Chapter 580

After a few months, it was enough to smooth out the impact of the accidents caused by the simulation training, and the operation of the soul world was back on track. Matsumoto Ranju returned to Mu Feng’s side and continued to teach Hina Taomori, Rukia, etc. people.

As for Mu Feng, not long after Matsumoto Ranju took over the task of private guidance, she had nothing to teach Mu Feng anymore.

“The King, the mask of flesh and blood, the Vientiane, the one who flaps its wings and flies high, and is named as the name of mankind, the truth and temperance stand on the wall of innocent dreams with only minions! Hadō’s Thirty-three: Blue Fire Fall!”


In the clearing, four chanting sounds suddenly sounded, and the four groups bursting into flames along with the chanting sounds.


Not far away, the wooden stakes specially used as targets were blown apart by the explosion, and countless pieces of sawdust were flying in the air.

In the open space, the number 33 Kidō was practiced. Needless to say, it must be Hina Momori, Rukia and others.

Just like a few months ago, the four of them are still practicing Kidō Canghuo Pendant No. 33.

Still practising the fall of the blue fire, it is not that the four people have made little progress in the three months.

In fact, each number of Kidō on the 99th No. 13 Kidō is not simple. It is not possible to use it through singing, which means that you have mastered this Kidō.

Mastering and being able to perform is nothing more than the foundation for Kidō’s practice.

As mentioned before, Kidō No. 30-40 represents ordinary Shinigami, and Kidō No. 40-50 represents elite Shinigami.

This ordinary Shinigami refers to those ordinary Shinigami who have already entered the 13th Gotei Division.

Any ordinary Shinigami who enters the 13th Division of Gotei can be comparable to Mao’s sixth-time student and can fight against Shinigami.

In each session of Mao, only the top 100 people can pass the entrance examination, enter the Gotei 13 team, and become an ordinary Shinigami.

It is conceivable from this that, corresponding to ordinary Shinigami, 30 to 40 Kidō can be simple.

If it really only needs to be mastered, then freshmen in special training classes such as Hina Momomori and Renji can already enter the 13th Gotei Division.

Just mastering it is far from enough. Only by mastering this level, the Kidō displayed through chanting is only one-third to one-half of the ultimate power of a Kidō.

Therefore, after mastering it, there is still a long way to go.

Not only freshmen, but the second-term students who practiced and mastered Kidō are still the No. 30 Kidō. Only the fourth or even fifth-term students can get in touch with the No. 40 or more Kidō.

In fact, for ordinary Shinigami, Kidō is not that the higher the number, the stronger. An ordinary Shinigami of Reiatsu, even if he masters the Kidō of No. 40 or more, his power is still only at the level of Kidō No. 30, and may not even be comparable.(Read more @


“Bakudō No. Thirty-Nine·Round Gate Fan!”


After the fire fell, the four showed another Bakudō. Under their singing, a circular shield appeared in front of them, protecting their front.

“It’s not bad, Bakudō on the 39th, you are all so proficient, now you can already fight the real and the virtual!”

The four of them had just put away the round shields, a familiar voice suddenly came, and then a figure appeared in front of them out of thin air.

This figure is exactly Mu Feng.

The reason why Mu Feng appeared out of thin air is because Mu Feng just walked out of the barrier, and the barrier is isolated from the inside and outside. Mu Feng walked from the barrier to the outside, and it looked like he appeared out of thin air.

“It’s very good. The talents of the four of you are quite good. I hope you can continue to work hard and don’t let this talent down!”

Matsumoto Ranju, who had been watching behind them, nodded in satisfaction.

To be honest, although she is the private mentor of Mu Feng in name, in fact, in the past few months, Hina Taosen, Rukia and others have been receiving her guidance.

Seeing that the four of them have made such a big improvement, Matsumoto Ranju is of course satisfied.

“Brother Mu Feng, did it end so early today?” After complimenting the four, Matsumoto Luanju turned his attention to Mu Feng.

Compared with the half year before the simulation training, Mu Feng’s life in these few months has undergone tremendous changes. During the six months before the simulation training, Mu Feng worked hard to improve Reiatsu and practice Kidō almost all the time. The rhythm of life was extremely regular.

Since the end of the simulation training, Mu Feng’s life has changed. It is far from as hard as before. Instead, he has become casual and willful. From time to time, he will find an excuse to end his practice early. Sometimes, they simply don’t enter the enchantment to practice Kidō.

If it weren’t for Matsumoto Ranju’s understanding of Mu Feng, I’m afraid that all would have thought that Mu Feng was swollen at this time.

After all, after the simulation training battle, Mu Feng’s genius name resounded almost throughout the corpse soul world.

Although he did not believe that Mu Feng stopped practicing hard because he was complacent, Matsumoto Luanju had never figured out why such a change occurred in Mu Feng.

It’s normal for Matsumoto Luanju to not understand it. She doesn’t understand Mu Feng, and of course she doesn’t understand the reason.

Before the simulation training, to be precise, before breaking through to the captain level, the reason why Mu Feng practiced assiduously is because of his inner discomfort and sense of crisis.

As a former Tiandao-level, suddenly became an ordinary person, Mu Feng must practice hard, strive to break the seal as soon as possible, and restore his own strength.

Moreover, 097 is in the corpse soul world, a place where the weak and the strong, only strength can give him a sense of security.

After breaking through the captain level, it’s different. Breaking through the captain level and opening the second seal, Mu Feng now has a certain degree of self-protection ability.

As long as Mu Feng does not die and provokes a limited number of terrible powerhouses, no one can help him.

With the power of self-preservation, the sense of crisis in my heart gradually faded.

Without the sense of crisis, Mu Feng would not have the motivation to work hard.

In addition to this reason, there is another reason, and that is the system.

After trying to improve Reiatsu several times in a short time, how could Mu Feng be willing to continue to improve Reiatsu a little bit.

With the shortcut to the south, and normal practice, it seems a little tasteless.

Moreover, Mu Feng is not without practice. Since the last time the Reiatsu in his body skyrocketed, he has been polishing the Reiatsu in his body to make the Reiatsu in his body as pure as possible to facilitate the next improvement.

Polishing the body Reiatsu can be done anytime, anywhere, and there is no need to do it.

As for Kidō, Mu Feng’s current state of mind and spirit is at the level of heaven. He can easily perform what kind of Kidō under the high-rise building, which greatly reduces the time for practice.

In this way, Mu Feng undoubtedly became a lot more leisurely. .

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