Chapter 844

However, the strange thing is that these air waves subsided as soon as they approached Mu Feng. Within a few meters of Mu Feng, the waves still remained calm.

The suction power coming from Kyrgyz Oupi’s body disappeared strangely after entering within a few meters of Mu Feng’s surroundings.

A few meters away from Mu Feng, and within a few meters, there are completely two worlds. Within a few meters, there is a calm sea, and a few meters away, Lingzi is raging everywhere.

After accumulating a considerable number of souls, Kyrgyz Opie’s heart moved, and the suction in his body was reduced, and the Reiatsu gathered around Kyrgyz Opie gradually dissipated.

After the qi wave and Lingzi dissipated, Kyluj Oupi’s figure returned to Mu Feng’s field of vision.

Compared with the previous Kyluj Opi, the current Kyluj Opi, but there has been a slight change, becoming even more dazzling.

Originally, the condensed wings of Reiatsu behind Kyluj Oupi were formed from the condensed Reiatsu, which seemed ordinary and nothing, but now the condensed wings of Reiatsu behind Mu Feng have been covered with a layer. The rich Reiatsu light is more than just the condensed wings of Reiatsu.

Gilluja Ophi’s whole body was covered with a layer of Reiatsu light, and the whole body seemed to be wrapped in Reiatsu.

The Quincy Finishing Eucharist of Gilluj Eupi is extremely simple and extremely complex.

350 is simple because the Quincy Eupis’ Quincy has only one ability to complete the Eucharist, that is, the absolute affiliation of the Lingzi·Shengli. The absolute affiliation of Lingzi·Shengli is evolved from the cluster of Lingzi, simple and practical.

Ever since he became a Quincy, he has been in contact with Lingzi Cluster, and his understanding of Lingzi Cluster has almost gone deep into his bones.

It is undoubtedly much easier to master the absolute affiliation of Lingzi·Shengli on the basis of familiarizing and understanding Lingzi Bundle.

Compared with other members of the Star Cross Knight Order’s Quincy Complete Eucharist, the difficulty in mastering the Eucharist of Cheruji Oupi is almost as low as nothing.

It can be said that just after Quincy had finished the Eucharist, Cheruji Opi had already mastered the ability of the Eucharist to complete the Eucharist.

Simple, simple to master.

However, in this world, there is no such simple and powerful ability. It is not difficult to master, but it is not easy to use it.(Read more @

Shengli is an advanced version of the Lingzi Bundle, which allows Kyluj Opi to decompose and manipulate almost the majority of Lingzi, and Kyluj Opi can also completely absorb these Reiatsu and melt them into his body. .

Reiatsu was absorbed into the body, which made the completion of the Eucharist of Quiluja Opi start to become a little complicated.

Because of the absorption of different Reiatsu, the impact on Kyrgyz Opi is also different. In the original plot, Kyluj Oupi once absorbed Yan Weng’s body.

After absorbing Yan Weng’s body, Kyluj Opi’s body also found some changes. For example, Kyluj Opi’s teeth were replaced by two rows of rugged rectangular teeth, and Reiatsu’s condensed wings appeared behind them. His eyes and left arm became unusually strong, and a white python appeared behind him.

These changes in appearance have many similarities to Yaweng’s original body.

As mentioned before, Shinigami and emptiness are made of Reiatsu. Whether it is Reiatsu in the body or the Reiatsu that constitutes the body, it contains the mind and will in it. Kyluj Oupai absorbed Reiatsu, which contains the mind and will, and its own form. Of course, it will inevitably be affected.

Not only when absorbing the Void or Shinigami’s Reiatsu, the body shape of Kyrgyz Opie will be affected, but also when absorbing ordinary souls, Kyrgyz Opie will also be affected.

For example, most of the Reiatsu absorbed by Kyluj Opi come from Zanpakutō, so Kyluj Opi’s figure will inevitably move closer to Zanpakutō, and the slash will become more powerful.

Of course these changes are only temporary, as long as Kyluj Oupi finishes the extermination of the Eucharist, he will be able to recover.

If you don’t use the form, you have a different increase in your own. Of course, you have to change your combat style (badb) accordingly.

According to the difference in the absorption of the spirit child, the form of Cherube Opi will be different. There are thousands of forms of the spirit child, and there are also thousands of forms of the Cherube Opi.

Therefore, the Quincy Euphoria’s End Eucharist also has a very complicated side. The change in form is the most complicated and most unreliable part of the Eucharist’s Quincy of Cherube.

It can be said that the Quincy Euphoria of Cherokee Euphoria is a kind of panacea.

The abilities of Panacea have one thing in common, that is, it is easy to master but difficult to master.

The Quincy Euphoria of Kyrgyzstan Oupi is undoubtedly in line with this point.

At the moment, these states are one of the most normal states in which Quenter Opi’s Exterminator completes the Eucharist. The Reiatsu absorbed comes from many sources, so there is no obvious tendency.

In this form, the increase of Kyrgyz Oupi is all-round, not only increasing Reiatsu, but also increasing speed, and increasing attack.

Seeing the change of Kyluj Oupi’s form, a hint of surprise flashed in Mu Feng’s eyes.

Although he knows something about Cherube Eupi’s Quincy End Eucharist, he is limited to understanding it. After all the changes in the Eucharist of Gilluja Opi are not in the original story of Shinigami, Mu Feng naturally has no way of understanding.

Therefore, it was the first time that Mu Feng saw the shape change of Gilluj O’Pier. He could feel it. After changing into the shape before his eyes, the momentum of Gilluer O’Pie skyrocketed.

If Giluje Opi, who has finished the Holy Physique, is considered to be a newcomer to the Super Captain level, then the current Giluje Opi may not be considered the pinnacle of the Super Captain level, but it is far away from the Super Captain level. The peak is not far away.

From this it can also be seen that although the rule power controlled by Kyluj Oupai looks inconspicuous, it can also be regarded as a relatively powerful force. Of course, there is still a big gap compared to the rule-defying power that some members of the Star Cross Knights have mastered.


After absorbing enough Reiatsu, Gilluja Opi lightly patted the condensed wings of Reiatsu behind him, and the whole thing suddenly rushed towards Mu Feng like an arrow from the string. The saber in his hand was suddenly raised high and aimed at Mu Feng’s head.

The difference is that this time the saber in the hands of Gilluja Opi is covered with a layer of Reiatsu light, this layer of Reiatsu light is full of sharp meaning, and it is no worse than the blade of the saber.

With this layer of Reiatsu ray, the saber defeated Mu Feng and failed to cut Mu Feng. The sharp edge of Reiatsu’s ray would also injure Mu Feng. Just like just now, Mu Feng once again condensed a Zanpakutō and blocked him. .

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