One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 152 - The battle of great swordsmen that spanned hundreds of years(16)

Chapter 152 – The battle of great swordsmen that spanned hundreds of years[1/6]

This content was first published on The world has lost its color! Everything is dull!

This battle of great swordsmen, which spanned hundreds of years, came to an end.

“If you were alive, I would really like to compete with you, the sword god of the country of Wano.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.


The mummy Ryoma raised his head and laughed, spitting out the shadow of an unknown swordsman.

The body of the mummified after hundreds of years dissipated with the wind,-a bit of aura ascended to the sky and went to the black sword and Qiushui Qingyin.

It seems to be doing the final farewell.

“Damn it, hate it, damn it, go to death-the hand of the dead.”

Taking advantage of Luo Lin’s bidding farewell to the sword god Longma, the lion male Abu Sarom, who had recovered a little bit, suddenly roared.

039 Bang 039

The fist thrown by Abu Sarom blasted like a cannon.

His so-called hand of the dead just used the ability of the transparent fruit to completely hide the rocket artillery on his wrist, and took the opportunity to launch a cannonball attack.


The black sword Qiushui unsheathed, as fast as thunder.

The rocket launched by Absalom’s dead hand broke into two pieces under the blade of the black knife Qiushui, and exploded.

This is not the end.

The horrible dark blade light flashed away, bringing up-Peng Xian 10 blood soaring into the sky.

At the same time, Abu Sarom’s lion head rushed into the sky.

All of this just happened in a flash.

Soon Abu Sarom didn’t even notice that his head flew, and died.

“It really is a good knife, not under my autumn kill.”

Luo Lin brushed the black knife Qiushui’s blade with his right hand and nodded in satisfaction.

The trip to the horror three-masted sailing ship was finally not in vain.

All that was left was the treasure house of Moonlight Moriah.

“Let’s go!”

Luo Lin returned the sword to its sheath, and said to the stunned little girls.


“Oh oh oh”

Robin, Kerla and others, who were still in a state of extreme shock, responded with hindsight and followed Luo Lin’s footsteps.

five minutes later.

The earth in the cemetery area suddenly shook.

There were chaotic footsteps.

There seemed to be thousands of troops gathering here.

“Master Moria”

Hokkubak, a genius surgeon with a torso like a ball, yelled anxiously.

“Master Moria, what happened? What happened to the horrible atmosphere and the dazzling light before?”

In the other direction, Princess Mononoke Perona floated to-

Zhang’s cute little face still contained deep horror and puzzlement.

For the doubts of the subordinates.

Moria, who was the first to arrive with a large number of powerful zombie generals, did not answer.

He held a human head in his demonic hands.

“The lion man from Abu Sarom died! Who did it!”

Princess Mononoke Perona saw the head and corpse of Absalom, and she screamed in fright.

“Who can tell me what is going on here?”

dr Hogback also screamed in shock.(Read more @


After a full minute, Moria finally yelled out in pain.

+ The painful memories from more than a year ago were revived, covering Moria’s body like a tide.

That day, it was the same scene.

Facing the terrifying beast Kaido, they were so vulnerable.

The comrades died tragically in Kaido’s hands one by one, but he could only watch.

Relying on the time that his partner had won for him, he fled in embarrassment.

Since that incident, Moriah began to vigorously develop his zombie army. Because he knew that only immortal zombies would not let him bear the pain of that day again.

Today, however, he once again tasted the pain of losing a partner.

How can this not make Moria grief and indignation! An angry mood stirred in Moriah’s heart.

“Damn it, hate it, hate it”



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nbsp; Moria yelled, bloodshot in his eyes.

“You dare to kill Abu Sarom and kill my important subordinates, regardless of you

Even if you escape to the ends of the world, you will never let go. “Morlia yelled frantically.

“All the zombie soldiers, listen to my orders, take that damn invasion

Moria’s angry order has not yet been fully issued.

The next moment, his angry demon face stiffened, and the look on his face suddenly changed. Through the sharing of the abilities of the shadow fruit, he saw the scene seen by the shadow warrior he stayed in the castle.

“It’s so courageous. The people who killed me in my turf didn’t run away, and even ran to my treasure house to plunder. Do you really think I’m a bully?”

Even with a large amount of fat accumulation and blocking, the veins and blood vessels in Moria’s body are still violent.

Enough to see how angry he is at this moment!

“Shadow Warrior, exchange!!!”

Moria let out a loud roar, and his body disappeared instantly.

At this moment.

The huge island ship roars 039 central castle in terror.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, Luo Lin quickly found the treasure house of Qiwu Haimoria.

Under the invincible crushing force, the barriers that Moria had set to the treasure house could not serve as a barrier at all.

When the last iron door shattered, the golden light was released in an instant.

There are golden mountains in the sight of Luo Lin and his party.

“Gold! Treasure! Mine!!!”

Nami, who had no resistance to money, immediately rushed to Treasure Hill.

“I’m rich again!!!”

Kerla, the finance clerk of the Revolutionary Army, is also dazzling at the moment.

During the Golden Week, Weiwei and Lolita also exclaimed their voices and began to choose what they liked.

603 “Little Robin, don’t you go and see?” Luo Lin asked.

“No, I’m not interested in these.” Robin shook his head.


Luo Lin nodded.

The next moment was suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The reappearance was already behind a dark figure.

Although this is your home and the treasure is also yours, this is not a reason for you to sneak in.

When Luo Lin fell, he was about to trample on the shadow warrior that Moria left behind to guard the house.

However, in the next moment, the situation changed slightly.

Just when Luo Lin’s big foot was still the last centimeter away from Moria’s Shadow Warrior.

The dark thing in front of me suddenly changed.

From the original black shadow, it gradually materialized.

In the end, it completely became the body of Moonlight Moria.

Luo Lin’s big feet happened to step on the remote 039 Moria deity who flashed home.

‘Boom 039

Only a loud noise was heard. The ground collapsed at this moment.

“Don’t vomit, vomit”

Just changing positions with the Shadow Warrior, Moria, who was about to go mad, curled up like a shrimp, with a painful expression and spurting blood from her mouth.

Luo Lin looked at the deity of Moria at his feet with a weird expression on his face. “You are the first one to be beaten up,” Luo Lin said.

“You vomit”

Moria’s eyes turned black, and his lungs suddenly exploded with anger.

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