One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 429 - Awkward and annoyed beast Kaido44

Chapter 429 – ?Awkward and annoyed beast Kaido【4/4】

This content was first published on, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, jerk rolin, i will fight you for another 300 rounds!!!

Kaido, the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts, held a spiked stick, pointed at the sky in the direction of ten o’clock, and uttered a domineering shout.

The power of the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air is undoubtedly obvious.

Of course, if you are not pointing in the wrong direction, Kaido’s posture is truly domineering and awe-inspiring.

It’s just now… with Kaido’s domineering cry of war falling down.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into an inexplicable embarrassment and anxiety.

The participants of the conference who started the appearance battle for more than a thousand meters are all the four emperors and beasts Kaido looking at the moment with weird looks.

“Ace, that… Xiaolongren, wouldn’t it be fooled by the handsome uncle?”

The vitality straw hat boy stared in surprise, and asked straightforwardly.

Ayes the fire fist:”.……”

“It seems that… the impact of the hero’s previous slap on Kaido has not subsided.”

The captain of the New World with a monkey standing on his shoulder, the traveler Doma opened his mouth with shaking expression.

“The power of the previous blow was so powerful that even the one known as the strongest creature… Kaido was beaten for a long time and couldn’t find North. If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have already died and cannot die. ”

Lei Qing Makugay shook his head and sighed subconsciously.

“That idiot Kaido, when will he continue to be ashamed? My old lady is about to quit. Find someone more powerful.”

The silver teeth under the mask of the poisonous tongue sister Wu Luti creaked.

“Lulu Sauce”

The giant beauty Black Maria on the side showed a panic on her face.

He hurriedly buried Wu Luti, who had failed to speak, into his body again.

“Luluchan, you really can’t talk about such things casually.”

The giant beauty Black Maria reminded.

“It’s too late to regret now, I have heard everything.”

A gloating smile appeared on Quinn’s face not far away.

“Little girl film, I have been upset with you for a long time, after you go back, you will wait to be punished.”

“what did you say!!!”

Uluti struggled to get out of Maria’s broad arms, her angry brows erected.

There is a sign that there is a big disagreement and a big fight.

‘Wala’ and ‘Bearing’ are just as Uluti and Plague Quinn are about to fight.

A flaming line of fire descended from the sky, smashed heavily to the ground, and set off a fierce gust of wind.

Confused people’s eyes.

Stay calm.

A toothless pterodactyl surrounded by flames appeared in front of a group of beast cadres.

It is the second commander of the beasts and the leader of the three major disasters, “Jin-sama”

Black Maria’s pretty face showed joy, and she sighed with relief in her heart.(Read more @

“Jin, you heard that just now, Wuluti… the girl who owes her mouth…”

Plague Quinn didn’t finish speaking, but was choked by a look under the face of Yan Plague Cinder.

Wu turned around and shrank his head.

If you change to the past, Quinn will naturally have no scruples.

Even if Yan Calamity Jin was a little stronger than him, he wasn’t afraid at all.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to be here at this special time


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Entangled with it in a small matter.

After all, it’s better to say whether you can go back in the end! “Wulti, the same is true for you. Let’s stop now.”

Yan Calamity Jin looked at Wu Luti and spoke coldly.


Wu Luti turned her head and snorted proudly…

“Kaido, is your head broken, take a closer look, where is your opponent?”

In the middle of the battlefield, the other Four Emperors, Luo Te Lingling’s face was gloomy, and finally couldn’t help shouting to remind her.

Under Charlotte Lingling’s reminder, Kaido finally realized the source of the previous subtle sense of disobedience.

Due to the deformed face and the five sense organs are almost squeezed together, his eyes are blurred.

And the original keen sense of sight and domineering perception is also due to the slight deviation of the brain’s concussion.

After realizing that he was embarrassed in the eyes of the world again and lost his face.

The Four Emperor Kaido instantly burst into uncontrollable rage in his heart.

With the stimulus of anger and emotion, his domineering look and hearing was finally able to fully restore accuracy.

The wolf-toothed rod in his hand shifted to the right from sixty degrees to twelve o’clock.

Finally, Luo Lin’s position was accurately found.


Kaido opened his big, crooked mouth, just about to shout.

However, in the next instant, Kaido saw and heard Luo Lin’s perception of color suddenly disappear.

At almost the same time, the severe pain started in Kaido’s jaw and quickly spread to the brain nerves.

“Kaido kid, let’s stop talking about useless nonsense.”

Luo Lin’s calm voice exploded in Kaido’s ears.

next moment.

The power of Shenglong Fist burst.

Luo Lin’s armed fists rushed with the terrifying power that was enough to smash the mountain, blasting Kaido, who was like a little giant, into the air.

The blood between the nose and mouth was rushing, embarrassed and miserable.

However, this time, Kaido finally did not lose the face of the four emperors.

The teeth clenched.

The facial muscles seemed to have life, firmly binding Luo Lin’s fist that was trapped in his flesh and blood.

“Don’t underestimate the Four Emperors!”

Kaido yelled violently, grabbing Luo Lin’s right arm with his right hand like a vise, swaying in mid-air for a week, and slamming it heavily towards the ground.

The dull bang of ‘Boom’ sounded.

Splashes of dirt and dust obscured people’s sight.

Watch this scene.

From just now, the beasts and pirates who were suffocated and bored suddenly screamed in excitement.

However, they didn’t wait for their cheers to fall.

Another dull bang sounded, shaking the land of the island and stirring up a raging storm.

The violent wind raged at this time, blowing away the dust in the sky.

So the cheers of the beasts and the pirates stopped abruptly.

Replaced by: there is still a deep horror and disbelief that emerges.

Because the situation on the battlefield was exactly the opposite of what they had imagined.

Luo Lin, the hero they hated, still stood steadily.

On the contrary, it was the invincible captain in their minds, the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido suffered a back fall again and fell to the ground in embarrassment…

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