The enemy was in chaos, but the enemy was still alive.

"Yes! I understand!!"

The major general did not dare to say anything more after being reprimanded.


"Go after the Whitebeard remnants regardless of everything, don't let anyone go!!!"

The navy soldiers crossed the cliff and rushed towards the port.

They ignored their companions who were lying on the ground and wailing.

"I... I surrender..."

A seriously injured pirate wanted to surrender after being caught up.

In the past, most pirates were treated for their injuries and sent to the Impel Downs for custody.

But he didn't expect that this time, the navy was like crazy.

As soon as they met, the soldiers didn't listen to what the pirates in front of them said, and they killed them with a knife.

"All pirates should be killed!!"

The naval soldiers who were bloodthirsty left no one alive along the way.

"This Doberman is too cruel."

"Is he Akainu's younger brother?"

Just after Akainu left, Doberman came again.

Although he was a vice admiral, this man did not come alone to kill, but commanded a powerful force of the navy.

Among them were many powerful vice admirals of the navy headquarters, such as Mole, Huoshaoshan, and Shreth.

These people were also extremely powerful. Although the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were strong, they could only hold them back for a short period of time and could not defeat them at all.

"Doberman, one of the vice admirals of the navy headquarters who executed the Demon Killing Order."

"He has always been cruel and ruthless. As long as he can kill the pirates, he doesn't care even if he uses soldiers as bait." Marco came to Lin Ran's side and explained after arranging Whitebeard's body.

"Using people as cannon fodder? How inhuman!"

Lin Ran had just finished speaking when a violent explosion was heard at the port.

"What happened?!"

Marco asked immediately.

"It's the navy! They communicated through Den Den Mushi and asked all the warships near the port to leave."

"And sink all the ships at the port!!"

Ace and Luffy came over and said.

"The warships we captured were also bombarded."

"Damn, there are still many navy prisoners on board, and they don't care at all!"

Luffy was very ashamed of the navy's behavior.

It was Vice Admiral Doberman who gave the order.

The Whitebeard remnants were numerous, and most of their ships were destroyed by Admiral Akainu's Magma Meteor Fist.

The only way to leave the Navy Headquarters is to seize the navy warships.

"Let me see how you escape!!"

Doberman's face was fierce. He had just severely reprimanded the rear admiral on the port warship for caring about the prisoners in the Den Den Mushi.

In Doberman's view, it is a great stain for soldiers to be captured by pirates, and anyone with a little ambition will commit suicide to apologize.

"Why hasn't that man come yet!!"

There are wolves in front and the sea behind. Now if he wants to leave Marinford safely and peacefully, Lin Ran can only think of one person.

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly remembered that he had hit Coby too hard, and he was still unconscious.

No one came out to stop the crazy navy, which triggered a chain reaction and prevented the man from appearing.

"Naruto-kun? Which man are you talking about?"

Luffy asked on the side.

"? ?!"

Seeing Luffy who was awake beside him, Lin Ran suddenly realized.

Whether that man appeared or not had nothing to do with Coby. There is an unwritten law in the pirate world, that is, Luffy and that man will not meet until the end.

Now Luffy is still because Ace is still there. So he is not unconscious.

So Lin Ran guessed that Luffy was the main reason why the man did not appear.

"Nothing, Luffy, are you okay?"

"I was already overdrawn when I pushed into the city, and I made a big fuss here. Now Ace is fine, you can go to the cabin and have a good rest."

Lin Ran persuaded the Straw Hat Boy with a smile.

"No, we haven't escaped yet. It's still time to rest when we get to the sea."

It's obvious that Luffy has no intention of resting now.

"You should sleep. If you don't sleep, we can't leave!!" Facing the navy that is getting closer and closer, Lin Ran can only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

He strangled Luffy's neck and walked towards the cabin.

This scene stunned Marco and Ace, but no one stopped them because Naruto couldn't hurt Luffy.

"I won't go, I won't sleep!"

Luffy's hands tightly grasped the deck, and his body and head had been pulled into the cabin by Naruto.

"Ivan! I know you are here, come out quickly and give Luffy an injection, his

The body needs rest! ! "

Lin Ran shouted towards the cabin.

Soon a group of people appeared on the navy ship.

"Baki, you are here too? !"

Not only Ivankov's new demon pirate, but also Buggy and the prisoners in Impel Down.

After Whitebeard died in battle, they wanted to survive and could only escape with Ace and Marco.

"Ah...ah! ! I sent the third brother, after all, we are allies against the navy!"

Baki said without blushing.

The third brother on the side was too lazy to expose it. Anyway, no matter what he said, the group of prisoners would automatically filter out the information that was not good for Buggy.

"I have never injected a hormone that makes people rest." Ivankov came to Luffy and said. Because hormones are stimulating, there is no way to do it.

"But it is not impossible to want Straw Hat Boy to have a good sleep. "

Ivankov said as his nails turned into needles and pierced Luffy's body.

After a while, Luffy fell into a deep sleep.

Ivankov controlled Luffy's hormones to enter a dormant period, making them no longer active and using the fruit ability in reverse.

Just when Luffy fell asleep, the navy also came to kill him.


"The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

The four vice admirals of the headquarters, Huoshaoshan, Mole, Doberman, and Shreth, attacked the warships that were taken away from the port together.

"This war should end! ! "

One man and one sword, landed here from nowhere, and did not flinch in the face of the navy.

"Huh? ? "

"Who is it! "

The joint attack of the four vice admirals forced even the generals to avoid the attack.

But now it was blocked by the person in front of him with one hand.

When they saw the person clearly, the pupils of the vice admirals shrank unconsciously, and then they quickly retreated to keep a distance.

"Four emperors, Red Hair!"

"Why are you here?"

The other three were silent, only Doberman shouted coldly.

According to the intelligence, Red Hair should be in contact with Kaido in the New World at this time.

"I am here to end this war."

"Marshal Sengoku, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, it's time to stop."

"Too many people died in this war. Whitebeard died in the battle, and the navy's goal was achieved. Even if Ace ran away, it would not be a big deal."

"If there are still people on both sides who haven't fought enough, I am willing to be your opponent."

Red Hair came to the edge of the cliff with a sword in hand.

"Four emperors Red Hair Pirates! ”

At this time, another reinforcement of the Four Emperors Pirate Group joined the battlefield, and the naval soldiers' crazy hearts began to slowly calm down.

"Why! ! The navy will never be threatened by pirates!" Doberman still insisted on his own ideas.

"Marshal Sengoku, please give me a face..."

Red Hair ignored Doberman and looked at Sengoku and said.

"Sizzle! ! ! "

"Red Hair, that scar is really suitable for you!"

"Since you are here, I don't want to make things bigger. After all, I haven't fully digested it yet, so I'll give you a face."

"That's it for today!"

"Let's go! ! ! "

Blackbeard took advantage of the situation and was not at ease facing the three admirals, Sengoku and Garp.


After looking at Blackbeard, Red Hair continued to look at Marshal Sengoku.

"If Red Hair is you, it's okay. "

"But the remnants of Whitebeard can leave, but Blackbeard, who threatened to sink the Navy Headquarters, cannot leave! !"

Sengoku said coldly. After all, the remnants of Whitebeard are not a big threat, and they can be dealt with slowly later.

"Hey, hey, hey, Marshal Sengoku, are you going to cooperate with the Four Emperors Red Hair? Don't forget that we are all pirates, and we are the natural opposites of the Navy! !"

Blackbeard immediately retorted. Now he just wants to leave Marinford as soon as possible, and the appearance of Red Hair gave them this opportunity.


"Leave Whitebeard's funeral to me. Starting tomorrow, people all over the world will know that Whitebeard died in battle and the Navy won. "

Red Hair agreed readily.

Zhan Guo let the Whitebeard remnants leave for his sake, and he reciprocated.

The two finished their negotiations.

The Red Hair Pirates headed for the port without looking back.

The remaining members of the Blackbeard Pirates were in disarray in the wind.

"Marshal! We can't compromise with pirates! ! ! "Doberman still didn't give up.

"It doesn't matter! ! ! I'll take all the consequences!"

"The war is about to end, rescue the wounded immediately, and don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices."

"People above the rank of lieutenant general, keep the Blackbeard Pirates in Marinford forever! ! ! "

Zhan Guo gave the order in a deep voice.

"Is this okay? This is too wonderful.

"Hey, Blackbeard, let's see how you can escape now!!" After the red-haired man appeared, Lin Ran was stunned by everything that happened suddenly. Unexpectedly, Blackbeard was the one who got unlucky in the end.

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