One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 385 - The strongest Insurmountable mountains 44 Ordering

Chapter 385 – ? The strongest! Insurmountable mountains! 【4/4 Ordering】

This content was first published on ‘Keng’, the supreme big knife, the black knife flew upside down at night, piercing the ground of the ring.

It represents the end of the battle of the world’s top swordsman.

“I lost.”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s calm voice sounded.

Calmly admit his defeat.

As a result, the world fell into a dead silence because of his defeat.

“Hawkeye Mihawk, give you ten years, come and try to surpass me.”

The words of the sky are like thunder, and they are overbearing.

That is the new world’s first opening.

As a result, the world is boiling over!!!… “Won, Luo Ling won.”

In Hwaseong Square, Nami, Weiwei and other little girls danced happily and hugged each other.

There was extreme joy and excitement on Qiao’s face.

“From now on, my goal is to become a father.”

Gion’s slender hand was placed on the famous sword Jin Pilo on his waist, and his pretty face was filled with a joyful smile.

“Mr. Luo Lin has become a new target. It’s really a mountain.”

The spectacles swordsman Da Siqi murmured.

“Hahahaha, you really deserve to be the boss of Luolin.”

The old man Mu Lian shouted excitedly.

“The new world’s number one swordsman was born!”

“The boss is the strongest!”

“Next is… the strongest throne in the world!”

“The world’s number one boss!!!”

A group of elderly veterans clenched their fists one after another, their blood was surging, and they shouted with all their strength toward the sky.

There is no stability as a senior old man at all.

Even more excited than the young warriors of Hwaseong Fortress.

Because that’s their boss! “That guy Luolin, was he that strong before?”

Karp scratched his head and looked at Zefa beside him.

“Who knows, that guy has never been able to use common sense to guess. Even during the thirty-six years of imprisonment, he is getting stronger in some way we can’t understand.”

Zefa said with emotion.

“makes sense.”

Karp nodded in sympathy.

“Youhohohoho, the new world’s number one swordsman, you really deserve to be Mr. Luo Lin.”

At the Hwaseong headquarters building, Brook stood up suddenly, with a look of admiration.

“On the knowledge of kendo alone, even Captain Roger, I am afraid it is not as good as those two people.”

Kurokas said with emotion.

“Oh-even Captain Roger…”

The layman Sangbel suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

“What a monster! I really don’t know how that bastard practiced.”

Lei Li took a deep breath, but the shock on his old face couldn’t be calmed down.

“This is the best! Only the strongest is worth our bet on everything.”

Xia Qi smiled.

“The opening drama is almost over, so I should prepare too.”

“The new world’s number one swordsman Luo Lin!”

“Headquarters headquarters, big news…the big news is coming out again!”(Read more @

“The world’s largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk lost! Lost to that…hero Luo Lin!”

“The hero Luo Lin is the new world swordsman!”

Reporters and audiences are screaming for another shocking event…

“After the hero, is there a new title, the world’s largest swordsman, really an insurmountable mountain!”

The supernova death surgeon Trafalgarro’s right hand holding the knife trembled slightly…

“Ah baba baba, okay, okay.”

On the other side, the supernova Dian Yin Apu laughed gratefully.

“What’s okay”

The magician Hawkins looked solemn, unable to understand Arp’s laughter.

“Of course it’s because I’m not a swordsman. There is such a great swordsman in the world in front of me. The swordsmen of the world are going to be desperate, right?”



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p; Ding Die Yin Apu laughed out of schadenfreude.

The atmosphere is quiet.

“are you an idiot”

The magician Hawkins was speechless.

“What do you mean?”

The smile on Apu’s face was frozen.

“That man is not just the world’s number one swordsman standing in front of the swordsmen, but the strongest standing in front of all the strong men in the sea. It’s a blocking stone for all of us.”

Drake spoke quietly.


Dian Yin Apu’s mouth opened wide, his body stiff…

“Damn it, hate it, hate it”

Taikoo venue.

Plague Quinn stomped angrily.

“What the world’s largest swordsman is really useless, waste Hawkeye Mihawk.”

Plague Quinn yelled furiously.

“Trash, you can only talk about it here, Quinn.”

The voice of Fosforth among the six volleys was low, and the hand holding the knife was shaking unconsciously.

“Fosford, you won’t be so scared to tremble, are you really worthless.”

Wuluti’s poisonous tongue opened.

“Sister, don’t talk nonsense.”

Peggy Wan whispered Bibi: I want to explain for Fosford.

However, it didn’t wait for Peggy Wan to think of a reason.

next moment.

Fosford first nodded affirmatively.

As the top swordsman, he is infinitely close to the realm of the great swordsman, and his feelings about the previous battle of the world’s largest swordsman are more profound than anyone present…

“Hawkeye had that man before…No matter where it was, it was too terrifying.”

Not far away, the thief’s sword tyrant general Xing Smuji’s face changed in awe.

“Sister Smoky, is it really so terrible? You overreacted, right?”

Flampe, the cutest sister of the Charlotte family, shook her head with an incomprehensible expression.

“No matter how strong he is, he will definitely not be his mother’s opponent.”

Perrospero, the son of Charlotte’s parents, suddenly shouted, awakening the shocked and horrified partners.


“Brother Perros is right!”

“Our mother is the emperor of the sea!”

“And this time it’s my mother and the monster Kaido.”

“Two sea emperors joined forces, this is unprecedented!”

“What about the heroes of the Navy”

The pirates of the thief shouted one after another to dispel the fear in their hearts and strengthen their confidence…

The island coast of the venue.

The little monsters of Hwaseong on the ruined warship also recovered from their shock.

“Mr. Luo Lin is the new world number one!!!”

The black-haired boy Lucio flushed with excitement.

“Too strong, no matter which one is too strong, I am not even an ant compared to them now. Are these the great swordsmen standing at the top of the world?”

Sauron couldn’t help thinking.

But even if he had seen such a terrifying duel, there was still no discouragement in his heart.

On the contrary, the blazing will to fight and the determination to become the world’s number one inflated like never before.

This is Sauron’s sword.

“Hawkeye Mihawk, I will be the second one to defeat you.”

Roronoa Solo’s eyes were extremely firm.

“Really worthy of being our mentor!”

Sabo touched the head of the brother next to him with emotion.

Straw Hat Luffy slammed his left fist on his right palm.

“It’s finally our turn next.”

Straw Hat Luffy grinned, full of fighting spirit.

“Bang” and “Bang Bang Bang Bang” were shortly after Straw Hat Luffy’s voice fell.

The explosion of fireworks came from all over the ten major island venues.

Gorgeous fireworks rain bloomed over the venue.

Represents the official opening of this martial arts conference!!!…… Please download the un-underlined version


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