The "Straw Hat Pirates" set sail again, and the arrival of the supernova among the pirates in the past two years.

Made the island of Pineapple Land lively again.

And Luffy was the last person to land.

His companions had all arrived successfully before that.

At the seaside of a certain area on the island. A green-haired man got lost and mistakenly boarded a pirate ship docked at the port.

On the other side, the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates had been coated by Rayleigh, and it had been guarded by the transformed bear for the past two years.

The bear did not leave until Franky arrived.

And in the central area of ​​the island.

This used to be an auction exchange, which was abolished after it was destroyed two years ago.

Now it has become a huge venue.

On this day, it was the concert of the soul singer of the "Labo" group, which became popular all over the world in the past two years.

The Sabrad Islands were unprecedentedly lively.

A large number of fans gathered here.

It is said that the Labo group also has fans of Celestial Dragons.

And Lin Ran also came to the square where the pirates gathered.

"You will be my subordinates and ride the sea together."

"This pirate flag will be your flag in the future!"

Several people standing on the high platform, one of them wearing a straw hat shouted loudly.

"Oh oh!!!"

The morale of the many pirates gathered below was greatly boosted by hearing this.

Everyone has heard about the heroic deeds of the Straw Hat Boy two years ago.

He was able to rescue Ace, the Fire Fist, from the hands of the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters and escape unscathed. How terrifying it is.

And that amazing identity is rare in the world.

Being able to serve under him is like a dream for these new pirates.

"It's nice to be under a big tree!"

"With the Straw Hat Boy, we can walk sideways in the New World!"

Some pirates laughed heartily.

And Caribou, the most famous pirate in the past two years, was also here.

Caribou, with a bounty of 210 million, was also the person that the Straw Hat Boys wanted to win over the most.

"Hey, are you here to join the Straw Hat Boys' ship?"

A pirate asked after seeing Lin Ran here.

"Ah? Me?!"


Lin Ran was stunned and answered casually, because his hair had grown a lot longer in the past two years, which was a little different from the wanted poster.

In addition, he appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air in the past two years. So he was not well-known and was not recognized as the great pirate, Uzumaki Naruto.

Looking at the fake Straw Hat Boy on the high platform, Lin Ran almost laughed out loud.

The pirate supernova after these two years is just like playing house.

I was fooled by such a person.

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly found a person carrying luggage and leaving next to the platform.


The mountain of luggage made Lin Ran recognize him at a glance.


"Luffy, where did you go? It took me a while to find you. I'm here!!"

In order to avoid getting lost again, Lin Ran subconsciously raised his hand and shouted loudly.

The voice immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding pirates.

"Who is this?"

"So arrogant, dare to call the Straw Hat boss by his name."

The pirates talked about it.

The fake Straw Hat on the platform immediately darkened when he heard someone dare to call his name. His boss's authority was challenged when he was interrupted.

"Where did the yellow-haired boy come from? How dare he make trouble here!!"

The fake Straw Hat shouted loudly.

"Little guys, it's time for you to show your merits."

"Take this man's head and present it to me, and you can become my Straw Hat Boy's partner!!"

As soon as these words came out, the pirates present looked at the yellow-haired boy fiercely.

"Ah, this piece is broken, Hancock clearly told me to be careful and not to cause any noise."

Luffy, who found Naruto, said helplessly.

He just saw that there were many people here and passed by.

As for those who pretended to be them on the high platform, Luffy didn't notice them at all.

"Take this man's head and present it to the Straw Hat Boss!!"

The pirates got excited and rushed towards Lin Ran.

However, when the pirate in the front rushed to Lin Ran, he was about to raise his knife to take the first kill, but was surprised to find that he could not move.

He saw that the place where he was turned into a quagmire, and the whole person began to sink. After a while, the pirate sank into the swamp without a trace.


Later, under the horrified gaze of the surrounding pirates, a human figure stood up in the swamp.

It was Caribou, a natural ability user with a bounty of more than 200 million.

In order to win the first prize in front of the Straw Hat Boy, he personally prepared to kill Lin Ran first and offer his loyalty.

"This bastard Caribou actually killed his own people."

The fake straw hat on the high platform had an ugly face and was very dissatisfied.

"Well done, Caribou, take this man's head."

"From today on, you are my vice captain!"

The fake straw hat encouraged openly.

The authorized wet-haired Caribou stuck out his tongue and laughed.

"If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for your bad luck. You actually offended the Straw Hat Boss."

"Sink into the swamp and die."

Caribou laughed evilly, and a large amount of swamp appeared on the ground under Lin Ran's feet.

"I have the strongest power in this sea."

"Natural swamp...fruit..."


Just as Caribou was talking nonsense, Lin Ran turned a blind eye, sighed, and instantly appeared above Caribou.

After two years of training, Lin Ran not only learned Haki, but also improved his proficiency in the use of ninjutsu.

Rolling balls with one hand is no longer a dream.

"Let me try it with you."

"My fairy Rasengan."

The Rasengan fell heavily on Caribou's head.

Suddenly a scream sounded.

" no no!"

The mud in the swamp splashed everywhere.

This scene made all the pirates around shudder.

"It's okay, Lord Caribou is a legendary natural ability user."

"All attacks are just paper in front of him."

"Now it's just Lord Caribou's teasing time."

The pirate who knew Caribou explained awkwardly.

Speaking of the natural type, that is an ability that can rival the admirals of the navy.

The surrounding pirates all put their minds at ease and prepared to wait for Caribou to counterattack.

However, the next scene surprised everyone.

There was no counterattack as imagined.

After the attack, Lin Ran jumped towards Luffy.

Caribou, who stayed in place with a bounty of more than 200 million, had blood all over his face and fainted unconsciously.

The swamp mud that should have been scattered has now turned into blood.

"Caribou was killed! !..."

"What happened?"

"That's a natural type, how could he be slaughtered like a chicken."

"Who is that yellow-haired man?"

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