Viscount Nass looked at the golden spaceship that had already left the port. The sails had been furled, and only the small black pirate flag on the mast was fluttering. The Hell Pirates

""No!! Brook, you can't leave. Hurry up and return Rothschild Saint!!"

Vice Admiral Dorodo looked at the coated golden spaceship diving into the sea, his scalp tingling, he felt that his naval career was over.

The support from the Navy Headquarters had not arrived yet, and the Celestial Dragons had been kidnapped.

How would he explain to the World Government? Thinking of the evil deeds and despicable character of the Celestial Dragons, he suddenly had an idea of survival.

If he defected from the Navy, he would be held accountable by the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, and he would definitely die.

What's more, he was willing to become the most loyal running dog of the Celestial Dragons, and he was not very popular in the Navy Headquarters.

After a while, pirates and residents in the distance woke up, screaming in fear, fleeing everywhere, and wanted to escape from this terrifying island immediately.

"Ah~, the Celestial Dragons are dead, run!! The general is coming!"

A pirate shouted and ran back to his pirate ship, just wanting to leave the Sabaody Archipelago as quickly as possible.

"The Celestial Dragons are really dead, everyone hurry up and take shelter!!!"

Some residents, shipbuilders, and coating workers hurried back home, packed up their belongings, and left the Sabaody Archipelago to take shelter on other islands.

"What? His Highness the Celestial Dragon is dead?"

Lieutenant General Dorodo grabbed a fleeing coating worker and asked sternly with trembling hands, his face full of disbelief.

Viscount Nass in the distance also heard this terrifying cry. It was not kidnapping, but killing the Celestial Dragon?

"Ah~, Lord Navy, please don't kill me. His Highness the Celestial Dragon disappeared in that huge pit and was smashed to pieces by the huge thunder beam."

The coating worker struggled frantically in the hands of Vice Admiral Dorado, but was thrown away by the unconscious Dorado himself and quickly ran away.

"His Holiness Rothschild is dead?"

Lieutenant General Dorodo trembled as he walked towards the huge pit that was still sparking, as if he had really seen the few remaining hard and exquisite alloy medals on the special clothes of the Celestial Dragons.

"Viscount Nass, let's run!"

Several wealthy businessmen were anxious to persuade Viscount Nas to temporarily return to his country, but they didn't expect that Viscount Nas had already run away. He was often exaggerated by his father, the count, about the horror of the Celestial Dragons.

How could Viscount Nas not know what would happen if the Celestial Dragons died? He just wanted to return to his own Kingdom of Valoran now, trembling with fear.

Even though the Valoran Kingdom was now at war with the Vodka Kingdom, it was safer than the current Sabaody Archipelago!

He didn't expect that there really were pirates who dared to kill the great descendants of God, the world's noble Celestial Dragons, and he had encountered them. This was even rarer than the devil fruit falling from the sky! The wealthy businessmen also fled with Viscount Nas in a panic, boarded their own ship, and immediately left this fucking Sabaody Archipelago.

Vice Admiral Dorodo was even more desperate, and he was determined to defect to the navy. The nine deaths turned into ten deaths. He immediately took out the Den Den Mushi and called his wife and family, and immediately found a ship to escape as quickly as possible!

He turned to the marines he brought with him, and with a pale face, he slowly took off his navy justice cloak.

"Everyone, listen up! Now that the Celestial Dragons are dead, we may be angered by the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, and there is no chance of survival. I have decided to rebel against the Navy, become a pirate, and enter the New World!

Now, if you are willing to become a pirate with me and escape, take off your navy clothes, and if you are not willing, run away immediately, or return to the Navy Branch and seek shelter from the Navy Headquarters!"

Although Vice Admiral Dorodo became a running dog of the Celestial Dragons for the sake of wealth and glory, he still had a sense of justice in his heart and did not force these marines to become pirates together!

A small number of marines were willing to follow Vice Admiral Dorodo, and immediately began to coat the warships with him, so as to quickly escape from the Sabaody Archipelago and enter the New World.

Some marines did not want to become pirates, but were worried about the judgment of the Celestial Dragons, so they took off their navy uniforms, quit the navy, and fled back to their hometowns.

Some navy believed that the World Government would catch the culprit instead of venting their anger on these soldiers, so they went back to the Navy Branch, waiting for the arrival of the Navy Headquarters, and obeyed orders and sentencing.

As the news of the death of the Celestial Dragons spread in the Sabaody Archipelago, the entire island fell into panic, and even the lunatics in the lawless zone temporarily evacuated here and stopped doing business.

Amusement parks, tourist areas, shipbuilding areas, hotels, restaurants, and bars have all closed, suspended business, or fled or hid. Only the coating area has been open, and business is booming, coating the ships evacuating into the New World


The marines who returned to the naval branch waited for a while and had no choice but to report the news to the naval headquarters.

"What? His Majesty the Celestial Dragon Rothschild is dead!!! The president of the Dove of Peace News Agency, White Peizhen, is also dead?"

Admiral Kukulkan couldn't believe this horrible news. These two pieces of news gave him a headache.

"Yes, Marshal, and Vice Admiral Dorodo was afraid of being blamed by the Celestial Dragons and chose to rebel against the Navy, become a pirate, and enter the New World!"

The signalman was asked by Vice Admiral Dorodo to report to the Navy Headquarters later to buy more time for Vice Admiral Dorodo's family to escape.

"This bastard Dorodo is absconding for fear of crime!!! Issue a wanted order immediately and bring this guy back!"

Admiral Kukulkan was so angry that feathers appeared all over his body, and his vertical pupils were filled with coldness.

"Marshal, with the death of White Pearson, the white pigeon news birds will gradually become unrestrained and uncontrolled. While these news birds still obey orders, we will also���Cultivate new news birds, or quickly search for the reborn white dove devil fruit!"

The chief of staff Weimark was also tingling with fear. The Celestial Dragon died, the lieutenant general defected, and even newspapers and wanted notices might not be sent out for a while, because the headquarters of the World Peace Dove News Agency had been destroyed!

"Find out who are in the Hell Pirates. I want to know all their information! For hundreds of years, no Celestial Dragon has ever died at the hands of pirates. All the pirates in this pirate group must be killed as soon as possible!"

Marine Admiral Kukulkan had a serious and resolute expression on his face, and reported the news of the Celestial Dragon's death to the Holy Land of Marijoa.

Immediately, the Celestial Dragon family where Saint Rothschild was located was furious, and angrily ordered the Navy Headquarters to send admirals to capture all these unforgivable pirates alive!

They must not be allowed to die so easily. If they are not tortured for ten or eight years, it will be difficult to vent the hatred in their hearts!


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