Chapter 982

“Swallow the soul and absorb its power… With such a powerful ability, does such a virtual reality exist? Is it a big virtual?” Luan Ju asked in amazement.

Mu Feng shook his head, “According to Neyuli’s report, that hollow does not seem to be a big hollow. However, the power he currently possesses has reached the level of Akhukas.”

“Yachucas!? Isn’t that the Zhongdaxu!?”

Mu Feng said, “Yes, I don’t know if this power was born with him, or whether he has accumulated such a strong power by devouring the soul.”

Luanju thought seriously for a while, and said: “I have been Shinigami for some years. Whether in the corpse world or this world, I have fought with the hollow, and have encountered all kinds of hollow. Generally speaking. In other words, almost all of the hollow possessing special abilities are those of the level above Yachukas. And ordinary hollow, there are very few special abilities, but those abilities are almost related to the character of these hollow before death, so those Abilities are not considered powerful. But… the kind of ability you said to devour power for personal use, I have never heard of it, let alone ordinary hollow, even in the great emptiness, I am a guy with this kind of power. Never heard of it.” 11

With what Jing Luanju said, Mu Feng also began to carefully examine the false information. At first, when he heard the false information from Nie Yuli at the captain’s meeting, Mu Feng just felt that this ability sounded familiar.

He subconsciously searched for the virtual abilities he remembered in his mind for a while, including the ten blades and their subordinate officers, but none of them matched. Coupled with the hard-to-remember name of Metastacia, it made him give up thinking.

In short, if you encounter him, you will kill him, Mu Feng thinks so. Although this hollow ability is against the sky, it is hardly worth mentioning in front of Mu Feng.

But Luan Ju’s scrutiny aroused Mu Feng’s interest.

Mu Feng said, “You are right, Luanju. This matter, when you think about it, there are indeed many intriguing places. How did the virtual with such a powerful force come to the world of corpses, this is also a problem.”

Luan Ju said, “Yes. Although there have been instances of Hollowcoming to the Soul World from Hollow World, but it is very rare. Generally speaking, Da Hollowwith strong power and individual consciousness is at least above Yachukas. They will not take the initiative to come to the Soul World. Because they know that this is the base camp of Shinigami. It is a life of nine deaths and can not get the slightest benefit. And the brainless Kylian, because Reiatsu is too unstable, almost very It is difficult to successfully come to the corpse soul world.”

“In other words, is it basically impossible for Da Hollowto come to the Soul World? So, Nirvana’s report is still reliable. That Mehta is really not Da Hollow.”(Read more @

Luan Ju said again, “Yes, there are usually only ordinary Hollow, who will come to the corpse soul world by chance. But they are generally difficult to restrain their instinct to devour other souls, and can’t help attacking the residents of Liuhun Street. As long as an attack is launched, the Thirteenth Guardian Team will immediately mobilize and wipe it out. Normally, it is impossible to escape from the normal level.”

Mu Feng touched his chin, “However, this Mehta has not only restrained his desire, but is also very smart while devouring his soul, while avoiding the sight of other Liuhun Street residents. It has changed from being an ordinary one. The extent of the emptiness relied on devouring the soul, and it grew to the level of Yachukas. It was only then that it was discovered, incredible.”

Luan Ju was silent for a long time, and kept shaking his head, saying: “No, I don’t understand, I really don’t understand why such a guy appeared in the corpse soul world. Anyway, Mu Feng, even if you have such a powerful force, but this This kind of emptiness is something we have never met before. For your safety, you must be careful when dealing with him.”

Seeing that Luan Ju was so worried about his safety, Mu Feng hurriedly nodded, “Well, I will be careful. I will not only eradicate it, but also investigate the truth of everything.”

Although he said so, Mu Feng already had another idea in his mind.

That is, this hollow one.

It may not have come to the Soul World from Hollow World…but he was born in the Soul World from the very beginning.

He thought in his heart: Luan Ju’s words reminded me that it was an extremely abnormal thing to appear in the corpse soul world. And their appearance is also conditional. So this hollow, not so much that he came from Hollow World, is better to say that he was brought by someone else, or that he was originally born in the corpse world!

Thinking of this, Mu Feng is very close to the truth.

He thought again: There are only two people who dare to do and have the ability to do this kind of thing in the entire Seireing Palace. One is Nie Yuli, his technology development bureau, should have this kind of technology. However, his predecessor, Kisuke Urahara, had to leave the corpse world because of the Hollow incident, and he took Bengyu with him before he left.

Neyuri shouldn’t be stupid enough to follow in Kisuke Urahara’s footsteps. His experiment, if I remember correctly, should be focused on artificial souls, not hollow. Besides, if it was really what he did, then he reported the matter to Genryuzhai Yamamoto without evasiveness, and applied to be dispatched to deal with that virtual creature, wouldn’t he be self-exposing?

507  After eliminating the possibility of Nirvana, Mu Feng naturally targeted Aizen Sōsuke.

If you think about it this way, everything will work. Aizen has been doing research to break the boundary between virtual and Shinigami. It is reasonable to make such a thing.

“Mu Feng, Mu Feng?”

Luan Ju saw that Mu Feng had been meditating, staring straight at the air in a daze, and called him.

When Mu Feng was called out like this, he immediately recovered, “Huh? What’s the matter?”

Luan Ju blinked, “Did you think of something?”

Regarding Aizen, Mu Feng certainly can’t tell Luan Ju. He rubbed his eyes, “No, I don’t have a clue, it seems that I have to wait until I meet that Hollow.”

Luan Ju said, “Then what do you think?”

“What do you think? What do you mean?”

“Didn’t Captain Yamamoto ask you to cooperate with Neyori to deal with that hollow one? You had some feasts with Neyori before. Are you really planning to cooperate with him?”

“Captain Yamamoto’s order, it’s not easy to disobey.” At this point, Mu Feng showed a smirk, “But…hehe, Captain Yamamoto wants me to assist Neyori, nothing more. If he If you don’t come to beg me, I won’t take the initiative.”.

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