Reporters and editors near the Peace Dove News Agency headquarters walked out of nearby buildings trembling, and did not forget to take a last photo of the ruined headquarters!

"The admiral was defeated, the president was captured, what should we do in the future?"

A new reporter was also confused about the future. The news agency under the World Government, a stable job, was gone just like that. I paid a lot of"bribes" to successfully enter here!

"Everyone, be quiet and cheer up. The World Government will definitely rebuild the news agency. We are all still members of the Peace Dove News Agency!"

A middle-aged man who looked like the vice president immediately comforted these employees. The president was gone, and he was the highest leader here.

"Vice President, please ask the Navy Headquarters for support immediately. Vice Admiral Dorodo is no match for us! We must rescue President White Peizhen!"

A young reporter immediately suggested, and the vice president glanced at him indifferently. This is a great opportunity for me to become the president. Do I need you to teach me how to do things?

"Great, young man, when it comes to loyalty, it's still up to you! Now, for the president's safety, I order you to immediately confirm the president's safety. If necessary, you must dare to rescue the president!"The deputy president looked moved, encouraging this fledgling young reporter, hoping that he would make a good contribution to the president!

The young reporter suddenly reacted and his face turned pale. Other reporters and editors also looked at this scene strangely. They were all old-timers. As intellectuals such as reporters and editors, they saw the deputy president's intention at a glance!

"Vice President, this mission is too dangerous for a young reporter!"

The news agency also has no shortage of journalists with strong professional ethics, who spoke up for the young reporter.

"What do you mean? Are you afraid to take such a risk for the president? You, come with us!"

The vice president immediately sent the reporter who had spoken out as well.

"Humph, how can you manage the Peace Dove News Agency well when you are a guy who only knows how to fight for power!

Listen to me, the World Economic News Agency is recruiting a large number of special correspondents recently. The salary is half as high as here, and you can work freely in various places. I want to apply for the job. Do any of you want to go with me?"

As soon as the reporter started to speak, young reporters responded to him immediately, and some paparazzi reporters who were full of enthusiasm and fearless of danger followed him.

Reporters and editors who hope to have a stable and iron rice bowl should wait patiently for the reconstruction of the Peace Dove News Agency.

After all, the news content of the Peace Dove News Agency comes from the member states and the navy, which are non-dangerous jobs, while the reporters of Moore Thomas's news agency often do the dangerous work of tracking pirates!

However, for some reporters, the more dangerous it is, the more he likes it. It is full of excitement, and he can go on adventures everywhere at public expense, dig up information, and track down secrets.

The vice president's face He looked at the reporters who were leaving with a gloomy expression. After thinking for a while, he quickly reported the information to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

As for Vice Admiral Dorado, after successfully reuniting with his navy subordinates, he immediately requested support from the Navy Headquarters. Why did he have to wait for the report from the news agency?

The injury of Vice Admiral Dorado also surprised the navy. With the two-color domineering and the six styles of the navy, he was almost invincible in the battle against pirates in the first half of the Grand Line.

He also suppressed the Sabaody Archipelago for so many years. Even the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, were very satisfied with him. He was not only very powerful but also very obedient.


White Pearson, who was carried by Brooke, looked pale, his shoulder was still bleeding, and he looked weak and about to die.

"Captain Brooke, I will give you all my savings, please let me go!"

White Peizhen wanted to treat his injuries quickly. He didn't know why Brooke didn't kill him on the spot, but captured him instead!

"Do you think I'm short of money? Are you responsible for raising the White Dove News Birds of the Peace Dove News Agency?"

Brook thought that Moore Thomas, the Seagull Devil Fruit user, could raise a large number of Seagull News Birds, so the White Dove News Birds should also be raised by White Peizhen, the White Dove Devil Fruit user!

"You want to destroy the Peace Dove News Agency?"

White Pearson didn't expect that Brooke actually wanted to shut down the World Government's news agency.

"Besides you, who else could possibly control these white pigeon news birds?"

Brook didn't know if these white pigeon news birds would continue to work for the World Government after killing White Peizhen? It would be better to threaten him directly to disband these white pigeons.

"You underestimate the World Government too much. Even if there is no White Dove News Bird, there will still be Goose News Bird and Swan News Bird. The World Government News Agency will not fall!!!"

White Peizhen really has the control of White Dove News Bird in his hands, otherwise he would not have been able to sit firmly on the throne of president!

"So, you are the only one who can control these White Dove News Birds? Then there is no meaning for you to exist!"

As long as the Peace Dove News Agency loses the White Dove News Birds and stops publishing news for a period of time, Moore Thomas's Seagull News Birds will be able to quickly occupy the markets of the Four Seas and the Grand Line.

By then, even if the World Government comes up with the Goose News Birds and the Swan News Birds, they will not be able to take back the market share of the World Economic News Agency.

Brook is going to help Moore Thomas build the World Economic News Agency into the only news giant in the pirate world, and the World Dark News of the New World will sooner or later defeat it!

"Captain Brook, please don't kill me. I can quit the World Government and stop working for them. I will give you all my money! I can also join you!"

White Pearce felt Brook's killing intent again, begging for mercy, tears streaming down his face, begging bitterly.

"Captain, he lied. He didn't think so in his heart. Once he escaped, he would use his friendship with the Admiral to send the navy to hunt us down frantically!"

A flash of lightning appeared, condensing into the appearance of Redfield, staring at the begging news agency president with a murderous look!

"No, I won't dare to do it again, I really won't dare to do it, don't kill me!!"

White Peizhen was so scared when he saw Brooke's cold seven-star sword coming at him that he was pissing and shitting.

"What a pity for a White Dove Devil Fruit!!"

Brooke disgustedly chopped the Peace Dove News Agency president in half with a sword, threw the body on the street, and continued to rush back to the King of Hell on Tree Island No. 50. White

Peizhen's body fell on the street, his bulging eyes still full of nostalgia for this world. How could he, the president of a news agency under the government of this world, who was in a high position and had great power, die in the hands of pirates like this!!

Darkness quickly submerged his entire world!


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