Chapter 736

Marine, the Kingdom of Djerma, and the Donquixote Family have so much fanfare. If the people in the shooting club didn’t realize it, it would be different from the blind.

The situation is still very bad, and when they realize it, they have been surrounded by trilateral horses, and they have fallen into a situation where it is difficult to fly.

Right now, the only option left to them is to stick to the club and wait for reinforcements.

In order to defend the Ratman Beta, the Wade family and the Modri ​​royal family left a total of four masters in the shooting club, a team of ten armed prosthetic users and a hundred-man combat group.

This is a very strong combat power, which should have been sufficient to deal with a surprise attack by any force. But it is a pity that in the face of the siege of the three major organizations, no matter how strong the defense is, it is not enough.

At the beginning of the battle, three of the four masters of the shooting club were led away, and one was sitting in the dungeon where the Ratman Beta was held.

The Ratman Beta was their last resort, and both families knew this. When it is not a last resort, they dare not make the act of burning jade and stone.

Thanks to Itachi’s excellent intelligence detection capabilities, all this information appeared in Qin Luo’s hands. If necessary, Qin Luo has to clear some obstacles so that the people of Djerma Kingdom can rescue the Ratman Beta.

Fighting took place in every corner of the shooting club. The three forces did not please anyone, and all encountered stubborn resistance from the club.

Any house in the shooting club will become a trench-like place. As long as the Ratman Beta is not found, the three forces will not give up searching for these houses and looking for the basement mentioned in the intelligence. The most intense competition is the most central building.

At the beginning, the three forces of Marine, Donquixote Family and the Kingdom of Djerma were able to exercise restraint. Even if you encounter it accidentally, you will keep your distance and separate. Doflamingo, Aokiji and the old Vinsmok did not appear here, just for this kind of tacit understanding, to avoid unnecessary casualties.

But everyone knows that this kind of tacit understanding is only temporary, and when there are fewer and fewer places to occupy, the struggle between the three forces will be inevitable.

The script tonight is destined to be a chaos.

Besides, there are people like Qin Luo and others. They are not just watching the show.

A small group of Marine and a small group of Don Quixote’s pirates entered a shooting gallery converted from a warehouse at the same time. Because they entered from the left and right entrances, the two teams did not meet at the beginning.

The enemies in the shooting gallery were killed, and people on both sides discovered this. However, since they came, they had to investigate, and neither team gave up continuing to search the shooting gallery.

The two teams met unexpectedly in the central indoor shooting range.

“It’s you.”


Marine is on one side and the pirates on the other. They are irreconcilable parties, so they won’t have any good looks after they meet. The people on both sides stared fiercely, and in the end, it was the Donquixote Family who planned to avoid the war and retreat.(Read more @

With a beep, the moving target device in the shooting range suddenly started, and then a gunshot sounded, and the target that had just moved was knocked down.

The sudden change shocked the two retreating crews. Only then did they discover that there was an extra person on a sofa in the room, and he was still holding a smoking shotgun in his hand. What happened just now is clearly his masterpiece.

“Kacha”, the two sides pointed their guns at him at the same time.

And this person is Qin Luo who disappeared for a while.

“Right, don’t hurry to go when you are all here, play with me.”

Not allowing the two teams to refuse, Qin Luo snapped his fingers, and the doors of the retreat position of the two teams closed automatically, as did the windows in the room, locking everyone including Qin Luo in the shooting range. The music sounded and the moving target popped up again.

“No matter who you are, you have the wrong idea.”

“This person is very suspicious. He must know something. I’ll catch him first before talking.”


Qin Luo didn’t pay attention to the people on both sides at all. He swayed with the beat and shot down the targets with his shotgun. Qin Luo didn’t worry about the strangeness here being discovered. After the two teams entered the shooting range, Qin Luo used repulsive force to arrange a layer of sound insulation tape outside the entire building.

Pretend to be a ghost, and play mystery. People on both sides seemed dissatisfied with Qin Luo, but none of them dared to do it first.


Qin Luo murmured. I don’t know if it’s the people on both sides or the moving target shooting… Another snap, Marine and Donquixote Family members all floated up. Qin Luo creates a space in the room where repulsive and gravitational forces are mixed with each other.

The panicked people found that their bodies and weapons were completely out of control.

The sudden change of music is like an open light. The indoor shooting range instantly turns into a drum washing machine, but it’s not clothes, but people.

The turbulence disrupted the layout of the shooting range, and the most miserable was the Marine and Donquixote Family members who were caught in it.

Various collisions and chaotic repulsive gravitational forces, swords that are out of control don’t care who is being stabbed, and there are many unlucky ghosts who die from all kinds of swords.

This doesn’t mean that the gun is safe. Qin Luo always grabs the gun flowing by his side and slams it into the surrounding area.

Qin Luo had a lot of fun. When the music ended, the chaotic repulsion disappeared, and debris and corpses rolled all over the shooting range. The chaos is just like having just experienced a melee.

“Mosimosi, Lieutenant, what’s the situation on your side, please answer.”

In a quiet environment, the sound seemed unusually abrupt. Qin Luo immediately found the source of the sound, the only Captain Marine who was let off by Qin Luo.

The second lieutenant was still dizzy, so Qin Luo snatched the phone worm from him.

Qin Luo made a silent motion against the ensign, and felt that it was not appropriate to put a soundproof layer on the phone bug.

“According to 5.3 and do as I said, how about I let you die.”

The ensign nodded frantically.

“Then you can say something, just say something casually.”

Although it was strange Qin Luo’s request, the second lieutenant did so.

Qin Luo nodded in satisfaction, and then the ensign’s nightmare began. He found that his mouth couldn’t open anymore. And Qin Luo said to the phone worm: “It’s the Donquixote Family, they attacked us, damn it.”

The ensign was horrified, because Qin Luo’s voice was exactly the same as his.

“I said I will let you go.” Qin Luo stuffed the phone worm into the ensign’s hand, and the person suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the closed door was kicked open. It was the Donquixote Family. Seeing the miserable scene in the shooting range, they did not hesitate to pull the trigger at the unspeakable ensign.

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