit up in the distant sky, like a shooting star, falling straight towards Hwaseong…

at the same time.

Hwaseong Plaza.

Witnessed the treacherous changes that happened to Blackbeard in the Taikoo venue.

The people on the square could not help but chaos.

“What exactly is going on”

“That… how did Blackbeard get Kaido’s dragon power!”

“Furthermore, I have seen his information, that… Blackbeard should already be a capable person!”

“In other words, does he possess two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time”

“This is simply unreasonable, it breaks the basic law of Devil Fruit!!!”

The screams of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Smogg and other active admirals fell.

The shock on people’s faces suddenly became even worse.

Compared to the shock and uproar of the young people.

The veterans in the field are abnormally silent at this moment.

Because in their cognition, the black beard in front of them was not the first man to break the basic laws of Devil Fruit.

Decades before him, someone had broken it long ago, but it has never been announced.

Only those closest to them know.

“Big Brother Karp, what’s the matter with that black beard boy? When I was with Roger, I thought that boy was abnormal.”

The old man Mu Lian asked.

“You ask me, how do I know”

Karp glanced at Mu Lian slantingly.

“Regardless of.……

What’s going on, that…Blackbeard must not be kept today. If he is allowed to develop, he will definitely become a more troublesome existence than Kaido. Today, the threat must be stifled in the cradle.”

Zefa’s killing intent.


“Mr. Zefa is right!”

“Can’t give him a chance to grow!”

The veterans agreed, eager to try.

“Wait…, what’s coming!!!”

Just before the veterans acted.

Karp yelled suddenly and solemnly, and suddenly raised his head.

Listening to Karp’s roar, Zefa and others also raised their heads subconsciously.

A little golden light appeared in their field of vision, even more dazzling than the sun, and it kept expanding in their pupils.

“what is that”



Karp yelled again.

“That’s the enemy!!!”

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