One Piece Food System

Chapter 273 Punishment and Rewards

Because, without exception, the people Binz just mentioned are all students of Zefa, and most of them should be said to be his favorite students and his former pride.

The world is filled with peaches and plums, which is a perfect word to describe Zefa. However, he had never thought before that one day he would be hunted down by these proud disciples.

Two days later, Zefa and his party were finally blocked in the offshore waters of an unnamed island by the men and horses pursued by the navy.

This time, in order to capture Zefa, the Navy gave him enough face.

In addition to a group of strong men led by 'Kizaru', there were also nine naval warships, which directly blocked all Zefa's escape routes by outflanking him on the sea.

Forced to have no choice, Zefa and his party could only fight and retreat until they retreated to the unknown island.

"Teacher Zefa, do you really want to waste your time? Come back with me. Considering the achievements you have made, neither the Navy nor the World Government can really imprison you in the Deep Sea Prison. 'It's just some ordinary punishment at most, why are you doing this?"

'Kizaru' stepped onto the island and spoke slowly.

"Porsalino, I guessed that it would be you. How could you miss such an opportunity to add insult to injury..." Zefa sneered again and again.

"This is not adding insult to injury, this is saving you, teacher. As your student, Teacher Zefa, I can't bear to see you take the wrong path." 'Kizaru' shrugged.

"Whatever you say, in short, it is impossible for me to go back with you. If you can, just take my body back." Zefa said contemptuously.

"Then I can only offend you more, my dear teacher." 'Kizaru' said lightly.


The two of them suddenly collided without any warning!

The speed of 'Kizaru' was really astonishing. The moment after he disappeared, he appeared in front of Zefa and launched a violent attack on him!

However, Zefa was not afraid of him and accepted the challenge calmly.

When the two started fighting, everyone on both sides moved back a lot to avoid being affected by the fight between the two. After all, these were two general-level figures fighting.

One is the predecessor and the other is the current one, but neither of them can be interfered by bystanders.

It is worth mentioning that when 'Kizaru' fought with Zefa, the elite lieutenant generals who followed 'Kizaru' did not take the opportunity to attack Zefa's men.

At the same time, on the other side of the Grand Line, Leifa has also arrived at [Fishman Island].

With almost no effort, he found the person he came to pay a special visit to this time - the mermaid Charlie, Aaron's sister, a person who can also sense the trajectory of 'destiny'.

"Brother Leifa, you're here." Charlie was very happy when she saw Leifa. She almost blurted out the words "big bad guy", but she changed her words.

After all, she is no longer a little girl now, and Refa's identity is different now. Calling her the same name as before would still be somewhat inappropriate.

"I came in a hurry and didn't say hello in advance. Don't be surprised." Refa smiled.

"Are you here to see Aaron and Brother Aladdin? They happen to not be here. I can inform them for you." Charlie said.

"No need, I came here specifically to see you." Refa shook his head.

"See me?" Charlie pointed to herself, slightly surprised.

"Well, I just learned something not long ago, which is related to you and the person I mentioned to you who plotted against me once, so I plan to ask you something."

Xia Li looked slightly serious, waiting for Lei Fa's next words.

"Someone told me that in history, whenever a drastic change was about to occur, a group of people who called themselves the 'Apostles of Destiny' would appear on the sea. They had the ability to sense 'destiny' and would choose a 'seed' 'Assist..." Refa began to tell Charlie what he knew about the 'Apostle of Destiny', hoping to get more information from Charlie.

What made him feel that his trip was not in vain was that Charlie listened and responded.

But he saw that she suddenly closed her eyes and did not speak immediately. When Leifa saw this, he also noticed that she was strange. He did not call her, but just waited quietly.

About a minute later, Charlie opened her eyes again, with a complicated look on her face.

"Brother Leifa, you guessed it right, I am also one of the 'Apostles of Destiny'." Charlie said.

"What happened to you just now?" Refa asked.

"I didn't actually know this at first, but when Brother Leifa mentioned these things, it was like a part of the memory in the depths of my mind was touched, and it suddenly popped up, about Brother Leifa you just said The memory of those things said..."

"You mean, extra memories out of thin air?" Leifa felt a little incredible.

"Well, yes, I'm sure I didn't know those things originally, but just now, these memories naturally appeared in my mind." Charlie nodded, "These memories contain The things are roughly what you mentioned, Brother Leifa, with just a few more details. Moreover, judging from this memory, I also have to choose a 'seed'."

"What's the reason?" Refa quickly asked.

This is something that Robin cannot explain and is not recorded in historical documents.

"I'm still not completely sure about this." Charlie shook her head and said, "What I can know from this memory is that I must choose a 'seed' as soon as possible, otherwise I will very likely lose my sense of 'destiny' ability, even being rejected by 'destiny', leading to accidental death... In addition, after selecting the 'seed', if the 'seed' dies midway, I will also be directly deprived of my status as the 'apostle of fate'. Become an ordinary person.”

"However, if the 'seed' successfully reaches the end, I will be able to get a huge benefit. What this benefit is specifically, there is no specific content in my memory, but it is definitely a destiny that can make me and all The apostle's desperate desire," said Charlie.

"Is that so? It's quite close to what I guessed." Refa pondered.

The choice made by the 'Apostle of Destiny' is probably like a gamble. If you lose the bet, you will be directly deprived of your identity. And if you win the bet, the reward will be very considerable.

Charlie didn't know this, probably because she was still young, and maybe 'Poison Q' and the others already knew the reward for winning the bet.

But no matter what, no matter what the reward for winning the bet is, these people will never allow themselves to fail. Even if it is a bet without a winning prize, they will never lose!

Therefore, Lei Fa’s plan to force out ‘Poison Q’ by calculating ‘Blackbeard’ should be completely feasible. ‘Poison Q’ will definitely not be able to sit back and watch ‘Blackbeard’ encounter a big crisis! (To be continued.)

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