Chapter 932

“Master! So, did you promise to accept me as a disciple and help me become Shinigami?” Ginjo Sorago asked impatiently.

Mu Feng did not answer him immediately, but looked at the floating bamboo.

I saw Fuzhu kept thinking about his chin, frowning.

After a long time, Fu Zhu said, “Indeed, it is not a solution to keep Kunggo hidden. Mu Feng, only this solution you mentioned can fundamentally solve this problem.”

As a matter of fact, the development of the matter to the present situation has completely exceeded Floating Bamboo’s expectations.

At that time, when he rescued Yincheng Konggo, it was only a temporary overflow of sensibility. He didn’t want to see the people saved by his teammate Yamazaki Masayoshi who had sacrificed his life died in vain, so he kept everyone from him and saved him.

I have to say that as the captain, his sensibility at this time is his negligence.

However, Floating Bamboo did not expect that the rushing at this moment would actually bring such troublesome consequences. If he were to choose one more time, he might not choose to save Yincheng Konggo. However, there is no regret medicine in the world, not even in the Soul World. The situation has developed to the point where it is now, and the floating bamboo is also difficult to overcome, and can only go to the black one by one.

Ukitake thought for a while, and asked with his eyebrows, “However, where should I choose the location for training Korgo?! In this Seoring Palace, even if it is my remote 13th division team house, if Any disturbance by Reiatsu will be easy to detect, right? What’s more, the Technical Development Bureau of the 12th Division has been closely monitoring this aspect.”

Mu Feng nodded, “It’s true. The Seireitei people have many eyes. Neither the thirteenth division nor my Kidō people have a place to train freely. So I thought, take Kugo to Liuhun Street. .”

“Liu Hun Street?!”

“That’s what you told me, Master Mu Feng, the dangerous area outside Seireing Palace?”

Mu Feng confirmed, “Yes, it is not surprising how strange Reiatsu appears in Ruukun Street. As long as it is not a dangerous Reiatsu like a virtual reality, Seireitei will not interfere too much. Don’t worry, Sora. I, I will arrange you in a safe area relatively close to Seireing Palace.”

Ukitake asked again, “But, if that’s the case, if you want to teach Kugo, don’t you also have to go in and out of the Seoring Palace frequently?! Mu Feng, as the head of the Kidō, frequently enters and exits the Seoring Palace, I am afraid it will also arouse suspicion. Right.”

Mu Feng smiled slightly, “Don’t worry about this, Senior Floating Bamboo, I have my own way.”

After hearing what Mu Feng said, Floating Bamboo did not ask any more. After all, since Mu Feng came to the thirteenth squad house a few days ago, everything he showed to Fu Zhu was almost like a miracle, which made Fu Zhu have absolute confidence in him.

“It should not be too late, I will take Kongwu to Liuhun Street tonight.”

Fuzhu said, “Tonight? But his injury…”(Read more @

Yincheng Konggo suddenly stood up. He raised his arm and said, “My injury is okay! Just listen to Master, I can go anytime!”

Seeing Mu Feng and Yincheng Kongwu both said this, Fuzhu didn’t say much.

On this day, after eating lunch, Yincheng Kogo returned to his room and continued to rest. In the afternoon, Fu Zhu went to deal with the 13th Division’s team affairs, but Mu Feng did not know where he went.

It was not until the evening, when the sky was almost completely dark, that Mu Feng returned to Yugantang.


When Mu Feng came back, Yincheng Konggo immediately jumped off the bed. His injury seems to have recovered a lot compared to noon, and this speed is already beyond ordinary people’s understanding.

Mu Feng walked into the room, holding two dark cloaks in his hands. He threw one of them to Yincheng Konggo.

“Put it on.”

Gincheng Kōgo looked at the cloak in his hand and said, “This is…”

“This is a cloak that can completely hide Reiatsu. Put it on, and we will leave immediately.”

This afternoon, Mu Feng did not go anywhere else, but went to the 12th Division. In fact, at noon, when he discussed with Ukitake how to leave Seireitei to Ruukun Street, he had already thought of a person in his heart: Kisuke Urahara.

In the original manga, Kisuke Urahara smashed Aizen’s secret experiment in Rukuun Street without being discovered. At that time, it was this kind of cloak that shielded Reiatsu.

Mu Feng thought that although Kisuke Urahara left the world of corpses, the various inventions he left behind should have been collected by Nirvana. Sure enough, Mu Feng used the barrier to hide his figure and sneaked into the Technology Development Bureau in the afternoon, and successfully obtained two cloaks.

Yincheng Konggo got on the cloak honestly, the size of the cloak was just enough to cover his whole body.

“Master Mu Feng, does this cloak… really have such a magical effect?! I don’t seem to feel any changes when I put it on…”

Mu Feng also put on another cloak. Compared with Yincheng Konggo’s 20-year-old sturdy figure, Mu Feng looks only 14 or 5 years old, and this cloak also looks a little generous.

“You are not sensitive to Reiatsu’s perception. Don’t worry about this kind of thing. Next…” Mu Feng waved his arm, and Reiatsu gathered in his right hand was scattered in the air like snow, slowly falling on the two of them. Body.

Yincheng Konggo asked curiously, “What is this again?!”

Mu Feng said, “The enchantment that can hide the figure.”

“Eh? Invisible? If you do 907 Shinigami, can you even do this kind of thing!?”

Mu Feng looked a little impatient, “There is nothing surprising about this kind of thing, right? This kind of blindfold, for the powerful Shinigami, will be seen at a glance. That’s why we have to take advantage of the night to leave. At least, we should be able to The four guards who deceived the four entrances of the guardian Seireitei.”

Yincheng Kongwu scratched his head, puzzled: “Well, Master Mu Feng, can you make it clear? I don’t understand what you are talking about…”

“You don’t need to understand, come with me.” As he said, Mu Feng turned and walked away, “Ten steps away from me, your figure will appear. If you don’t want to be caught, just follow me.”

“Oh oh oh! I understand!” Yincheng Kongwu didn’t dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

The two left the thirteenth squad house smoothly, and as Mu Feng said, they were not discovered by anyone. Immediately afterwards, he passed through the winding corridors of Seireitei until it crossed the walls of Seireitei built with murderous stones, and the journey went smoothly.

Ginjo Sorago turned his head and looked at the Seireitei behind him, and couldn’t help feeling, “God, after walking around, I realized that the so-called Seireitei is so big.

Mu Feng said coldly, “What surprised you is still to come.”

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