One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 317 - Kapu Green Pheasant Yellow Ape expresses his position Red Dog shocked (

Chapter 317 – ?Kapu Green Pheasant Yellow Ape expresses his position? Red Dog shocked [4/4]

This content was first published on, Marine Headquarters, Marine Fodder, the highest-level meeting.

Following the return of the general Akainu Sakaski’s righteous words fell.

All the lieutenants who attended the meeting nodded in agreement.

at this time.

Since the beginning of the meeting, the highest naval forces who have always kept silent have finally reacted.

No more silence.

“Enough, stop talking, Sakaski.”

The general green pheasant Kuzan stood up.

The lazy eyes of the past, but now they are exuding a breathtaking cold pressure.

It is the opposite of the magma-like fiery temperature of Akakun.

The huge meeting room was half cold and half hot at once.

Feeling the oppressive force bursting out of the arrogant general blue pheasant, the lieutenants in the conference room couldn’t help but look shocked.

“Kuzan, what do you mean? Are you dissatisfied with my plan?”

Admiral Akinu squinted his eyes, and confronted tit-for-tat without giving way.

“Put away your surplus righteous heart, Sakarski!”

The questioning of the general Akainu was not answered by the general Aoi.

The person who spoke was General Huang Yuan Polusalino.


Looking at the general yellow ape who stood up.

The look on General Akinu’s face was unconsciously moved.

He didn’t have the slightest surprise for… the previous opposition from the general Qing Pheasant.

Because the two have been very different from the beginning, whether it is fruit ability or justice concept.

It was the same with O’Hara twenty years ago.

Regarding the way the traitor Lieutenant General Sauro handled it, he almost fought against the green pheasant.

However now.

The general Huang Yuan’s rise and aim.

However, Akinu was completely shocked.

Decades of acquaintance.

As for… the character of the general Huang Yuan, Aka Inu knows nothing more.

He knows that this guy’s favorite is watching movies.

If it had been in the past, in the face of this situation, it would inevitably be on the sidelines.

Will not make any comments.

However, today I don’t know what the wind is.

Could it be that the sun hit the west and came out with the shock and inconceivability of the defeated general Akinu’s face.


“Mr. Huang Yuan”

The faces of the lieutenants in the conference room were also shocked.

But what shocked them even more: behind.

“Absolutely not, if you really do this, wouldn’t it be exactly the same as 36 years ago”

The legendary naval lieutenant, the hero Karp stood up, with extreme indignation and anger on his old face.

“I will never allow the injustice like that 36 years ago to happen again. The word “hero” shouldn’t be so ironic.”

Karp spoke firmly with a firm tone.

The whole body is even more powerful and awe-inspiring.

“Mr. Karp”(Read more @

“Lieutenant General Karp!”

“Kapu, even you…”

Feel the breath coming out of Karp’s body.

The lieutenants in the conference room were not once awe-inspiring.

The face is even more shocked unconsciously.

“Kuzin, Polusalino, Cap, Gion”

The general Akainu didn’t flinch his sight and swept away from everyone one by one.

“Enough is enough”

Just before the general Akainu was about to speak.

The Marshal Sengoku, who was at the top of the conference table, finally spoke up.

“Let’s end this meeting, Sakarski, you will discuss this proposal later. That’s it, it’s all over.”

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Marshal Zhan Guo Guo broke his mouth, ending the terrifying aura that was about to erupt in the field…

New world.

The undercurrent surging.

The sea was filled with stormy waves after another.

The Redforth, the mother ship of the Four Emperors Redhead Pirate Group, sinks and floats in the sea.


The red-haired cadre with an orangutan standing on his shoulder yelled.

“what’s happenin”

On the mast of the Redforth, the red hair asked loudly.

“Old man with white beard, crazy woman and that…Kaido, the three of them contacted.”

The cadre with the orangutan reported.

“what did you say!!!”

“They… They are not going to join forces!”

“Reorganize the Rocks Pirates 36 years ago!”

Hearing that, the red-haired Shanks has not responded yet.

The Red Pirates on the boat screamed.

“So, what’s the situation?”

Deputy Captain Ben Beckman asked.

“The old man with white beard made it clear that he won’t participate, but that…the crazy old woman and Kaido seem to be determined to get the fruit. It is estimated that they have to be pinched. This time the paradise is really going to be lively.”

Another red cadre who got the news responded.

“The most fierce and strongest Superman crushes the fruit! The man’s ability!”

The four emperors red-haired Shanks looked up at the sky.

The rain slapped on his face, blurring his expression.

“Also, boss, the old man with white beard said a terrible thing at the end.”

The cadre with the orangutan screamed again.

“What did the old white beard say”

Someone asked.

“Um… the old man with white beard said that the aunt and Kaido might die there.”

The cadre with the orangutan said with an incredible expression.

“Wow” The Red Pirates on the Redforth suddenly became an uproar…

The end of the first half of the Great Route.

The islands of Chambord.

“Ocean Overlord Locks, what an amazing existence this is!”

Trafalgaro, a dead surgeon staying on the island, watched the latest report, sweating.

“Captain Captain, I want…I want to scare to death!!!”

The heart pet Beibo held his heart and fell straight to the ground.

“Bebo, Bebo, cheer up.”

Pekin and others shouted immediately.

“Bebo, get up quickly and get ready to go. How can we miss such a grand event, and the fruit…”

Trafal Falgarro grinned…

A restaurant in Shampoo.

“Captain Bonnie, you just said where you were going”

“You don’t have long ears.”

Supernova Joelie Bonnie rolled her eyes, “But we got here after a lot of hard work! We can go to the new world soon!”

“You can go to the new world at any time. This grand event is rare in thousands of years, idiots.”

Big stomach girl Joe Ellie Bonnie grinned…

On the other side is Port 44, Chambord Land.

“Captain, we just arrived at Chambord, are we going back again?”

The pirates of the Broadcast Pirate Group collapsed and shouted.

“Ah baba baba”

The radio captain Skulachman Apple ignored the grievances of his subordinates.

Turn to look at the other two places in the port.

“Magic Hawkins, as well as the fallen Major General Drake who escaped Qianfan Island, do you want to go, too? I don’t know if you mind if you go with each other, and you can have a caring for each other.”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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