The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"I'll set sail now to find a famous doctor to treat Luffy."

"Calm down, Ace. The whole world is looking for you two brothers now."

Lin Ran hurriedly persuaded him, and Blackbeard's power was expanding rapidly, and he had begun to occupy the territory without Whitebeard's protection.

As the heir, Ace needed to discuss countermeasures with captains like Marco.

"How can I not worry! He's my brother!!"

Ace, who was obsessed with his younger brother, was obviously confused.

At this moment, the movement from the sea in the distance attracted the attention of several people.

"Sea King?!"

"Why are there large sea kings in this coastal waters?"

Marco said in confusion. This was the first time he had found a sea king on the shore in all his years here.

"Was it attracted by something?" Ace was also confused.

"That's the sea king?!...Eh? Is it fighting with something?!"

Lin Ran was curious when he saw a sea king for the first time. It was so big that it could be called a monster.

"Is it a human?!"

"How is it possible? Someone is fighting with a large sea king in the sea?!"

This situation is too rare. After all, most of the strong people in the world today are capable people.

Being spurned by the sea, unable to swim. Not to mention fighting in the sea.

While several people were watching, the large sea king gradually stopped moving.

After a while, the sea king rolled over and floated on the sea surface, already without breath.

Then a torrent quickly swam towards the shore.

"Here they come! Who is it?!"

Lin Ran and the other two guarded the unconscious Luffy behind them.

When Marco saw the person in the water come ashore, he was shocked.


"How could it be you!"

Rayleigh, who came ashore, answered while wringing the water out of his clothes, "Little Marco, I guessed you would be here."

"I came here for the Straw Hat Boy."

"Huh? Sure enough, you are seriously injured."

Seeing Luffy lying behind him, Rayleigh was not wrong.

As for why they found this island, it was because many years ago, when Roger was still there, they knew that this was Whitebeard's hometown.

Whitebeard died in battle, and it is not difficult to guess that he would be buried here.

Compared to Rayleigh's ease, Marco's surprise, and Lin Ran's shock.

Ace on the side had no expression on his face.


"That man's right-hand man."

Ace's voice was emotionless. This was the first time he had met someone related to Roger.

Hearing Ace's words.

Rayleigh also put away his smile. Facing Roger's son, he didn't know what to say.

"Ace...Roger is not what you think."

"Back then...he also had his own difficulties...he..."

Rayleigh's words were not finished when he was interrupted by Ace, "I don't want to know about his affairs. I only have one father, and that is Whitebeard."

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Uncle Rayleigh, what are you doing here?!"

In this case, Lin Ran hurried to smooth things over.

Looking at Rayleigh, Lin Ran was actually very curious in his heart. He didn't know what kind of feelings Rayleigh and others had for Ace.

The news that the navy was going to execute Ace had spread a long time ago, but Roger's crew members were unmoved.

Lin Ran could understand this.

After all, the crew members were conquered by Roger's personal charm. As for Ace, no one had any intersection with him, and even less than Rayleigh and the Straw Hat Boy.

"I came here to save the Straw Hat Boy."

"He suits my taste very well. If he just dies in my heart."

"Then this world would be too boring."

Rayleigh quickly adjusted his mood and replied.

"Do you have a way to save Luffy?!"

Hearing that he came to save Luffy, Ace immediately put his grudge behind him.

"Me? I'm not a ship doctor, I don't have the ability to save him."

"But I brought someone who can save him."

Rayleigh pointed to the sea.

A small submarine floated to the surface on the corpse of the Sea King.

Lin Ran recognized the owner of the submarine at a glance.

"It's him? Traman, Luo!..."

"How can he be here? Great, this person is a famous surgeon."

Seeing Luo's appearance, Lin Ran knew that Luffy was saved.

"I met him on Shambhalo Island after the war. I came here on his submarine, but I met him on the way.

It was just a tracking and sneak attack by a sea king."

"You don't think that I swam here by myself, hahaha."

Rayleigh said with a smile, "Uzumaki Naruto, I've heard of your reputation, and now you are a celebrity in the New World."

"That... you're too kind... it's just a false reputation."

Lin Ran felt a little embarrassed by such a compliment.

The submarine landed, Luo nodded to everyone, and then checked Luffy's body.

"The situation of the Straw Hat Master is not optimistic, I need a quiet place to perform surgery immediately."

Luo was also shocked after seeing Luffy's shocking internal injuries.

"Luffy will be fine!"

Ace on the side said with concern.

"Ace, don't worry, North Sea Terra Man, the user of the Operation Fruit."

"No one is more suitable to treat Luffy than him. "As the ship's doctor, Marco had also heard of Law's name.

This made Ace feel a little relieved.

"It's been many years since we last met."

"Little Marco, you can grow up too."

Looking at Marco, Rayleigh was a little emotional. They fought against the Whitebeard Pirates back then.

When he was a child, Marco attacked him several times.

"Even Whitebeard is gone. Where is he buried? Take me to see it."


Rayleigh, Marco and Naruto came to Whitebeard's tomb.

And Ace was worried about Luffy, and he didn't want to have too much contact with Roger's old friends.

"Have Buggy and Shanks left?"

The older you get, the easier it is to remember the people and things in the past. The two trainees on the ship back then are now dominating each other.

"Ah, they left a few days ago."

"Thank you, Red Hair, for this time. "

Arriving at Whitebeard's grave, Marco felt a little heavy-hearted.

"This time, I came here not only to bring Law to treat Straw Hat Boy."

"I still have to inform you that this island has been targeted by the Navy."

"You have all heard that the Navy is selecting a new marshal, right?"

Rayleigh said slowly.

Lin Ran and Marco naturally got the news through the newspaper.

"Searching for Whitebeard's remnants and attacking Blackbeard's forces are the assessment tasks of Akainu and Aokiji."

"If you stay here all the time, it will bring disaster to this island."

Rayleigh analyzed the situation for Marco.

"When Ace's injury is healed, we will leave here."

"The matter of Blackbeard has come to an end." "Marco said in a deep voice.

Lin Ran, who was standing by, felt a pang in his heart after hearing this.

With the current strength of the Whitebeard remnants, even if Ace was still there, it would be irrational to want to fight this final battle.

Blackbeard suffered such a big loss at the Navy Headquarters, and he was going crazy hunting for people with special abilities to expand his strength.

If we go to him now, Lin Ran can say without hesitation that it is no different from sending food to die, it is like sending fruits to the door.

"Marco, Whitebeard would not want you to do this."

"Whitebeard's greatest wish is that you can live well."

"What territory...reputation are all external things, there is no need to take them so seriously."

"It is better to accumulate strength in secret and wait for someone to need you."

As a person who has experienced it, Rayleigh looked at the family left by his deceased friend and still persuaded him.

"I agree with what Uncle Rayleigh said."

"Now is not the time to end it. The sea is so big. It will not be too late to settle accounts with Blackbeard when we have the strength. "

Lin Ran also followed suit, saying that it was not easy to return to the New World, and it was best to focus on development first.

"I will discuss this with Ace."

Marco said after a moment of contemplation.

A few days later, Luffy, who had undergone surgery, was out of danger, but he still needed to rest for a while.

At this time, Rayleigh also explained the real reason for his coming here.

"You said you wanted to teach Luffy how to fight? !"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Ace and the other was Lin Ran.

Ace didn't want his brother to have too much contact with Roger's old people.

What surprised Lin Ran was that Rayleigh still wanted to take the Straw Hat Boy as his apprentice when the ending of the war was rewritten.

"How about it, Luffy, what do you think?"

"You who participated in the war should understand how weak you are."

"Facing the generals of the natural system, I am helpless."

Rayleigh looked at Luffy, who was covered in bandages, and asked directly.

"Uncle Rayleigh, do you have a way to make me stronger! ! "

"But I agreed with my partner to meet on Sabolodi Island."

Luffy was a little tangled. This war made him feel powerless.

"As long as you agree

, we will find a way to inform your companions. "

"Moreover, the dangers of the new world are far beyond your imagination, and the enemies there are stronger. Your companions can also take this opportunity to improve themselves."

Rayleigh said with a smile.

This statement completely moved Luffy.

"Wait...wait! If it is Haki, Luffy can also learn it by staying with me! ! "

Ace said hurriedly.

"Ace, didn't you say that everyone has their own adventures? And the enemies you are going to face next are too dangerous. It is not appropriate for Luffy to follow you."

"I know there is a place where the navy will never disturb you."

Rayleigh said again.

Hearing this, Ace, who was struggling in his heart, looked at the excited Luffy and gave up the argument.

"Rayleigh, I only have this one brother, he must not have any problems, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

"That...Uncle Rayleigh, can you take me with you?"

"Can I learn with you and Luffy?"

"Please! ! "

Lin Ran pleaded.

By following Rayleigh, you can learn all kinds of Haki, so that you can compete with the admirals in this world.

Seeing that Naruto also wanted to follow, Rayleigh frowned slightly.

Because he didn't know Naruto.

"Uncle Rayleigh, Naruto-chan is a good man, he has helped me a lot, let him come with you..."

Lying Luffy also pleaded.

"I see that you are about the same age as the Straw Hat Boy, it's okay for the two of you to be companions."

"And Luffy said that you are a good person, which means you are really a good person."


Rayleigh laughed as he said this, he didn't expect to accept two apprentices at once.

And Lin Ran was even happier.

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