Chapter 804

After all, Matsumoto Ranju just broke through to the Shikai peak, and there is still a gap between Reiatsu in his body compared to those veteran deputy captains who have been immersed in Shikai peak for a long time.

These two pure energies are enough to push Reiatsu in Matsumoto Ranju’s body to the Shikai limit.

After Reiatsu reached the limit, as soon as Matsumoto Ranju understood Bankai, he could successfully break through to become the captain class.

Under the repair of colorful energy, the wound on Matsumoto Ranju’s soul healed at an extremely fast speed.

As the injury healed, Matsumoto Ranju’s talent gradually began to recover.

The restoration of talent has made the connection between Matsumoto Ranju and Zanpakutō more intimate, and the difficulty of understanding the origin of Zanpakutō has been reduced. Moreover, the restoration of talent also includes the restoration of talent and understanding. The soul has been hit hard, and the one that is most affected is perception.

In the process of healing from the soul injury, Matsumoto Ranju, who was fused with Zanpakutō, only felt that his thinking speed and understanding ability had improved a lot. It took a lot of time to comprehend things that were almost instantaneous. In time, she has been comprehended seven seven eight _ eight.

The improvement of understanding ability made Matsumoto Ranju’s comprehension speed of Zanpakutō’s origin suddenly increased several times.

The increase in talent and understanding has an explosive impact on practice, not linear.

Perhaps only a little improvement in talent perception can make things that need to be carefully studied in the past can be instantly integrated, and in this way, the progress of understanding things will rapidly skyrocket.

In many cases, this is the case. For those who have relatively poor talents and lack of inspiration, it may take a long time to solve a certain problem.

But for those who are more gifted and savvy, similar problems can be solved with just one point.

As long as you increase your talent and understanding, the efficiency of comprehension will increase exponentially.

After the wound on the soul gradually healed, Matsumoto Ranju’s talent and perception were more than just a little improvement.

Before recovering from his injury, Matsumoto Ranju’s talent and understanding can only barely be regarded as excellent. Although he understood Shikai and broke through to the peak of Shikai, he could only stop at the peak of Shikai. Once the injury recovers, Matsumoto Ranju will become a genius comparable to Ichimarugin.

From barely excellent to a genius comparable to Ichimaru Silver, this is a qualitative breakthrough.

Genius, in the world of corpses, often means being able to comprehend Bankai 100% and become a captain.

Matsumoto Ranju, who has recovered his talent, already has the capital to enter the rank of military commander.(Read more @

Even if Mu Feng no longer uses illusion to help Matsumoto Ranju, in the next few years, Matsumoto Ranju will be able to comprehend Bankai through his own efforts and break through to become a captain.

Genius level talent, coupled with Mu Feng’s use of illusion, directly fused Matsumoto Ranju and Zanpakutō, can most intuitively understand the origin of Zanpakutō, even Reiatsu, Mu Feng has been promoted to the Shikai limit.

There is no doubt that under Mu Feng’s series of methods, Matsumoto Ranju successfully started the rocket mode.

I don’t know if Matsumoto Ranju’s soul has been suppressed by the injury for too long, or because Matsumoto Ranju’s original understanding of Zanpakutō is very deep, but his talents are not enough to connect those insights together. As today’s understanding has been improved, these insights have been improved. Successfully connected in series, accumulatively accumulated.

In short, Mu Feng can clearly feel that Matsumoto Ranju, who is immersed in the environmental space, is undergoing transformation at an extremely fast speed, and his whole body unknowingly reveals an astonishing breath, and within a period of time, Matsumoto Ranju’s body is undergoing transformation. The breath is strong.

Mu Feng’s thousands of illusions have long absorbed a trace of Haineko’s origin, and can be transformed into Haineko. As long as Qianhuan can absorb a trace of Zanpakutō’s origin, it can perfectly replicate this Zanpakutō.

The Zanpakutō that Qianhuan transformed into is Zanpakutō in a complete state. The so-called complete state means that both Shikai and Bankai can be performed.

Even the original owner of this Zanpakutō has not yet understood Shikai and Bankai.

Mu Feng can also perform Shikai and Bankai on it.

Matsumoto Ranju’s Haineko and Mu Feng have been transformed many times, and they are familiar with Haineko’s Bankai.

Therefore, Mu Feng can confirm that the breath revealed by Matsumoto Ranju is the breath after Haineko Bankai.

In other words, almost every time, Matsumoto Ranju’s understanding of Bankai deepens.

· ·······Find flowers······

Matsumoto Ranju is hitting Bankai at the moment. For normal Shinigami, when he hit Bankai, there was a little improvement in ten and a half months, and it was already relatively fast. Like Matsumoto Ranju, there is improvement every once in a while. It doesn’t make any difference if you ride the Rockets.

Even more terrifying, Matsumoto Ranju’s progress seemed to have no limits at all. Ever since the soul injury began to recover, Matsumoto Ranju’s progress has been steadily progressing until now, with no signs of weakness.

Judging from this sign, it won’t be long before Matsumoto Ranju will be able to comprehend Bankai in one fell swoop.

Obviously, Mu Feng has already completed his request for Matsumoto Ranju to be a rocket.

Seeing that Matsumoto Luanju’s situation has stabilized, Mu Feng’s attention has slowly returned. He has already done everything that should be done, and Matsumoto Luanju himself is the rest.

0 …

The task of instructing Matsumoto Ranju has been completed, and then it is his turn.

Mu Feng came out this time not only to instruct Matsumoto Luanju to break through Bankai, while pointing Matsumoto Luanju, he also intends to take this opportunity to comprehend Bankai in one fell swoop, lift the third seal, and completely restore his own strength.


With a light wave of his right hand, another barrier appeared out of nowhere, and this barrier separated him from Matsumoto Ranju.

What Matsumoto Ranju needs most now is a quiet experience, and he also needs to adjust his mentality, separated by barriers, without interfering with each other, the most suitable.

After displaying the enchantment and separating himself from Matsumoto Ranju, Mu Feng directly closed his eyes and began to adjust his mentality.

Shocking Bankai is a big deal for most Shinigami, and it is the same for Mu Feng.

Although Mu Feng is an origin-level powerhouse, his Zanpakutō is so special that even he himself could not predict what the situation will be when he hits Bankai. It is the same as when he hit Shikai. Nothing is needed. Working hard, you can understand Shikai with confidence,

You still need to understand the origin of your own Zanpakutō, and then you can understand Bankai.

In short, everything that Mu Feng faces is unknown.

However, he did not feel the slightest anxiety, instead he was full of expectations. .

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