One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 405 - Buckys road to promotion Epidemic Quinn fell 44

Chapter 405 – ? Bucky’s road to promotion! Epidemic Quinn fell? 【4/4】

This content was first published on Time passed bit by bit.

There is still half an hour before the end of the first round of the Kudos Tournament.

The Taikoo venue previously occupied by the two emperors seems to have become the focus and center of everyone’s attention.

Heroes from all walks of life gather.

The fierce collision that made the island tremble was staged all over the Taikoo venue, and it was dizzying to watch.

Germa 66, the green pepper of the pillar of the Eight Treasures of the Navy, Rommel’s sickle, white horse, Cavendish, Lei Qing Makugay, Tour Knight Thomas, Magic Hawkins, Fallen Rear Admiral Drake, Death The surgeon Trafalgaro, the strange monk Urki… Countless sea masters and strong men participated in it.

Among them are rushers like Cavendish who simply come to pick up heads.

The green pepper who made a mistake, came for revenge, but helped the enemy’s cone.

There are affiliated personnel of the Preparatory China Organization similar to Trafalgarro’s trading certificates.

In addition, there are falling wells and falling into the rocks, and the guy who beats the water emperor with this rare opportunity is here.

Vicissitudes of life.

The heroes of the sea gathered with various purposes and opened the prelude to the first chaotic war in history…

The Taikoo venue, which has attracted most of the advanced players, is very lively.

In contrast.

Naturally, the other nine venue islands are much deserted.

Even if there is a battle, it is just a cock pecking at each other, and it is completely incomparable with the fierce battle at the Taikoo venue.

of course.

For…the “abandoners” who are now hiding in every corner of the venue, ready to wait until the end of the time.

The current deserted situation couldn’t be better.

At this moment.

An uninhabited hidden corner of the Spring Island venue.

A group of pirates are still: lurking.


“Captain Bucky, what do we do next”

“The rest of us don’t expect to advance, but we absolutely have to send Captain Bucky to the second round.”

“Captain Bucky is our last hope.”

“If it is not enough in the end…, I will sacrifice once, just ask Captain Bucky to do it lightly!”

The people of the Bucky Pirates lowered their voices, and their faces were firm.

Bucky: “I!!!”

God, he will protect me from promotion! The ghost wants to advance to the second round! Didn’t you see that there are simply monsters all over here.

Lao Tzu really believed in your evil talents to participate in this terrible meeting! Finally, it was so terrible that you still wanted Lao Tzu to advance to the first round.

The second round is bound to die.

What a joke! Don’t go! Resolutely don’t advance! Bucky’s heart is ranting frantically.

That being said.

The number of defeats on Bucky has now reached ninety-six people.

It’s just a step away from being promoted.(Read more @

As for how the mediocre Bucky has accumulated such a considerable number of defeats…The rustling sound of the adjacent grass of ‘Shusha’ made Bucky’s ears moved and he was instantly alert.

The first move is strong, and then the move suffers.

Bucky lifted his foot and threw it out.

A small hole is opened at the top of the special clown shoes.

A modified version of Bucky bombs, small hemp bombs popped out and fell into the dense grass, exploding a huge spark.

At the same time, “give up the four hidden ones


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The pirate blew up into the sky.

The number of defeats +4, the great pirate Bucky successfully advanced! “Awesome!”

“Captain Bucky is amazing!”

“As expected of Captain Bucky!”

“It’s great, great!”

“In this way, we don’t have to sacrifice ourselves!”

“Captain Bucky, we have done everything we can do! Now it’s time for your performance, Captain!”

The people of the Bucky Pirates were either excited or deeply spoken.

Bucky: “”

What a wool, so why is there just in the bushes…Four people, by the way, why the uncle encountered such weak scum along the way! What kind of luck is this! It would be better to be punched if you knew it earlier. It’s so happy to fly! And you guys, what you can do is what you can do from beginning to end, what do you do, Bucky’s heart collapsed.

Crying but no tears.

The earth trembled suddenly.

“Captain Bucky.”

The Chief of Staff Kabaji yelled.

“what happened again”

Bucky replied irritably.

The tremor of the earth became more and more obvious.

Needless to say, Bucky, who has recovered, is aware of the problem.

This seems to be the source of the shock caused by the running of the prehistoric behemoths… the adjacent Natsushima venue.

Driven by curiosity.

Everyone in Bucky’s group used their hands and feet to climb the hill at the junction of the spring and summer venues.

“Nah, nah… what does that mean?”

“Um… are all the people in the venue cramped?”

“This is a martial arts conference, not a fight dance conference!”

The people of Bucky couldn’t help but lose their voices as they watched the weird scene at the adjacent Summer Island venue.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, it’s definitely not good.”

Bucky looked flustered and shook his head again and again.


In the middle of the summer island venue, a dancer in fancy dress kicked and tapped.

Stepping like a non-stop.

It seems to have a special rhythm, which makes people unconsciously immersed in it, falling into his rhythm.


Swing with me.”

The man in fancy dance clothes held up the microphone and yelled intoxicated.


On the side, the third in command of the Beasts and Pirates, the plague Quinn raised his hands high, immersed in the fierce dance and couldn’t help it.

the other side.

All members of the Radio Pirate Group headed by Haiming Skulachman Apple are also passionate accompaniments.

The first major melee in the history of the Taikoo venue gradually reached its climax.

Similarly, the fighting dance festival at this summer island venue also came to the highest dynasty.


“Tap” That is the dance step of more than two thousand contestants in the summer island venue.


‘Dong dong dong dong’ is the sound of the earth’s ‘heart’.

‘Didi Didi’ is the countdown to the last ten seconds of the first round of the martial arts tournament.

When the hourglass on the big screen is zero.

The first round of the martial arts conference ended here.

The island also collapsed at this moment!!!…Feilu reminds you: Three things to read


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