One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 433 - Thunder 18 hexagrams Bigmom joins the war 44 Ordering

Chapter 433 – ?Thunder 18 hexagrams! Bigmom joins the war! 【4/4 Ordering】

This content was first published on “Boom——”

The terrifying collision is still going on in the middle of the battlefield.

The four emperors and beasts Kaido, who couldn’t accept his weakness and defeat, waved the mace stick in his hand as if mad.

Li Ke opened the mountain’s Kaido’s big move-thundering gossip, colliding with Luo Lin’s continuous ordinary fists, causing a terrifying void explosion.

The sight is terrifying.

The masters of the sea who had been fighting for more than a thousand meters in Ling’s appearance were shocked.

One punch, two punches, three punches… “Look, there are cracks in Kaido’s weapon!!!”

Seeing that he was particularly domineering, Jesus Bu noticed the crack on the mace and couldn’t help but yell.

Suddenly, the exclamation sounded into a film.

Fourth punch, fifth punch… “How can this kind of thing be possible!”

“Kaido’s mace, in terms of hardness and quality, is definitely not under the supreme knife!”

“That’s a magic weapon made by meteorite from the sky!”

The beasts and pirate group plagued Quinn, the six volleyed son Fusfor, the murloc Sasaki, the poisonous tongue sister Uluti and so on…

Everyone also noticed the increasing and expanding cracks on the mace weapon in Kaido’s hand.

So involuntarily yelled out.

Suddenly, the expressions of extreme horror and disbelief appeared on those faces.

6,,,…Under the horrified gaze of people.

Kaido’s thundering hexagram’eighteen’ touches Luo Lin’s tenth’normal’ fist

The dazzling impact light shines through the world.

There was a loud noise.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaidona uses meteorite iron from the outer world as the raw material, and is made by the craftsmanship of the top craftsmen in the country.

The wolf-fanged stick, which was not under the supreme sharp knife in terms of quality or hardness, exploded.

He was beaten to pieces by Luo Lin’s unmatched dragon fist.

Countless fragments of meteorite iron flew in all directions.

One after another huge potholes were blasted in the ground.


Witnessing this terrible scene with my own eyes, there was an uproar in the audience.

“Fried fried fried… fried!!!”

Bai Xiong Beibo stared at the bear and stammered.

“The mace of the four emperors and beasts Kaido was smashed by that…hero’s fist!”

Lao Cai, the Eight Treasure Marines yelled.

“That pair of fists are too terrible, hey!”

Fighters in the new world, bounty hunters screamed.

“What kind of power is that!”(Read more @

The pirates of the new world such as Doma, the knight, lost their voices in amazement.

As for the beasts and pirates on and off the field, they were even more horrified.

It’s not just the cadres of beasts in the appearance battle.

At this moment.

The moment when the wolf-fanged stick in his hand exploded.

The faces of the four emperors and beasts on the battlefield Kaido also showed an expression of extreme fear without restraint.

The emotion called panic quickly encroached on his whole body.

The existence in front of him is simply…the real monster.

In front of this monster, he was still powerless.

The situation is exactly the same as it was decades ago, and it hasn’t changed at all.



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nbsp; The fear in Kaido’s heart that was suppressed by his self-hypnosis, like a volcanic eruption, spewed out exponentially.

this moment.

It doesn’t matter what the pride of the four emperors, what singles the strongest name, it doesn’t matter.

The most important thing is to win the battle and save your own life.

After the previous battles, Kaido of the Four Emperors and Beasts has deeply realized that it is absolutely impossible to win this monster with him alone.

So… “Lingling, how long do you have to stand next to me, I can’t stand it anymore, come and help me.”

The four emperors and beasts Kaido screamed in surprise, and finally asked for help from the other sea emperor, Luo Te Lingling.

Listening to Kaido’s cry for help, the expressions on the people who were immersed in the shock of Luo Lin’s ten punches and blast Kaido mace couldn’t help but stagnate.

The ‘Boom’ earthquake trembled.

It seems like a giant is traveling.

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling, who always watched the battle quietly in the center of the battlefield, finally moved. “Well, Kaido, you finally remembered asking me to help. Put down your worthless pride earlier, ask for help earlier, and you don’t have to endure so much. Didn’t it happen? I have to wait till now.”

The four emperors Luo Te Lingling, who was like a little giant, laughed.

“Don’t be fussy, Lingling, come here quickly and we will solve this bastard together.”

Kaido yelled and urged, the huge body still trembling because of fear.

“It’s really worthless, kid Kaido.”

Charlotte Lingling dropped the crystal box she was carrying, showed a fierce look, and began to walk towards the battlefield.

‘Gudong’ and ‘sizzling’ looked at the four emperors Charlotte Lingling who entered.

The people in the appearance battle couldn’t help but feel dry and breathless.

“Finally, another sea emperor will also be dispatched!”

“Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling has also entered the arena! What will happen to the next battle?”

“Undoubtedly, the hero Luo Lin overpowered that… Kaido of all the beasts, he is the strongest one in the true heads-up, but…”

“But now his opponents are two sea emperors! In this sea, no one can defeat two sea emperors at the same time!”

“The legendary naval hero, can he make history again today?”

The people watching the battle from all over were shocked and mumbled worriedly.

“Um…oh oh oh oh”

“Mum is finally going to play!”

“Two sea emperors come out together, that… the hero is dead!”

“The result is doomed, don’t watch it anymore!”

“No one can fight the combination of two Four Emperors at the same time.”

At this moment.

For this situation, the pirates of the beasts are naturally the most excited.

In their view, the two emperors of the sea, Kaido and Lotling Ling, will join forces to make the world invincible.

This is the picture they have been looking forward to for a long time.

Their emperor alliance will be unstoppable.

With the appearance of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling, the atmosphere of the conference suddenly reached another high dynasty.

Under everyone’s attention.

A smile appeared on Luo Lin Gu Jing Wubo’s face.

Since the start of the battle, the left hand that has been ‘seal has finally moved.

To deal with a sea emperor, Luo Lin one hand is enough.

If there are two, naturally there are two!!!… Please download the un-underlined version


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