One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 442 - Monster City Completely collapsed 14

Chapter 442 – ?Monster City! Completely collapsed! 【1/4】

This content was first published on “Enemy Attack!!!”


“Everyone prepares for battle!!!”

When the battle in the sky of the headquarters building started.

The entire Hwaseong Fortress was like a waking beast, unleashing a terrifying deterrent force.

Feeling the energy that originated from the entire Hwaseong Fortress, the dancers who just landed on the coast of Hwaseong Fortress couldn’t help but stop breathing.

“Good, good! Very good! It is simply too good!”

After the thunder and gossip of the Four Emperors and the Hundred Beasts, Kaido, the dark horse of the conference is still alive! The dancer is sick, and his pale face is flushed with excitement and excitement.

As one of the hidden powers of the world government, his strength is naturally good.

Whether it was from the fact that he destroyed the island with a single blow in the conference or survived by the four emperor beasts Kaido’s big move, it was enough to show his strength.

Like the Twisted Fruit Dark Horse! The old man, in a previous era, he was also the top figure of the sea in the world government organization comparable to the general level.

And the reason why he can become the top powerhouse of the sea is not relying on his own hard work and exercise.

What he relied on was only a devil fruit ability-the superhuman sway fruit ability.

As a firm ability-supreme party, he puts almost all of his energy into the development of ability.

It turns out that he did succeed.

Develop or even awaken this second-rate ability, which sounds useless at first, to remove… the power that destroys the world.

Today’s Summer Island venue is not the first island to collapse under his abilities.

In the distant past, he used his ability to subvert and destroy a country.

“This is really suitable for me, the best stage!!!”

Feeling the powerful auras in Huacheng, the intoxication on the face of the man in the tattered dance clothes suddenly became even greater.

He developed the awakened ‘swing’ dance, in which the sway rhythm contained in it can quickly affect the people around him in ignorance.

Let others follow his rhythm uncontrollably.

Just like the domino effect, once it falls into his rhythm, then it is absolutely impossible to get out of it, and can only become his strength.

The stronger the individual who falls into the rhythm, the stronger the rhythm, and the stronger the increase in his final strength.

Once, ordinary people who controlled an entire country with a swinging rhythm were enough to destroy a large island.

Now, if he can control the city where the strong are gathered, how much his power will be increased. If it is really successful, it is not the four emperors and beasts Kaido, that is… the hero Luo Lin, absolutely can’t defeat it. He! Thinking of this, dark horse! The sick smile on the dancer’s face is getting wider and wider.


Next second.

Dark horse! The smile on the dancer’s face suddenly solidified.

“That old guy, in the end…”

Dark horse! The dancer raised his head and looked in the direction of the Hwaseong headquarters building.

So his pale face gradually moved.

“The sword intent of the great swordsman, the overlord look, the bear-like man…Is that the power of strength?”(Read more @

When capturing the shocking fluctuations that erupted in the direction of the headquarters building.

Especially the Wushuang Iron Fist that came across the sky and fell like a star.

Rao is a dark horse! The dancers can’t help but feel horrified, with a white sweat on their backs.

His swing rhythm is indeed powerful and extraordinary, and it can quietly influence others.

But there is another premise.



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; That is, the opponent’s strength cannot be higher than him.

If the opponent’s strength is equal to or even above him, the rhythm is naturally useless.

He originally thought this city had no other threats except…two heroes.

Until now, he didn’t know that things were not as simple as he thought.

In this city, there are at least a handful of people who are not below him.

This is simply the ‘house’ where the monsters gather.

It is extremely dangerous.

There is a lesson for the twisted old man to be blown up, dark horse! The dancer can’t help but retreat.

“Finally found!”

“The other is here!”

Just as the black horse! The dancer retreated, several voices suddenly came from all over the coast, awakening him from the shock.

“You are the guy who was hit by Kaido with a stick, you are all in the same group!”

The old man Mu Lian, former lieutenant general Alfred and former general Zefa came together.

Qi machine locks the dark horse on the coast! Dancer.

“Your luck is really bad.”

Dark horse! The dancer’s eyes flickered with cold.

He had planned to retreat quietly and made another plan.

If it’s just discovered, there will be no way.

He can only solve the three people in front of him as quickly as possible before leaving.

Anyway… it’s just three old guys, dark horse! The dancer slowly raised a finger while thinking so.

“Smash the tornado!!!”

In Dark Horse! The dancer’s eyes seemed to be nothing more than an old man with purple hair, Zefa yelled, and the smasher in his right hand rushed towards him with the power to smash everything.

Feeling that Zefa’s body is not weaker than his aura, dark horse! The dancer’s old face suddenly froze again.

“I!!! Another one!”

Dark horse! The dancers cursed secretly in their hearts.

After a moment, he remembered.

This purple-haired old man with a robotic arm in his right hand seems to be the former navy that people have discussed before…the general!!! This is a quick ass! If you get entangled, wait for other general-level combat power, especially That…the Iron Fist Hero arrived.

His fate will definitely not be much better than the twisted old man.

Thinking of this, dark horse! The dancer retreats decisively without hesitation.

However, when he saw the situation behind him, the dark horse! The dancer was completely dumbfounded again.

“Hey hey, old fellow, where do you want to go, so you dare to invade our Hwaseong Fortress, what a courage!”

The old man Mu Lian ruffian Fan’er said with a full smile.

“Brothers, go together and beat up this old guy.”


The forty-eight veterans who accompanied them all swarmed up.

The result is self-evident.

Only three minutes later.

The veterans finished their work.

“Boss, the mice here, we have solved it, and it’s up to you next.”

Mu Lian looked at the Fourth Emperor Rank battlefield in the distance and grinned.

It seems to be responding to the expectations of Mu Lien and everyone in Hwaseong.

A magnificent and magnificent atmosphere filled the Jedi venue thousands of meters away.

The ‘Boom Rumble’ burst with a loud thunderous noise.

The island of the Jedi venue floating at an altitude of a thousand meters finally collapsed!!!…Feilu reminds you: Three things to read.


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