One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 427 - The audience was shocked (24 Guiqiu full order)

Chapter 427 – ? The audience was shocked! ! ! [2/4 Guiqiu full order]

This content was first published on ‘Boom Rumble Rumble’ when Luo Lin’s full slap overwhelmed Kaido’s fierce dragon head.

The sea, the earth, and even the sky were all shaken.

The terrifying shock wave spread to all directions, causing the atmosphere to appear ripples and lines like water waves.

“Um… Ang”

The roar of the dragon shook all directions.

It was Kaido, the four emperors and beasts in the state of the dragon, roaring.

He squeezed his arrogant head and fought against the slap from Luo Lin.

Kaido didn’t want to bow his head.

However, the reality will not change the slightest because of his arrogant will.

The four emperors and beasts Kaido are so high: The dragon’s head is pushed down little by little by the phantom of that giant hand.

His eyes gradually turned white, and the fierce dragon’s face was constantly deformed under the squeeze of the force, reaching a critical point.

In the end, under countless people’s shocked and appalled gazes, Shenlong Kaiduo’s proud head was completely pressed down.

The huge dragon body is like an arrow, piercing straight into the island land.

The flames of the terrifying explosion caused by the ‘Boom’ heat bomb were blown away by Kaido’s huge dragon body, swelling and dissipating in all directions.

‘Boom’ that is the earth trembling.

A series of terrifying cracks more than a thousand meters long, starting from the point where Kaido’s dragon head penetrated, spread quickly.

The entire island of the Jedi venue in Ling was shocked.

From afar, looking up from the ground.

You can clearly see a large transparent hole in the front and back, and the terrifying cracks that are enough to make the island fall apart.

That… the big transparent hole before and after was penetrated by Kaido’s heat bomb.

As for those… big cracks, naturally it was the power of Luo Lin’s slap.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

The roar surrounding the sky and the earth gradually ceased.

The smoke and dust of the explosion that obscured the sky gradually dissipated.

People no longer buzzed in their ears, and their eyesight regained clarity.

The blurry picture on the live screen is also clear.

When you see the shocking scene in the middle of the battlefield, ‘gudong’ and ‘sizzling’.

Seeing that is impossible…The first generation of Shenlong Kaido was slapped into the ground, like a javelin.

The faces of people were extremely shocked and shocked.

The sound of inhaling air-conditioning and the rolling sound of the Adam’s apple were connected into a piece.

“That… Kai Kai Kai… Kaido was slapped over by the slap of the hero Luo Lin!!!”

I don’t know how many people stared in shock at this moment, and stammered.

“That is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air! Just looking at that figure, I trembled with fear! However, he was slapped by the palm of someone!”

I don’t know how many people yelled incredibly at this moment.

“How come this is my Mr. Kaido!”

“That’s the emperor of the sea! Our dragon boat!”(Read more @

“That…hero…is it really strong enough to surpass the Four Emperors”

“Captain Kaido singles out the strongest throne to change hands today?”

Witnessing the scene of his own captain being flew by a bait, all the beasts and pirates at the Taikoo venue were shocked to the point of screaming.

At this moment, even if they don’t…wish in their hearts, they have to admit the facts they see in front of them.

Compared with the loss and unwillingness of the Beast Pirate Group.

At this moment.

Hwaseong Square has fallen into a sea of ​​cheers.

Thousands of Hwaseong fighters gathered in the square, one


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All of them were pulling their throats and shouting hoarse cheers.

The stands shivered, and the nervous representatives of the East China Sea and the boatmen of the Water Capital also cheered.

Kalifa, Kagu and even Rob Lucy, who was also known as the strongest man in the 980 years, were also in the stands.At this moment, it seemed that even his breathing was stagnant, and his heart unconsciously gave birth to endless despair.

“Puff ha ha ha ha”

That was Karp laughing wildly.


Zefa, Mu Lian and the forty-eight veterans in the field also laughed.

“It’s too strong!!!”

The new-generation marines such as Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Colonel Smogg all murmured unconsciously.

After the shock, extreme enthusiasm and admiration appeared on those faces.


“Brother Luo Lin is amazing!”

“Just defeat the Four Emperors in one breath!”

The grandstand of the headquarters building.

The corner of Ahe’s mouth: slightly lifted, his face is full of pride in Gion, and Robin has a bright smile on his face.

Colonel Tina was shocked, just like a girl with a big stomach on the rooftop.

As for Vivi, Kerra, Keya, Girl Alice and other little girls, their faces are extremely excited.

Clenched the small pink fist, happy, and yelled excitedly.

Nami, who used to be a cheerleader, took the lead in shouting, but at this moment, she was abnormally quiet.

A pair of big eyes glanced, looked at the thunderclouds in the sky, thoughtfully…

The northern area of ​​Hwaseong Fortress.

It was as if a long-haired mammoth from ancient times was roaring loudly.

“Kaika…Mr. Kaido was slapped flying by that…hero.”

In the sky, people with artificial butterfly fruit like thin bamboo poles stammered in horror.


Star Snug, who was at war with Brooke, stared wide.

“Keng” “Bang” first born with double horns, Kaido’s son Yamato, wearing a feather coat, flew upside down, smashing through the walls for an unknown number of buildings.

“Ahem, it is indeed one of the legends. One Piece’s right hand, Hades, Lei Li, is still not old.”

Yamato coughed several times, and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Yamato, Mr. Kaido is not good over there.”

Jack the Mammoth yelled worriedly.

“Jack, although the bastard father is a little bit asshole, he is not easily defeated by others. Let’s worry about ourselves now.”

Yamato took a sip.

The appearance of Pluto Raleigh exceeded his expectations.

It is precisely because of this unexpected situation that it will lead to a greater crisis.

For example, that… Thor, who suppressed the pirate riots with absolute force, is now rushing towards them…

At this moment.

The dilapidated Jedi venue.

The kilometer-long Shenlong Kaido still pierced the ground like a javelin, motionless.

“Hey, Kaido”

The four emperors Luo Te Lingling who was watching the battle recovered from the shock, and her footsteps slammed on the ground.

“Kaido, your kid shouldn’t die so easily!”

The Four Emperors Charlotte shouted coldly.

‘KaKa’ fell with the voice of the Four Emperors.

The ground on the battlefield cracked again.

at the same time.

The dragon that pierced the earth like a javelin moved…

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