One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 306 - joy Mu Lian and Sambell shocked again and again (14)

Chapter 306 – ?joy! Mu Lian and Sambell shocked again and again [1/4]

This content was first published on “Hahaha, come on, I am not afraid of heaven and earth, and I am afraid that you will not succeed.”

One…The old man Mu Lian who killed Matt patted the bear’s chamber, looking like a heroic and dry cloud.

Many veterans of Ling’s presence were all looking at him.

Then he smiled knowingly.

That’s it.

This is the one they know… Colonel Ruffian Mu Lian.

Just…Looking at Luo Lin who appeared behind Mu Lian out of thin air.

All the veterans couldn’t help grinning.

“What do you look like?”

Feel the subtle smiles from the former navy companions.

Mu Lian, the old man who killed Matt, trembled.

I just felt chilly all over.

Unconsciously, there was a bad feeling in my heart.

next moment.

A big hand fell on his shoulder without warning.

At the same time, there was a calm and familiar voice.

“Boy Mu Lian, I haven’t seen you for decades, you are really getting better.”

Luo Lin smiled.


This voice is…Listen to the familiar figure that I haven’t heard for decades.

The old man Mu Lian’s tall body couldn’t help but shook suddenly.

No longer is the heroic sentiment of Hengmei coldly to Qianfuzhi before. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

“Old and old… Boss!”

Mu Lian’s voice trembled unconsciously.

Take a stiff step, turn around little by little.

at last.

Face to face.

The eyes of the old man Mu Lian, who was already in his sixties, instantly turned red.

He once again saw the face that he had pursued for most of his life.

Still as always.

It’s exactly the same as thirty-six years.

No change at all.


Mu Lian’s tall body trembled unconsciously.

That’s because of the excitement between the chest and abdomen like a volcanic eruption.

“Hahahaha, I know! I know! How could a character like you, the boss, leave so quietly! Boss, you are truly immortal!!!”

Mu Lian’s excited laughter echoed in the sky.

Then it detonated the emotions of other veterans in the field.

“Does this still need you to talk about Mu Lian!”

“We all believe it!”

“In this world, who can take our boss”

“That’s it, Boss Luo Lin is the freest person in this sea!”

The veterans in the field shouted excitedly.


By the side of the murloc who has been supporting each other for decades with Mu Lian, his mouth is wide and his eyes are wide.

Without blinking, he watched the gathering of the shore navy.

At this moment.(Read more @

When I saw Luo Lin who appeared in my sight alive.

There was no more doubt in Sambell’s heart.

It turned out that Mu Lian felt right.

The man in the corner of that newspaper photo is really the one in the legend! It is really the…the disappearing legend of the Navy! It is really the one that Captain Roger, Deputy Captain Raleigh and others will never forget…’Big Brother’! The murloc Sambell thought shocked.


at this time.

Another familiar voice came from not far away.

“I thought there was some excitement to watch, isn’t this Mu Lian and Sangbel?”


The white-haired old man with a pair of slippers, Pluto Raleigh greeted with a big smile.

“Mu Lian


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, Sambell”

Kurokas also widened his eyes in shock, and a look of excitement and joy gradually appeared on an old face.

“Yoohohoho, Mr. Mu Lian, Sanbell, it’s been a long time since I saw you!”

Brooke also laughed.

Because there was only a handful of bones left.

There is no emotional change on his skull face.

But the trembling voice still exposed his inner excitement and shock.

“Kulokas, Brook, and Deputy Captain Raleigh.”

Most of his body was hiding in the sea, and the eyes of Sangbel, who was observing in secret, were further widened and rounded.

Since the shampoo incident that day.

He and Mu Lian conducted a detailed analysis of the major recent news of Dahai.

It is also from this that Brook and Kolokas are very active in the South China Sea.

For… these two partners are here.

The murloc Sambell was mentally prepared.

It’s just that he never expected that even Raleigh would get on this ship’.

“Isn’t this Raleigh, hahaha, it really is so, really worthy of being my boss, even Deputy Captain Raleigh is impressed by the boss’s personal charm.”

Mu Lian laughed.

“I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense.”

Hearing that, Lei Li quickly denied the third company.

The happy smile on the old face solidified.


Looking at the deflated appearance of his old rival, Lei Li.

The veterans couldn’t help laughing.

This time.

Everyone lives under the same roof.

Because Luo Lin is in the middle, the two sides are considered to be in peace.

It’s just because of the opposition between the navy and the pirates in the past.

In fact, they still can’t understand each other.

It is impossible to truly be like close friends, drinking and banquet together happily.


With the appearance of Mu Lian, an old fried dough stick who has been on both sides.

The relationship between the veterans and Rayleigh and others has also undergone some subtle changes.

“Luo Lin, I can’t care about Mu Lian who defected to be a pirate before, you can manage it yourself.”

At this time, only Zefa is qualified to say this.

“Which bastard is it, which pot is really not open and which pot, I…”

Not waiting: What did Luo Lin say.

Mu Lian’s mouth was like a cannon, ready to swear.

However, after seeing that the speaker was Zefa, Mu Lian’s unspoken swear words came to an abrupt end.

As the Adam’s apple rolls, he swallows back into his stomach.

“Mr. Zefa, why are you here?”

Mu Lian’s old eyes widened, and his temper instantly disappeared.

“You just found out!”

“It’s so slow, fool Mu Lian!”


The veterans suddenly laughed.


Mu Lian smiled a few times.

“Mr. Mu Lian!!!”

“Grandpa Sambell!!!”

at this time.

Two more familiar voices sounded from the coast not far away.

Ling’s Mu Lian and the murloc Sambell were once again taken aback.

The voice seems to be… “Lucio”


Mu Lian and Sambell looked at their juniors not far away.

A little shock appeared on his face unconsciously.

“Why are you here”

“Why are you two little guys here with the boss”

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